Dream Dictionary

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A money driven ministry or person; the road you are traveling down is costing you (you as a passenger).


Used in medicine chiefly as a mild stimulant and to treat certain types of headaches; caffeinated; highly stimulated by caffeine. Stimulant, a chemical agent that temporarily arouses or accelerates activity (increases activity).


Trying to keep something under control, bondage, being confined, restrictions, choking the Spirit.


Something of your own making (flesh); divine provision or sustenance.


Keep account of; enter as debit; evaluate; pass judgment.


Trying to figure, or work it out in the natural, trying to solve the problem; reason in your natural thinking.


Praise; thanksgiving. Negative: idol – golden calf.


From a book, Las Sergas de Esplandián, by Garcia Ordóñez de Montalvo, c. 1500. Known as: “The Golden State.” Motto: Eureka (I have found it). Capitol: Sacramento.


Hardened concepts and ideas. Fear solidified.


Service; burden bearer; chew the cud – ruminate – symbolic of meditating on the Word of God or something. They are adaptable for surviving long periods of time in desert regions without food or water. Endurance; long journey; ungainly (not graceful). Bible meaning: Vehicle for walking through tribulation. (Scriptures: Genesis 24:10-22, Leviticus 11:4, Matthew 10:24, Acts 14:22).


Focusing (on an image); publicity; memories; fame.


Seer, prophet; focused individual.


Shrimp River


Deep hurt. Longstanding resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds. Malignant – malicious, spiteful, hurtful, vicious, bitter, harmful, hostile, malign. (See, Animosity)


Feeling very scattered. Lots of frustration and anger. Demanding and untrusting in relationships. Great takers.

(See Candlestick)

Believer, the Holy Spirit; God’s Word; Church; that which produces light, illumination; to shine; revelation.


Light: illumination; the power of the Holy Spirit (the anointing oil to flow through the Candlestick) to give revelation and understanding of Truth that transforms the mind and heart of the believer. The Candlestick in the Tabernacle and in the Temple represent the nine fruits (character of Christ) and nine gifts of the Holy Spirit (power of Christ to edify the body of Christ, His church, for ministry); the life and ministry of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit through His Church (the Bride, the Ecclesia (Called out ones) Church, the Body of Christ).

The Candlestick had seven branches: the central main shaft which represents Christ, and six additional branches (the believer, the body of Christ) that were connected to the main shaft that the oil flowed out of. Also, the Seven Lampstands of Revelation 1:20 represent the Seven Churches. The olive trees of Zachariah 4:3-6 feed the candlesticks, which represent the Word and the Spirit of the Lord. (Scriptures: Revelation 1:20, Matthew 5:15, Zachariah 4:3-6).

Candy (Sweets)

Words; treat; pleasurable to the flesh, but without spiritual nutrition; appealing to children or immature believers; temptation (tempting treats); without substance.

Canker Sores

Festering words held back by the lips. Blame.


Destructive power.


Undeveloped ministry or person; the flesh (our self-propelled old vessel); ministry without the Holy Spirit.


Jesus; authority gained through suffering; leader; pastor; One who commands, leads, or guides others; One who supervises or directs the work of others.


Fallen into sin; bound by iniquity; under demonic oppression; under the influence of a dominant personality.


Spiritual movement.

Car (parked)

Ministry rest; Negative: going nowhere; stuck in a situation; spiritually dormant.


Flimsy, insubstantial, lacking depth; superficial; without substance.


Showy church; entertaining church; the world; pleasure; amusement show.

Carp (Fish)

Bottom feeders. Their habit of rooting in the mud often makes the water unfit for the feeding and spawning of other fish. Symbolic of someone who complains or finds fault in a petty or disagreeable way (to nag).

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Anger and frustration at life’s seeming injustices.



Jesus; Creator; Master Builder. Someone who makes or mends things; building something spiritually or naturally; preacher.


Foundation – what you stand on; purging (carpet cleaning); cleaning; purifying your dwelling (what you think about – what you dwell on.)


