Dream Dictionary

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Abdominal Cramps

Fear; Stopping the process.


Fermenting thoughts over hurts, slights and revenge.


To hurt or injure by maltreatment, misuse. To attack with contemptuous, coarse, or insulting words; revile. An unjust or wrongful practice. A rude expression intended to offend or hurt.


Inability to speak up for the self; Rebellion against authority; Belief in violence.


Longing for love; longing to be held.

Acid (See Vinegar)

Cutting or corrosive words; bitter; revenge (as in carrying an offense); The quality of being sarcastic, bitter, or scornful; to be sour (attitude, words spoken, i.e., acid tongue); sharp, biting, or hurtful in speech or manner; ill-natured in mood or manner; caustic (Scriptures: Proverb 25:18, Psalm 64:3, Hebrews 12:15, Acts 8:23).


Not accepting the self; dislike of the self.

Adder (Asp); (See Asp, Cobra)

Snapping serpent; “fiery serpent”; Asp, type of venomous snake, like the cobra or horned viper. Pharaohs used them as a symbol of their power over life and death. This creature will not bother anyone or anything until somebody steps on it or it feels threatened, then it strikes or lashes out.


Running from the self; fear; not knowing how to love self.

Adrenal Problems

Defeatism; no longer caring for the self; anxiety.


Aimless; without direction; doubting; needing power; driven by circumstances/troubles.


Having an affair with the world, power, money, greed, position of titles and labels. Intimately sharing your heart with another who is not your spouse; worldliness; spiritual adultery – unfaithful to God (worship of other gods, worshiping ministry, people, material things, etc. instead of God.) Literal adultery; lust issue; heart stronghold; work of the flesh. Having an affair with no commitment. (Scriptures: Matthew 5:27,28; Proverbs 6:32 & 7:23, James 4:4, Jeremiah 3:8-9 & 7:9, Ezekiel 16:31-32, Hosea 4:13, Revelation 2:22, Exodus 20:14, Jeremiah 29:23; Matthew 5:28, & 15:19; 2 Peter 2:14, Galatians 5:19).

Affair (See Adultery)

Person or church seduced by the world. (Scripture: Hosea 2:5).


“These people”


The practice or habit of launching attacks. Hostile or destructive behavior or actions. A feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack. Violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked. Deliberately unfriendly behavior.

Air conditioner

Movement of the Holy Spirit. Negative: Faulty air conditioner - Hindering the movement of the Holy Spirit. (Scripture: John 3:8).

Air Freshener

The anointing of the Holy Spirit; the sweet aroma of praise. (Scripture: Isaiah 61:1-3).


Ascending to new heights; spiritual ministry or church; high profile ministry (or highflyer); Freedom in the Spirit. Negative: man-made limitation of the Spirit.


Waiting for destiny or ministry; transfer of ministries; spiritual grounding; spiritual refueling; waiting on the Holy Spirit for direction. (Scripture: Isaiah 40:31).


From Alabama River by early European explorers and named "Alibamu" after the local Indian tribe. Known as: “Yellowhammer State”; “The Heart of Dixie”; “The Cotton State”; Motto: “We dare defend our rights”; Montgomery is their capitol; State was full of cotton plantations; Also was part of slave trade.


The perfume of worship. The breaking of the alabaster refers to its seal, not to the box itself. Alabaster stone is very soft, thus good for carving. The color is usually white, but may be gray, yellow, or red. Many articles were fashioned from this stone, including vases, jars, saucers, bowls, lamps, and statues. The pouring forth of the alabaster’s precious contents pictures true worship. The Hebrew word for “worship” means “to humble self, prostrate (in homage); bow down.” The Greek proskuneo (Strong’s #4352) means to kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand; to crouch, to prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence, to adore). (Scriptures: Genesis 22:5, Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9, Luke 7:36-50, John 4:23-24).


Warning, of spiritual attack, or of judgment (fire alarm – fire is to purge and purify us, destroy our carnal nature). (Scripture: Joel 2:1).


Corruption of Aleut word meaning “great land” or “that which the sea breaks against”, “Object to which the action of the sea is directed.” Known as: “The Last Frontier”. Motto: “North to the Future” Capitol: Anchorage.


Feeling of futility, guilt, inadequacy; self-rejection; escapism.

Algum Tree

Symbol of Christ's humanity.


Adverse reaction, feeling of opposition; dislike; caused by an allergy (hypersensitivity); super sensitive.


Denying your own power; adverse reaction, feeling of opposition; dislike; caused by an allergy (hypersensitivity); super sensitive.

