An interpretation and description companion to the Dream Dictionary book. Click on a letter for words and their interpretation.
Dream Dictionary
Container (what you receive (receptacle) or retain); human vessel; works; burden (carrying sack – see Burden); baggage (carrying sack – see Baggage); Sack Cloth – humility, repentance.
Offering; a gift; the act of giving up something highly valued for the sake of something else considered to have a greater value or claim; denying yourself and putting God and others before yourself – a Living Sacrifice; Jesus Christ is our example of sacrifice. (Scripture: Romans 12:1-2).
(See Sorrow)
Downcast; depression; Many times, we feel sad or depressed (self-pity) because we cannot get our way or things are not going the way we want; living in emotions (which are counterfeit feelings), rather than trusting and having faith in God and His Word.
Safe (Bank)
Heart; stronghold; security and protection; storing valuables, treasures, money, etc. (This can be positive or negative depending what, or who you are putting your trust in, either worldly treasures or spiritual, eternal treasures (God and His Word).
Moved by the wind (Led by the Holy Spirit); test of faith.
• "Sail into" - to attack or criticize vigorously.
Saint Bernard
Used in rescuing missions. They come to save the day! In other words, wanting to be the hero, which is ambition to be seen by men. Jesus is our hero – all glory belongs to Him.
Sale / Sell
Giving up your possessions (what you own – your desires, denying yourself) to follow Jesus Christ. Surrender in exchange for a price or reward. Negative: Buying something at a reduced price. Not wanting to pay the full price to be obedient and follow Jesus Christ. (Scriptures: Matthew 19:21, Luke 18:22).
Cure; season; salvation – preservation; prudence, wisdom and grace exhibited in speech (Matthew 5:13). Negative: salty – witty; pungent; sharp in speech.
• "Salt of the earth" - A person or group considered as embodying simplicity and moral integrity.
• "Worth (one's) salt" - Efficient and capable.
Holy; a holy place; sacred; temple of God (the Body of the Believer is the Temple of God – a sanctuary); the condition of being protected or comforted; refuge; shelter. (Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:19).
Believers; multiplication; innumerable; many or multitude. Negative: Spiritual boundary (beach); faulty foundation (erroneous teachings and traditions of the world and religion – realm of the 1st Adam, Carnal nature); disobedient (hearing the Word of God, but not being obedient to it). (Scriptures: Genesis 22:17, Matthew 7:24-27).
Preparation of the gospel of peace (preaching the good news of the kingdom of God); sending out; humility; dominion. Negative: old sandals – old, dead religious and traditional order.
Abrasive matter that refines your character by removing your character flaws – having your rough edges knocked off. (God causes all things to work together for our good, Rom. 8:28). Preparation; affliction; judgment. Negative: abrasive person.
Meal made of bread, meat, and or cheese. Preparation, devouring, or serving the Word of God.
Santa Claus
Negative: Alternative to Christ; tradition.
Santa Hat
Traditionally minded.
Signifies life.
• There are many hues of this form of corundum; the most recognized is the "Star of India".
Meaning: Beauty, hardness, natural excellence, the flower Hyacinth; Foundation; Throne of God; Christ. (Exodus 24:10, 28:13,18, 39:11, Job 28:6,16, Lamentations 4:7, Isaiah 54:11, Ezekiel 1:26, 10:1, 28:13, Revelation 9:17, 21:19,20).
Worldwide prophetic ministry.
Seven; Rest; Completion.
Saturn (Cronus) - was described as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. symbols, scythe and sickle. Festival is Saturnalia, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry and celebrated in December 17-23. This is where we get the origins of Christmas, a pagan holiday. Positive: Sabbath Rest (7th day in the Bible).
Infected thinking. Allowing others to get under your skin.
The Word of God.
Identifying with Christ - bearing the marks (persecutions) of Christ. Negative: Mark left by a wound; reminder (unable to forget); Scar on the face – letting your past hurts and wounds define who you are – living in the old man, rather than in the new creation man of Christ Jesus. (Scripture: Galatians 6:17, John 20:25-27).
(See Dung Beetle)
A beetle, regarded as sacred by the ancient Egyptians; a representation of this beetle, such as a ceramic or stone sculpture or a cut gem, used in ancient Egypt as a talisman (used in witchcraft) and a symbol of the soul; considered divine by ancient Egyptians. The image of the scarab, conveying ideas of transformation, renewal, and resurrection, is ubiquitous in ancient Egyptian religious and funerary art.