Traditional or man-designed ministry; a small vehicle pushed or pulled by hand or drawn by a horse or pony (human effort). Positive: If the cart is full, it means fruitfulness or abundance. (Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:3).


Malicious, spiteful, retaliatory; self-willed; untrainable; predator; unclean spirit; bewitching charm; stealthy, sneaky, or deceptive; a personal pet (petting, stroking a familiar spirit of spite, malice and retaliating); undependable. Egyptian Goddess Pasht or Bast – Head of a Cat and body of a woman. Lunar Goddess, or Diana (Roman) Artemis (Greek). Bast means devouring lady.


Inability to see ahead with joy. Dark future.


Destructive power.


Witchcraft; cooking up trouble; incantations (spells); boiling; flesh.


Hiding place; stronghold; refuge or shelter; grave (place of burial); hidden thoughts; recluse; secret place.

Cedar Tree

Power, majesty; royalty; beauty. Cedar wood - To be firm, tree that flourishes beside water; cedar for cleansing; aromatic – moth repellant; evergreen.

Cedars of Lebanon- Men that are elevated, either by their own imaginations or by God. The righteous… shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon (Psalm 92:12). This speaks of the glory of God’s righteous ones. However, this type may also be applied to God’s enemies, but with the opposite result: For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: and upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up…(Isaiah 2:12-13). Kings and princes are quite often referred to as cedars of Lebanon. In Ezekiel’s riddle to Israel in chapter 17, Jerusalem is likened to a cedar of Lebanon and the king to the highest branch thereof and the princes to the tops of the young twigs thereof. But they were planted by Nebuchadnezzar and grew into a vine of low stature. Such was the fate of those who despised God’s oath.


Covering; protection. Negative: limitation; laziness causes a leaking ceiling or roof, which produces mold; mildew – corruption (living in our fleshly desires). (Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:18).


Stored anger and self-punishment.


Death; without life (Spirit of God); to remind, remember, preserving or recalling the memory (past hurts, trauma, pain, troubles, etc.) that causes bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness – death (the mind of the flesh is death (Rom. 8:6)). Scriptures: Mark 5:3, Romans 8:6).

Cerebral Palsy

A need to unite the family in an action of love.

(See Throne, Seat)

Seat of authority (negative or positive, sitting in your own authority or God’s authority); sit or dwell.



(See Lizard)

Power that causes people to blend with their surroundings. People with this spirit will take on the characteristics and even mime the personality of those around them. This spirit allows people to hide their true personality from those around them. In short this spirit will blind the people about it to the true character of the person it controls. Quite often people with this spirit don't have a sense of self-worth and many have never developed a true personality of their own.

A changeable or inconstant person. Most chameleons don’t really change color because of their background (although the surroundings play a large part), but also an expression of the physical and physiological condition of the lizard. The skin color is changed under influence of mood, light and temperature. The skin color also plays an important part in communication and rivalry fights.


Change of heart (clothes); identity, nature, character, or attitude (changed name or clothing, which can either be positive or negative); conversion. No Change means no growth in Christ. Lacking fear of God; religious traditions; fighting against change; stubbornness or a hardened heart; not converted. (Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:18).

(See Coal)

It produces a strong heat and is used in furnaces, forges, private families, etc. It is black, brittle light, and inodorous, and not being decomposable by water or air, it will endure for ages without alteration. Char – to roast or burn; to burn, to be burnt. To burn or reduce to coal or carbon; to reduce to charcoal by expelling all volatile matter from wood. This is done by slowly burning wood under a covering of turf and earth.

(See Merkabah)

A vehicle for riding, a car used either for warlike or peaceful purposes, applied to all sorts of carriages indifferently and interchangeably; a coach.


Threatening (chasing someone); being threatened (being chased); being fearful to deal with an issue (running away instead of facing it with the power of God); Obsessed with whatever you are chasing.

Check ($)

Favor; faith (the currency of the kingdom); finances; prosperity (receiving a check).