(See Crocodile)

Legalism, traditions and doctrines of men, and judgment. religious spirit, ancient; evil out of the past; danger, destruction; evil spirit; or slander & gossip (big mouth); aggression. Alligators are member of Crocodile family.

*Alligators – there are always three alligator spirits that work together; they are legalism, traditions and doctrines of men, and judgment. Each on its own is dangerous but when they join with the tail in the mouth of the other alligators forming a pyramid a doorway for psychic spirits to enter is formed. Alligators are a member of the Crocodile family.

1.    Psyche – goddess of the soul, this is a spirit of mind control, a person operating under this spirit will analyze everything. This spirit opens the door for familiar spirits of fortune telling, and all other Psychic spirits. You will always find this spirit when the alligators form a pyramid but she words even more often with Eros.
2.    Eros – god of sexual love, this is a Principality of lust and lasciviousness. This spirit not only works with Psyche but with Aphrodite and Hermes.

Crocodiles – These are serpentine spirits of deception. They work in patterns, and cause people to form habits. These spirits fight change in any form, always clinging to the way things are or were. Crocodiles make people believe that the old way is always the best way if not the only way. They fight each new way of the Spirit of God. They bring in dogma and attack the foundation of things. These spirits bring about a form of godliness that denies the power of God. Crocodiles open the door for the alligators to enter.

Sebek – Crocodile spirit that causes one to worship the past and see it as always better then the present. (*Information from Serpentine Spirits and the Spirits that Work with Them).

Almond Tree

Symbol of Christ's resurrection; resurrection power; watchful; fruitfulness.


Changed or exchanged, transformation, glorification.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Refusal to deal with the world as it is; hopelessness and helplessness; anger.


Shepherdess; Belladonna lily. Negative: pride


A governmental representative of authority of God, messenger, craftsman of Spirit, prophet, apostle. A diplomatic official of the highest rank. (Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:20).


• Hard, translucent, brownish-yellowish orange, sometimes a glowing bronze, fossil resin of pine trees.
• Distinctive sweet fragrance
• Mainly found along the Baltic coasts of Poland, the Soviet Union, and Greece [in ancient ruins of Mycenae City].

Meaning: The presence and brilliance of the glory of God in judgement, purification and sanctification. (Scriptures: Ezekiel 1:4, 27, 8:2, John 1:14, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Hebrews 1:3).


Warning of sickness, or of serious accident, or of death; need of prayer; help; emergency (ambulance with a siren); urgency.


Not wanting to be a woman; dislike of the self.


Amer means "heavenly," and ric means "kingdom." It literally means "the Heavenly Kingdom," or the Kingdom of Heaven.


• Rich purple to blue- violet color of transparent quartz.
• The finest of these gems come from Brazil and Uruguay.
• It is the 9th stone decorating the high priests breastplate.

Meaning: The royal priesthood, kingship and majestic; Son of the right hand, exaltation; “dream stone”; Amethyst was the third stone in the third row of Aaron’s breastplate – on this ninth stone was engraved the name of the tribe of Benjamin. The amethyst was also included in the foundation of the New Jerusalem. (Scriptures: Genesis 35:18, Exodus 28:19, 39:1, Revelation 3:21, 21:20).


Anaconda - (A member of the Python family) Principality of poverty. This spirit causes poverty, discouragement, depression, and oppression. It will tell you that you can never succeed and that there is no way out of your situation. It always brings a spirit of anger and rage especially against those in authority.


Jesus Christ; security; hope; stability; support; trustworthy; anchor of the soul. (Scriptures: Acts 27:29-30, 40, Hebrews 6:18-20, 1 Peter 1:3, 2 Peter 1:19).


“Yes-but” attitude; lack of joy; fear of life, not feeling good enough.


Messenger of God; guardian; ministering angels; Angel of God’s presence; God’s servants; ambassador; angels His reapers; His assistant; pastor; prophet, priest, or teacher. Negative: angel of light spirit (Satan). (Scriptures: Hebrews 1:7, 1:14, Rev 22:6).


Literal anger; fear; frustration; insecurity; blocked goals; jealousy; grief; provocation; a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility. A feeling of extreme annoyance or displeasure. Resentment; wrath; rage. The following denote varying degrees of marked displeasure:
     • Anger (in general) is strong displeasure.
     • Rage and fury imply intense, explosive, often destructive emotion.
     • Wrath applies specifically to anger that seeks vengeance or punishment.
     • Resentment refers to indignant, smoldering anger generated by a sense of grievance.
     • Indignation is righteous anger at something wrongful, unjust, or evil.