Scarlet Worm
Worm; scarlet stuff; crimson; maggot. When the female of the scarlet worm species was ready to give birth to her young, she would attach her body to the trunk of a tree, fixing herself so firmly and permanently that she would never leave again. The eggs deposited beneath her body were thus protected until the larvae were hatched and able to enter their own life cycle. As the mother died, the crimson fluid stained her body and the surrounding wood. From the dead bodies of such female scarlet worms, the commercial scarlet dyes of antiquity were extracted. What a picture this gives of Christ, dying on the tree, shedding His precious blood that He might “bring many sons unto glory” (Hebrews 2:1-18).
Supreme ruling power or royal authority; sovereignty; rod; the scepter was a strong rod, insignia of honor. Ahasuerus, who holds it out to Esther as a mark of favor. The subject touches the top of it, perhaps simply as an act of homage or possibly to indicate a desire to be heard. The scepter of Ahasuerus is spoken of as "golden" (Esther 5:2); the use of the staff as a symbol of authority was not confined to kings; it might be used by any leader (Judges 5:14, "staff of office"). (Scriptures: Hebrews 1:8, Ezekiel 19:11, 14, Genesis 49:10, Numbers 24:17, Psalm 45:6, Isaiah 14:5, Amos 1:5, Zechariah 10:11).
Place of teaching and learning; the Church; discipleship; school of the Holy Spirit. Negative: wanting the knowledge of the world, without revelation of God’s Word for a heart transformation. Old School – old, traditional teach; traditional church; Parasitical.
School Bus
Teaching ministry.
School Master
Authoritative teaching ministry; Christ; The Holy Spirit.
Being hypocritical. Fear of money and of the future.
Protecting the self from life. Not trusting yourself to be there and to take care of yourself.
Immature (undeveloped) ministry; powered by self.
To wound, to strike; tormenting spirit; in scripture, a painful scourge; a kind of whip armed with points like a scorpion's tail (1Kings 12) (Scourge is He or that which greatly afflicts, harasses or destroys; particularly, any continued evil or calamity); malicious and crafty men, who delight in injuring others, are compared to scorpions (Ezekiel 2).
Evil spirits; evil men; pinch of pain.
Irritation; imperfection.
• "I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine" – Reciprocal favors.
Feeling life tears at you, that life is a rip off.
Secured in place; strengthen. (Scripture: Isaiah 22:23).
• "Screw around" - To act or fool around aimlessly or in a confused way and accomplish nothing.
Saying what you want to hear; someone speaking one thing with another thing in their heart; rehearsed lines.
The Word of God.
The refuse or worthless matter that is revealed when heated up. When we go through God’s fire of trials and testing it reveals what sins, transgressions and iniquities that are operating in our lives, so that we can repent of them and be cleansed.
Unregenerate humanity; rough seas – trials and tribulations in the world. (Scripture: Revelation 17:1, 15, 18).
Communing with evil spirits (familiar spirits); witchcraft; a counterfeit solution to hearing from God. (Scripture: 1 Samuel 28:7, 11).
Seat (See Sit, Throne; Chair)
A place of judgment, authority and power. (Scriptures: Luke 22:69, Mark 16:19, Revelation 3:21, 20:4, 11-12).
Seat belt
Security; exercising restraint (not allowing your flesh to manifest, showing temperance, etc., and instead being led by the Holy Spirit and God’s Word); truth (protection against attack).
Second, Place / Seat / Row
Not first place or choice; Second best; inferiority; possibly feeling not worthy to take God’s appointed position for you.
Mystery; revelation from God; secret place – private time (communing) with God through prayer and His Word; Heart. Negative: private plans or counsel; clandestine (Kept or done in secret, often to conceal an illicit or improper purpose; deception). (Scriptures: Psalm 25:14, 91:1, Isaiah 45:3, Daniel 2:22).
Secret Passage
(See Secret)
Entering into spiritual mysteries; spiritual truth that leads to your destiny; walking in the Spirit. (Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 14:2, Isaiah 45:3, Daniel 2:22).