Spiritual growth (maturing); Negative: words that sour or have soured (cheese is curdled milk); Cheesy – of poor quality, pretentious, or sentimental, insincere; showy.

Swiss Cheese – the holes are known as “eyes”. Swiss Cheese without holes is known as “blind.”

• "The Big Cheese" – important person


Swift or fast running wild cat; predator, danger; its coat is spotted. Spots are character flaws; have claws that do not fully retract.

Chevrolet Corvette

Negative: Two passenger sports car; Corvette serves as Chevrolet's halo vehicle (superficial – It makes a positive impression of a person, company, brand or product in one area to positively influence one's opinion or feelings in other areas) and is widely noted for its performance and distinctive plastic (superficial, outward appearance to impress others)—either fiberglass or composite—bodywork. Corvette is a small warship. Became synonymous with freedom and adventure. A sports car designed with an emphasis on dynamic performance, such as handling, acceleration, top speed, or thrill of driving.


Fear, cowardliness; hen can be protection, gossip, motherhood; rooster can be boasting, bragging, proud; chick can be defenseless, innocent; gatherer, protector. Cooked chicken can mean, love.


Jesus Christ; best of or the strongest; one who is highest in rank or authority; a leader; most important or influential; principal.


Immaturity; church (children of God); innocence; humility; receiving; trusting; believing; young convert (immature); followers of Christ; Negative: follower of Satan; undisciplined son (illegitimate children); children of the devil (illegitimate children); children of wrath (disobedient).


The world's Edge


Mental contraction, pulling away and in. Desire to retreat.


Names given for China, “central beauty”; “beautiful grandness”; “divine state”; “nine states”; “People’s Republic of China”; “Republic of China”.


Not being able to breathe (also, drowning); being stifled in the Spirit (breath of God); being hindered in the freedom of worship, prayer, and praise; stopping the flow of life; gagging communication (stopping words of life); demon oppression or possession; attack; threat; incapable; cares of the world and deceitfulness of riches; fear/anxiety; lusts and pleasurers of life that choke out the life of the Spirit; dishonest gain; iniquities of forefathers; speaking lies. (Scripture: Luke 8:4-15).


Clogging the channels of joy. Fear of accepting joy.

Christmas Tree

Traditions and doctrines of men that void out the Word of God and make it non-effective; adornment of the world; glamorous ministry; a person or ministry that looks outwardly attractive but has no spiritual life; paganism/idolatry; holiday, escapism; living in carnality for the desires of your flesh (living in fantasy, nostalgia, entertainment, materialism) rather than living in the procreative power of Christ. Really, where is Christ in all of this? (Scriptures: Jeremiah 10:1-5, Mark 7:13).


Gold flower; symbol of the Sun.


May refer to a particular congregation. The reference may also be general. Often, a church will appear as a house in a dream or vision. It is a place of worship where God’s children gather together to be taught the Word of God; Covenant family of God.


Big offense; recreational drug (for pleasure or intoxication, habit-forming); cured tobacco leaves for smoking (to smoke means to put up a smokescreen - something said or done in order to hide the truth; artificial means to obscure movements or positions - deception).

(See Cigar)

Comes from, “cigar”; offensive; odorous, taking up offensive words and language; temptation to return to an addictive lifestyle; stronghold.


Represents the ability to feel and express the emotions in positive ways.


Cutting away of the desires of the flesh; heart; believer; obedience; covenant with God. Figuratively, circumcision was used as a symbol of purity of heart (circumcision of the heart) (Deuteronomy 10:16; 30:6; Leviticus 26:41; Jeremiah 4:4; 9:25; Ezekiel 44:7). Circumcision is also figuratively a readiness to hear and obey (Jeremiah 6:10).