Bitter hostility or open enmity; active hatred; resentment, bitterness, malice, antagonism, ill will, animosity, malevolence, malignity (highly dangerous or injurious, deadliness, malicious, to malign, hatred, spiteful, vindictive, vengeful, venom; cancer, malignant). Animosity seeks to gain a cause or destroy an enemy or rival, generated from hatred or self-interest. Malice seeks revenge for the sake of giving pain.


Inflexibility and guilt. Ankles represent the ability to receive pleasure. They also represent our walk, support, base/foundation, and new standing.


 “To rub or smear with oil, to anoint”. That which is authorized, consecrated, set apart; divine glory, presence, equipping, and blessing. To anoint is to consecrate and ordain a person or thing for a particular office, function, or service. Empowerment by the Holy Spirit for service. The word “anointing” was used in connection with healing and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
(Scriptures: 1 John 2:27, Exodus 40:15, Exodus 37:29, Luke 24:49).


Denying the self-life; extreme fear, self-hatred and rejection.


Living in colonies that have a complex social organization. Harvester ant. These tiny insects settle near grain fields, carrying seed into their private storehouses. In cold weather the ants cluster together and hibernate, with food stored up until the next harvest. Socially and militarily organized, the ants have nests that are elaborately constructed. Industrious; wise; diligent; prepared for the future; nuisance; stinging or angry words; wisdom in preparation.

(Scriptures: Proverb 6:6-8, 30:25, Matthew 9:37-38, John 4:14, 17:4).

A state of restless impatience - “ants in your pants”; also, ants can represent something that is “bugging” you or small annoyances.

Bible dictionary – Ant – work, industry; wise organization.


Seeing someone’s anus may mean that you have been offended by them; abomination; the excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal; Anal-retentive or anal – includes, personality traits like, orderliness, meanness, stubbornness, compulsive, meticulous, rigid, and ungenerous. In other words, wanting things your way – controlling; being fixated on having things a certain way.


Not trusting the flow and the process of life.


Resistance to feeling, deadening of the self; fear.


Christ. From the Greek word Apostolos – meaning sent forth, one sent, “a sent out one”; church- planter; miracle worker. Lays foundations and operates in all five offices (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher). Ephesians 4:11 – equipping the saints and building up the body of Christ.

Appetite, Excessive

Fear, needing protection, judging the emotions.


Jesus Christ (He is the Apple Tree in the Song of Solomon), the living Word of God. The apple tree was described as sweet and fragrant, golden, and suitable for shade. Spiritual fruit; temptation; something precious like the apple of God’s eyes; prized possession (apple of the eye); Symbol of New York City. (Scriptures: Proverb 25:11, Song of Solomon 2:3-5, 7:8, 8:5, John 1:1-18, 6:63).

The apple is used figuratively to show how precious we are to God, and how extremely sensitive He is to our wants. As the apple (pupil) of His eye, we are cherished by God – He knows our every need (Ps. 17:8; 23:1; Phil 4:19).

• “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”


Aphrodite's month; Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and beauty.


A serving minister. (Scriptures: John 13:4; Acts 6:1-7).

(See Arrows, Bows)

God’s messengers, executing and declaring God’s Word that destroys the enemy. Negative: Discharging piercing words; user of hurtful words; a person who wounds; Negative: Discharging piercing words; user of hurtful words; a person who wounds; man or woman of the flesh/world.


God’s Apostolic (master-builder). (Scriptures: Psalm 127:1, 1 Corinthians 3:9-10).


Uncertain. Perhaps from the O'odham Indian word for “little spring” Known as: “The Grand Canyon State,” “The Copper State.” Motto: “God enriches.” Capitol: Phoenix.


From the Quapaw Indians. Meaning: “land of the downriver people,” “people of the south wind.” Known as: “The Natural State,” “The Land of Opportunity”. Motto: “The people rule.” Capitol: Little Rock.


Represents the capacity and ability to hold the experiences of life.

Armoire (Wardrobe, Closet)

Armoire - a large cabinet, originally used for storing weapons; wardrobe, closet, storage place for clothing (identity) or costumes.


Christ divine protection by implementing His Word and the Holy Spirit. Offensive weapon. Negative: Protecting your flesh. (Scriptures: Ephesians 6:10-18, 1 Samuel 17:38-39).


Power, might, strength of the body; enabler of ministry; God’s power (to deliver). Negative: man’s strength, ability and power. (Scriptures: Isaish 53:1, 59:16, Jeremiah 32:17, John 12:38, Acts 1:8).