God’s Word; Jesus Christ; faith; words; multiplication; believer; money to sow into the kingdom of God; character; death to self; children/offspring (children of God / children of the Evil One). (Scriptures: Luke 8:11-15, John 12:23-25, Matthew 13:3-4, 8, 19, 24-30, 38).
Seed Sower
(See Seed)
Sowing God’s Word; Christ; Apostolic Five- fold ministry; Negative: Devil; sowing seeds (words) of division. (Scripture: Matthew 13:8, 24-30).
Seeing (See Window)
Prophet insight; understanding; spiritual perception.
Self-rising Flour
Prideful; elevating self (leaven); preparing the Word of God through self-works of the flesh; religious, self-righteous works (Pharisee - hypocritical spirit). (Scripture: 16:6).
To give up or surrender in exchange for a price or reward. To encourage sales of or promote.
Returning to the so-called safety of childhood. Demanding care and attention. A form of control of those around you. Escapism.
The seventh month. (Also see the meaning of the number seven.)
See Glitter.
Satan & evil spirits; A treacherous person, an untrustworthy person. A snake in the grass.
Manifesting the flesh; filth and defilement of the flesh; Words and thoughts (excrement) that issue out of our hearts that pollute and defile our hearts and others around us; shame and offense.
Joining; uniting; sealing; mending.
Sewing Machine
Joining or binding; producing righteousness; repair or mend. Negative: Manufacturing or fabricating. Can be positive or negative defending on what is powering it, either electrical power source (source of the Holy Spirit, or powered by foot or hand speaks of human effort – dead works).
Union or agreement with someone (good or evil); Intercourse (dealings, communication or exchange between individuals; interchange of thoughts and feelings); stronghold of lust and perversion; adulterous heart; fleshly man; in love with the world; lover of pleasure; conceiving sin.
Sexual Abuse
Perverted doctrine; literal abuse.
Shade (See Shadow)
Covering; protection. (Scripture: Psalm 105:35).
Shadow (See Shade)
Protection; covering. Negative: Form but not a reality; without real substance; darkness; sin; sickness; death. (Scriptures: Psalm 23:4, 91:1, 4, 105:35).
Empowered by the Holy Spirit; presence of God; a test or trial to reveal what is manifesting in your life, the Spirit of God or your flesh; sifting, purging and removal of the carnal characteristics and doctrines of the kingdom of men. Negative: Fear; facing adversity; easily moved by circumstances. (Scriptures: Acts 4:31, Hebrews 12:26-29).
Shaking Hands
Pledge; agreement or unity; contract or covenant; surety (guarantor).
Shaman / Shamanism
Spiritual Guides; witchcraft; Santeria; who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events.
A painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace. A painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt. Consciousness or awareness of dishonor, disgrace, or condemnation. An unfortunate development; arouse pity; evoke sympathy.
A person regarded as ruthless, greedy, or dishonest. To obtain by deceitful means. To practice or live by fraud and trickery. A vicious user and predator. Locate their prey by their senses. Evil spirit; Satan, Devil.
Separation – consecration, sanctification; cutting off the flesh; spiritual cleansing.
The people of God; innocent, vulnerable; humility; submission; sacrifice; defenseless.
God; Jesus Christ; leader (good or bad); selfless person; protector; pastor; one who cares for, guides, directs and instructs a group of people, as a minister or teacher. Negative: hireling; greedy pastors; false shepherds.
Faith; Word of God (truth); Protector – God, Christ; Holy Spirit; spiritual warfare; spiritual warriors; salvation. (Scripture: Ephesians 6:16).
Represents the standards of life. Breaking down ideals. To move quickly on foot; shinning - to climb (a rope or pole, for example) by gripping and pulling alternately with the hands and legs.
Fear and tension. Too sensitive.
• "Waiting for the other shoe to drop" - To defer action or decision until another matter is finished or resolved. To await a seemingly inevitable event, especially one that is not desirable.
Big Ministry; Big Church; Christ; Believers; The Church; Trade; Business; wealth; strength; cargo; journey, voyage or passage.
Not moving in faith; disobedience; ruin or destruction; utter failure; to suffer loss (literal and spiritual); suffer loss because of greed for money. (Scriptures: 1 Timothy 1:19-20, 6:9-10, 1 Kings 22:48).