Christian Circumcision. Christians are said to be circumcised in Christ (Colossians 2:11). This circumcision is asserted to be "circumcision made without hands," that is, a spiritual reality and not a physical rite. Physical circumcision was a putting off of a part of the flesh as a symbol of covenant relationship of God's people with a holy God. Christian circumcision is "removal of" not a part, but the entire "body of the flesh." "The body of the flesh" is the physical body controlled by the old fallen nature that we all possess.


World; entertainment; performance; in the spotlight, public spectacle, wanting to be seen; could represent church leadership that wants to be in the spotlight (performance oriented – without Spirit) and their people want to be entertained; noisy disorder or disorganized.

•"Three ring circus" - is a situation of extreme chaos or confusion, or a situation that is out of control.


Seeing yourself in a classroom may mean: teachable heart; place of training; equipping and preparation.


First Adam – carnality, humanity, mankind; weakness; fragile; from the earth/earthy. Positive: being molded by God (Potter). (Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:45-47, Jeremiah 18:1-6, Genesis 2:7).

Clean Slate

A fresh start after wiping out old offenses or debts. A new beginning.


Purity, holiness, transparency. Cleaning: applying God’s Word to your heart and praying in the Holy Spirit to cleanse and purify your heart. Cleansing - transformation by God’s Word, the blood of Jesus, and the finished work of the cross of Christ. (Scriptures: Titus 3:5, Ephesians 5:25-27).

Clear water

Holy Spirit; Life; cleansing; God’s Word.

(See Asp)

External beauty, seduction of the world; her crown (the thoughts of the mind) was an Asp (venomous words or thoughts; cobra serpentine spirit; angel of light spirit).


Overcoming, overpowering, ascending; preparing for an encounter with Jesus; growing in the Spirit (climbing up); making spiritual progress (climbing up; growing up (children climbing up). Negative: Spiritual theft (climbing into); human effort.

Climbing Over

Lack of sensitivity; not wanting to face an issue; lacking humility; ambition; skipping a level (skipping over). Positive: overcoming obstacles.


Time; waiting in (or on) God; God appointed lifespan; hour is nearer; hour of decision; end is near; last hour; divine appointment; opportunity; timing is important; fullness of time; awaiting the timing of God to release a situation or ministry; watchman; time to awaken. Negative: can denote running out of time (late – not on time; delayed; not prepared; missing a divine appointment or your destiny in Christ). *Note the time and look up the meanings of individual numbers.


Place of prayer; private; secret place. Negative: hidden sins from the past.


God’s glory; armor of God; armor of light; righteousness or salvation; speaks of growing up; new man in Christ; glorification; adorned. (Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:4).


God’s glory; man-made cover up; a change of clothes is a change of role and authority (positive or negative); clean or new clothes may indicate conversion or transformation, separation or preparation; clothing depicts what nature you are dwelling in (God’s nature or Satan’s nature). Looking up the meaning of the colors of your garments under the Color Category, will help to identify which nature. For example, white can have a positive or negative meaning: righteousness or self-righteousness. Also, looking up the style or type of clothing can aid in the same way (i.e., jeans, shirt, suite, shirt, dress, swimsuit, school uniform, wedding dress, tuxedo, sports uniform, professional uniform, etc.). What material it is made out of (i.e., Linen is righteousness; wool denotes sweat or human effort – works of the flesh.).


Presence of God; God’s glory; Holy Spirit; Guidance; God’s favor; coming outpouring of God’s presence/Spirit.


Clouds (Coming in)


Christ is coming in the clouds; multitude, heroes of faith, witnesses (great cloud of); Divine presence; God’s chariot (movement of Spirit).

The clouds are the chambers of God containing the water of life. A cloud is full of water and typifies the Word of God and the Spirit of God (Ephesians 5:26, John 7: 37-39). A cloud speaks to us of a vessel, which contains water or contains life. It is the nature of a cloud to empty itself. "If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth" (Ecclesiastes.11:3). When the cloud gets filled up, it rains. That is the nature of the clouds - rain pours out.