God’s overcoming spiritual army. Spiritual force executing God’s plan; in spiritual warfare; those spiritually in unity with His Word and Spirit (Scriptures: Ephesians 6:12, Joel 2:7).


To stop; check; to seize and hold under the authority of law; to capture and hold briefly; the act of detaining; the act of stopping; the state of inactivity following an interruption.


We are the "select arrows," piercing words, shaft, spear, warrior. Arrows pierce like lightning, (a flaming two-edged sword) that pierces the darkness bringing forth illumination, revelation and understanding). Cease from illegal activity. Negative: False witness; of accusations and evil words; judgment; adversity. (Scriptures: Isaiah 49:2-6, Psalm 127:3-5).


Carry the joy of life.

Arthritic Fingers

A desire to punish, blame, feeling victimized.


Feeling unloved; criticism, resentment. – Rheumatoid Arthritis: Feeling victimized; lack of love; chronic bitterness/unforgiveness; inflamed within; deep criticism of authority; feeling very put upon (feel you are treated badly by someone who takes advantage of your willingness to help them or by being asked to do an excessive amount of work); bondage; need the Word of God (medicine) (Heb. 4:12).

Artifacts (Ancient)

Foundational Bible truths, things that tell of ancient ways of life; made by skilled artificers (inventors). (2 Chronicles 34:11-14 - (craftsmen, artificers, faithful to rebuild the temple, God gave them the plan, the Word of God).

(See Adder, Cobra)

Angel of light spirits that twist the truth; Egyptian cobra, formerly used by the Pharaohs as a symbol of their power over life and death; venomous snake, viper (A person regarded as malicious, spiteful or treacherous), pit viper, horned viper, etc.


An assembling of different parts to create a whole; joining, construction or building up; a company of persons together at one place, esp. for one purpose; a gathering, a uniting, company, council, meeting, multitude. A bugle call summoning troops to fall into ranks in the assembly area; Not forsaking the assembling, which is above, higher than all gatherings in the exalted place, which is in Christ, the life-giving Spirit. (Scriptures: Numbers 10:1-10, Hebrews 12:23, 10:25).


Chronic inflammatory disease - disorder. (Inflamed – to arouse or become aroused to violent emotion; angry; aggravate; arouse passions) Caused by allergens (allergic - adverse reaction – when we react in an adverse way), exercise (feeling overworked; dead works of the flesh – religious works), infections (corruption of another's opinions, beliefs, etc.), and stress (not allowing God to take or carry our burdens – lack of trusting God). Smother love; Inability to breathe for one’s self; Feeling stifled; Suppressed crying; lack of freedom in the Holy Spirit (the Breath of God).

Athlete’s Foot

Frustration at not being accepted; inability to move forward with ease.

Atomic Bomb

Power of the Spirit; consuming fire; outpouring; the day of the Lord/judgment; sudden destruction.


Head/mind/thought; remembered (old memories); history; past issues; family history, place where old things are stored away; spiritual realm.


Being examined; being assessed; weighed in the balance; judgment; need to put your affairs in order. (Scripture: Daniel 5:27-28).


A trial performance; to evaluate a person in a trial performance to demonstrate suitability or skill. The act of hearing [to hear]; the act, sense, or power of hearing; ability to hear; tested. This speaks of being tested through trials to be refined in the character of Christ Jesus. These trials teach us how to discern or hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and be led by Him.


Augustus Caesar's month; Augustus Caesar clarified and completed the calendar reform of Julius Caesar. In the process, he also renamed this month after himself.


Married Christian sister; actual aunt; an aunt could speak about her character, name, or type of profession. Negative: a familiar spirit (a way of thinking or character traits that have been passed down).


South China

Auto Accident

Warning; ministry threat; mistake or catastrophe; potential clash of people; confrontation or conflict; an attack on the destiny or ministry.

Auto, Stolen

Enemy robbing you of your movement in Spirit; promise or destiny stolen; authority stolen.


Ministry or ministry gift; movement in Spirit. Also look up the names of automobiles; what type of vehicle it is. This can give you character traits and the type of movement you are living in, either the Spirit or your flesh. (Example: SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) living in entertainment, rather than in the movement of the Spirit and productivity, etc. Depending on the context of your dream.) The make of the vehicle (Example: Dodge Ram – this could mean you are moving in a powerful ministry, the ram (power and strength) representing Christ and the overcomers.) Negative: Authority issue (vehicle with no roof – no covering spiritually).


Alert; watchful; resurrection; salvation; stirred spiritually.