Shittah, Acacia Tree
Preparation of the Word of God; walk – way of life. (Scripture: Ephesians 6:15).
Damaging words.
Ministry; church. Negative: merchandizing; materialistic.
See Thief.
Shopping Cart
A cart used to convey (communicate, make known or impart) goods (the Word of God) or buy goods (willing to pay the price for the goods; provision. Negative: empty cart – lack of provision.
Shopping Center
Storehouse of provision. Negative: merchandising of the world.
Seat of God's government, eldership; strength. Authority; represents governmental authority of God; responsibility; bearing or carrying burdens (prayer - intercession). Negative: Ignoring someone (cold shoulder). (Scriptures: Isaiah 9:6, 22:22-23.
Shovel (See Digging, Spade, and Plowing)
Tool to remove dirt (earthy, dust of the first Adam’s carnality (nature and character of sin)); Breaking up your fallow ground (your hard heart) so it can receive the rain of God’s Spirit and the seed of His Word. Negative: Labor in your own strength (with your hands, works of the flesh). (Scripture: Hosea 10:12).
An event, especially a confrontation, which forces an issue to a conclusion. The moment of truth.
Shower (Bathroom)
Cleansing; symbolic of the cleansing, regenerating power of God’s Word and His Spirit; washing in the living water of God’s Word to wash away the filth of the world and our carnality, to renew and transform us. (Ephesians 5:26).
Shower (Rain)
Pouring out of God’s Spirit and His Prophetic Word into the earth; revelation; refreshing from weariness; blessings; Former and Latter Rain – Fullness of God’s Spirit covering the earth; fruitfulness in the Spirit. (Scriptures: Acts 2:17-18, Joel 2:28, Psalm 68:9, Ezekiel 34:26, Hosea 6:3, James 5:7, Deuteronomy 11:14, Isaiah 44:3).
Sickness affects body parts, refer to Disease Conditions and Parts of the Body Categories. Lacking spiritual wellbeing or wholeness in Christ; in need of healing; actual physical ailment.
Sick means, nauseated (sickness in the stomach (soul) with urge to vomit (to discharge forcefully out of the mouth, spew out) feelings of disgust, revulsion, distaste, dislike, or loathing); mentally ill or disturbed; unwholesome, morbid; defective, unsound; deeply distressed, upset; disgusted, revolted; weary and tire. (All of these synonyms are characteristics of the carnal, soulish realm of man (feelings & emotions) that brings him into a death realm (sickness), rather than living by faith in the Word of God and being led by His Spirit to overcome these emotions. Jesus healed all who came to Him with a humble, broken, sincere heart, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
• "Sick and tired" - Thoroughly weary, discouraged, or bored; annoyed or frustrated with something or someone, to the point of losing one's temper or patience.
Judgment; shake; testing and tribulation; sifting – separation and removal of wheat from chaff - soul from the Spirit; check and sort carefully (i.e., sift the information); examine.
Points to the reality; miracles; to convey a message (the Word) or future event; confirmation/witness/evidence; indicator; signal; warning; memorial/reminder; identification; designation/direction/command; signature/seal/ownership; mark/figure/symbol (character).
Positive: redemption; grace. Negative: legalism.
Redemption; the price of a soul.
Sim Card
Subscriber Identity Module card for your phone (communication, stores data (memory), internet (images, imaginations); Heart; identification.
Simmer (See Soup, Steam, Boiling)
To be cooked gently or remain just at or below the boiling point (can be positive or negative). Temperature (temperament) just below boiling (anger). Negative: to be filled with pent-up emotion (i.e., simmer with resentment or anger); to be in a state of mild agitation or turmoil; to develop in a slow or unexcited way; Stew; seethe.
• "Simmer down" – to become calm and quiet; control yourself (fruit of the Spirit – self-control - temperance); to reduce in volume.
Lion City
It depends on what is being sung, whether it is positive or negative. It can mean worshiping, praising, extolling God, declaring the Word of God, prophesying, or, in the negative, performing along with the world. Expression of feelings.
Sink (bathroom, kitchen)
Type of laver, which is symbolic of washing and being purged by the Word of God.
Surrendering; resting; settling; immersion; submersion. Negative: Struggling in faith (fearful); to feel great disappointment or discouragement; To deteriorate in quality or condition; to feel overwhelmed; To become weaker, quieter, or less forceful; a feeling caused by uneasiness or apprehension.