All that God is was emptied into Jesus Christ. All that God is was poured into Him, He became a receptacle, a vehicle for all the fullness of God (Colossians 1:19; 2:9). Pour out our life for others - that's what Jesus did! We must empty out that same life on a groaning creation (Romans 8:21-25) and break the bondage. The whole creation is awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God, a company of people who will be the clouds of glory.

Ephesians 4:14 WINDS of doctrine and clouds without water! Wanting only to float through the heavens to be seen of men, but no willingness to be a POURED-OUT LIFE to bless God's thirsty creation! (Scriptures: Hebrews 12:1, Exodus 16:10, 33:9, Numbers 11:25, 12:5, Psalms 18:11, 104:2-4, Matthew 17:5, 24:29-30, 26:64, 2 Thessalonians 1:10, Revelation 1:7, Acts 1:9 & 11).




Coming of blessing (shower); cloud of witnesses – heavenly witnesses (saints of old). Negative: Uncertainty; obscurity; empty hearts (clouds without rain) – rebellious, boasters – lacking the Word and infilling power of the Spirit of God. (Scriptures: Revelation 1:7, Hebrews 12:1, Jude 1:11-12).


Exhibition spirit – wanting to be seen and noticed; attention seeker; person always searching for laughs; entertainer; clumsy; fool or foolish; jester; playing with the things of God.

Coach (Sports)

A person who trains, directs, instructs and guides – Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, God the Father; Apostolic, prophetic, pastor, teacher ministries. Five-fold ministry of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors, and Teachers.  (Scripture: 4:11-13).


From the sense of glowing, raging, to blow strong]. A piece of wood or other combustible substance, ignited, burning, or charred. When burning or ignited, it is called a live coal, or burning coal, or coal of fire. When the fire is extinct, it is called charcoal. In the language of chemists – any substance containing oil, which has been exposed to a fire in a close vessel, so that its volatile matter is expelled, and it can sustain a red heat without further decomposition.


Authority, position, identity (i.e. righteousness, salvation; anointing (mantle); person’s character and role are displayed in what they wear.) Examples: Jesus wore a seamless coat; Peter had a fisherman’s coat: John the Baptist wore a prophet’s clothes; Joseph’s coat of many colors; Bartimaeus had beggar’s cloak, etc.

(See Asp, Adder)

Serpentine principality that causes spiritual blindness, and total inactivity; it blocks understanding the Word and spiritual truths.

A) Naga - (also known as the Naja Naja) part cobra and part man, these cobra spirits poison water; the Word by mixing it with their venom; these spirits steal wealth by causing you to use money unwisely.
B) Sesha - (7 headed cobra) Principality of the cobra spirits; causes people to be totally inactive or aggressive and temperamental.
C) Asps - (Member of the Cobra family) - angel of light spirits that twist the truth.
D) Set - serpent god of mists; causes people to feel as if their minds are in a fog; it keeps people from seeing, hearing and thinking clearly.


Rooster - warning, reminder; early riser; arrogant, prideful, boastful; man regarded as mean or contemptible; A person regarded as cocky or pugnacious.


Common household pest; “an insect that shuns the light”; social insects; unclean, filthy; they carry disease.


Stimulus; socializing.


Symbolic of Death.


Cocaine – to affect or intoxicate with cocaine – surface anesthetic or taken for pleasure; can be addictive, mind altering.


Hardened; without love; Not affectionate or friendly; insensitive; away from God; dead; Exhibiting or feeling no enthusiasm.


Too much going on at once. Mental confusion, disorder. Small hurts.


Mental irritation, impatience, annoyance in the surroundings.


Insecurity. Represents the ease of letting go of that which is over.


From the Spanish “ruddy” or “red”. Known as: “The Centennial State.” Motto: “Nothing without providence." Seal: “All-seeing Eye” (Illuminati) on it. It has written “Union and Constitution” and the year 1876.


Bearing the burden of others; or stubbornness; a youthful or inexperienced person; a novice.


Fear. Escaping something or someone.


