Laver - The Molten Sea – Sea of Glass
By Deborah Morris with Valerie Richards
We will see a biblical pattern found in the Laver just as we see the progression from the Outer Court of washing in the Word to the Holy Place of being baptized in the Spirit to the Holy of Holies where we become one with our Lord and Savior.

Intercession/Entreat – Extension of Christ
Intercession is an extension of the ministry of Jesus through His body, the church, for the purpose of reconciliation of the world to Him or between Satan and humanity for the purpose of enforcing the victory of Calvary.

Let there be Light - Part 3 - The Second Day
Genesis 1:6-8 - Then God said, "Let there be an expanse (firmament, heaven) in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters."

Light Restrained by Our Affections - Part 2
Genesis 1:3 - Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light (morning, New day, lightning, sun).

In the Beginning Darkness Covered the Earth - Part 1
Genesis 1:1-2 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (2) the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. 

Garden and Paradise - The Same Place
The Garden of God was the place where heaven and earth met together in the very person of Adam.

The First Adam VS. The Last Adam - Christ's Living Spirit

Satan is the god of the world to the unbeliever.

The environment that God purposed for man to walk in - in Him

Which tree are you eating from?

Christ in me, the incorruptible seed

Greater is He That is in Me
Walking in resurrection life

Prophetic Word for Now
What God is Speaking in the Earth for This Time and Season

The Woman Controversy
The scriptural truth that has been taken out of context about women

Miracle Power For Your Desperate Hour - by Steve Morris
Keys to Unlocking super natural faith

David's Three Mighty Men - By Roxanne Sapp

Birthing the Overcomers - By Roxanne Sapp

Where Are You? - By Timothy Richards

Matter - By Timothy Richards