Ineffective gospel witness; no reproducing power; not sowing the seed of the Word of God; sexual promiscuity; fornication.

Conference Room

Prayer; spiritual dialogue; communion with God; fellowship; business decisions; a meeting for consultation (seek advice, take counsel).


Warning; suffering for Christ; spiritual battle; inner battle – conflict between your flesh and the Spirit of God. (Scriptures: Colossians 1:21, Romans 8:7, James 4:1).


Anger and frustration at what you are looking at in life.


From the Indian word (Quinnehtukqut) meaning “beside the long tidal river.” Known as: “The Constitution State” (official), “The Nutmeg State,” “The Provisions State,” “The Land of Steady Habits.” Motto: “He who transplanted still sustains." Capital: Hartford.


Incomplete releasing. Holding on to garbage of the past. Guilt over the past. Sometimes stinginess.


A structure – the way in which parts are arranged or put together to form a whole. The process of building.


Receptacle (to receive, a store-place); an object used to hold things. We are vessels. What are we containing? What do we hold on to? Either we are containers of God’s glory, or we are containers of our fleshly, emotions, desires, or superior or wicked thoughts.


To prepare food (the Word of God). Negative: to fabricate; concoct; scheming.


Preparation, instruction.

Coral Snake

Coral snakes vary widely in their behavior, but most are very elusive snakes which spend the vast majority of their time buried beneath the ground or in the leaf litter of a rainforest floor, only coming to the surface while raining or during breeding season. Coral snakes have a tendency to hold on to a victim when biting, unlike vipers which have retractable fangs and tend to prefer to strike and let go immediately. Coral snakes are not aggressive or prone to biting however, and account for less than one percent of the number of snake bites each year in the United States. Most coral snake bites in the United States are legitimate occurring because of accidental contact with the snake.

New World coral snakes possess the most potent venom of any North American snake, followed closely by the Mojave rattlesnake. A coral snake must only administer 3–5 mg of venom to be fatal to the average adult human; the Mojave rattlesnake must inject 10–15 mg to be lethal. Most venomous snakes must inject between 75– 100 mg of venom to be fatal.[5] However, relatively few bites are recorded due to their reclusive nature and the fact they generally inhabit sparsely populated areas. When confronted by humans, coral snakes will almost always attempt to flee, and bite only as a last resort. Coral snakes have a powerful neurotoxin that paralyzes the breathing muscles.


United to Christ; group of like-minded people; protection or security; the blood of Jesus. Negative: Control; soul tie; generational curse; emotional attachment; stronghold, bondage.


Christ, chief; foundation


Hardened areas of thought – stubborn holding on to the pain of the past.

Corridor (Hallway)

Life journey; past journey; future path; path of destiny; passing or passage of time, transition.


Bad character - fleshly, carnal nature and character; wickedness; deceitfulness; shortened life; to be led astray; eternal death; weakness.

Costa Rica

Prosperous coastal


To take a liking; attempt to be friendly; to understand; to live or act together in harmony; cotton has oil within the seeds (the anointing and the Word of God).


Where a patient lies while undergoing, psychoanalysis (fleshly analytical thinking) or psychiatric treatment; to word in a certain manner, phrase; rest, ease. To word in a certain manner - phrase; lazy; be at rest – recline.


A desire to bark at the world. “Listen to me!”

Court (Law)

Tested; trial; judgment.


Place of judgment; testing or trial; accusation; exposure of secrets of the heart; brought before God/Christ.


Hidden; covered over; secret; shelter; disguise; concealment.


Sacred cow – idol; a disagreeable, unpleasant woman; subdue. Positive: nurturer, gives milk, nourishing, subsistence; prosperity

• “Have a cow” - to become hysterical


See cancer; mischievous; malignant; not easy to approach; a quarrelsome, ill-tempered person; A sullen person, showing a brooding ill humor or silent resentment; an irritable person, to find fault (criticize), complain; obstinate; heavy; dull; sorrowful. A peevish person, expressing discontent and fretfulness. A morose person who dwells on the problem and has a sour temper; severe; sullen and austere.


Tension. Fear. Gripping, holding on.


Cream of the crop (the best); the best part of the milk of the Word, Gospel.

Credit Card

presumption; lack of trust; attempting to walk in something that you do notyet have, debt; wanting credit for something.


Serpentine spirit of deception.

Crohn’s Disease

Fear. Worry. Not feeling good enough.

Crossing (A bridge, lake, river, etc.)

Transition – leaving one dimension to move into another dimension; moving into the spiritual; journey of life; deliverance; exit from the old; entry to the new.


A point at which a vital decision must be made, turning point; a main center of activity or assembly.


Positive: God’s minister of justice or provision. Negative: (raven) – confusion; outspoken; operating in envy or strife; hateful; unclean; Having a characteristic raucous call. Crow – To utter the shrill cry characteristic of a cock or rooster. To exult loudly, as over another’s defeat; boast.

Boast – To glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self- admiring way. To speak of with excessive pride.


Mind of Christ or mind of the flesh; victory; glory and honor; authority; life; righteousness; rejoicing; incorruptible; reward; seal of power; reward.

Cruise Ship

Can represent large ministry. Negative: Can represent a life without God or running from God; spiritual apathy; entertainment – pleasure cruise.


Tears are the river of life. Positive: tears of joy; pouring out one’s heart; seeking repentance. Negative: sorrow; grief; pain; rejected; disgraced; anguish of heart; feeling sorry for one’s self.

Cucumber / Pickle

Creeping vine (grows upon the ground – the dust realm of the carnality of the first Adam), part of the gourd family (when they are dry, they are hollow, empty – without substance (the Word and Spirit of God)). Is harvested when immature and eaten in this state. Represents immaturity in our spiritual growth. Symbol of the world; turning back to the world. (Numbers 11:5) Eaten fresh or as a pickle.

Pickle – preserved in vinegar (acid-tongue; pungent; curt; piercing words; also see vinegar). A disagreeable or troublesome situation, an awkward or difficult situation as, being in a pickle.

Cool as a cucumber - very calm; self-possessed.


Meditating (chewing the cud).


Vessel; blessing; covenant; judgment; suffering. Figuratively, the cup of affliction (Psalm 75:8; Isaiah 51:17,22). Christ's sufferings (Matthew 20:22). The cup of salvation (Psalm 116:13). Cup of the Lord’s Supper, fellowship with Christ. (Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 10:16, Genesis 40:11-12, Jeremiah 51:7, Matthew 16:28, Mark 9:1, Hebrews 2:9).


Cabinet for storing food, utensils, cups, dishes (implements – how we implement the Word of God), etc.; storage; represents what is stored in your heart (thoughts); accumulated. Negative: What is hidden.


The fleshly veil, cover, what is hidden, shade, barrier, divider. When a curtain is closed over a window (eyes of your understanding, your heart), this can mean there is no light of truth coming into your heart. Open curtains can represent what is revealed, no longer hidden, or concealed. When the curtain is drawn back and light is coming in, this represents receiving truth or darkness representing that the heart is being revealed.


Punishment for not following your own rules.

Cutting Hair

The hair represents glory, covering over your head, your mind, or the way you think. Depending on who is cutting the hair, it can be positive or negative correction to your mind (the way you think) and your character. Bang cut can represent correcting with blunt (abrupt and insensitive) words. It can represent breaking a vow as in Delilah cutting Samson’s hair (his vow of a Nazarite to be sanctified to God) which caused him to lose the strength, power and anointing of God. Or it can represent making a vow as in one such case of Paul shaving his hair (cutting away the flesh) and when one had been cleansed of leprosy (mortality – death, corruption, first Adam character and nature). (Scriptures: Judges 16:19, Acts 18:18, Leviticus 14:8).

Cystic Fibrosis

A thick belief that life won’t work for you. “Poor me.”


Running the old painful movie. Nursing hurts. A false growth.