Sinus Problems
Irritation to one person, someone close.
The Church; familiar spirit (iniquities – character flaws); natural sister may refer to her or to her name meaning; fellow believer (sister in Christ); close friend and companion; common bond (good or bad). Negative: familiar spirit (iniquities – character flaws).
Legalistic or religious Church; or legalistic fellow believer; the person or their name meaning.
Authority; judgment; finished work of Christ; rest; position of authority; honor. (Revelation 13:2, 20:4).
Speaks of a movement; propelled by foot (human effort; single or immature ministry); Often used to perform stunts.
Dry bones (without Spirit of God); dead/death (spiritually or physically); internal structure; supporting structure.
• "Skeleton in (one's) closet' - A source of shame or disgrace, as in a family, that is kept secret.
Gliding over water, flowing in Holy Spirit; snowshoe; travel; gliding.
• "Over one's skis" - hasty, rash, or overambitious.
Protects our individuality. Anxiety, fear. Old, buried things. I am being threatened.
“Stinking up” a situation; unforgiveness, bitterness; bad attitude; A person regarded as obnoxious or despicable (contemptible). To fail to pay an amount due, to cheat someone.
Resting. Negative: lazy; spiritually dormant, not active and alert in the Spirit.
Slipped Disc
Feeling totally unsupported by life. Indecisive.
Slow moving; easy prey, vulnerable; lazy.
Smell (See Nose)
Extracting metal from ore through heat and fire, purifying it. Symbolic of separating the soul (the impurities from our hearts) from the Spirit. Transforming our lives in the fire. God sits as a Refiner and Purifier of silver and gold. (Scripture: Malachi 3:3).
Smoke / smoking
God's anger; something insubstantial, unreal, or transitory; Something used to conceal or obscure; obscures vision, distorts understanding; smoke screen. Positive: To fumigate (a house, for example). To expose (animals, especially insects) to smoke in order to immobilize or drive away. (Scriptures: Exodus 19:18, Deuteronomy 29:20, Psalm 74:1, 104:32, & 144:5, Isaiah 9:18, Numbers 16:41-50).
INCENSE (intercession, praise and worship), (Strong’s Concordance OT:6999 - qatar) means – “to perfume or fumigate with incense” [to kindle, to set on fire] “to sacrifice, to burn”. Through the idea of fumigation in a close place and perhaps thus driving out the occupants]; to smoke, i.e., turn into fragrance by fire (especially as an act of worship): KJV - burn (incense, sacrifice) (upon), (altar for) incense, kindle, offer (incense, a sacrifice).
FUMIGATION means - to treat (something contaminated or infected) with fumes or smoke. To subject to smoke or fumes, usually in order to exterminate pests (those things that annoy or irritate us) or disinfect (To cleanse so as to destroy or prevent the growth of dis-ease-carrying microorganisms) disinfect, cleanse, purify, sterilize, sanitize, clean out.
• “Smoke and mirrors” - Something that deceives or distorts the truth.
• “Smoke out” - To force out of a place of hiding or concealment by or as if by the use of smoke. To detect and bring to public view; expose or reveal.
• “Blow smoke” - to speak deceitfully or misleadingly, to boast; exaggerate.
• “Go up in smoke” - to terminate without producing a result; be unsuccessful.
Slow; dependable.
Snail (Slug)
Deception, lies; Satan; unforgiveness, bitterness; venomous.
Snapping Turtle
Snaps – mean; ill-tempered. Shell – protects from attacks; self-contained; creative source, earth, informed decisions; adaptability. The negative aspect is a fear of facing responsibility or reality. Long life, quiet strength; carrying world on its back. Recluse - isolation, hermit, defensive position, when threatened it usually flees, avoids conflict.
Anything that traps or entangles someone or something unawares; captured by trickery.
Stubborn refusal to let go of old patterns.
Cleansing agent; washing away the filth and impurities; symbolic of washing with the Word of God to purify the heart.
Solar Plexus
Gut reactions. Center of our intuitive power.
Someone Giving Directions
Apostolic ministry teaching and training the body of Christ. (Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-13).
Manifested sons of God; sonship; man- child; offspring; maturity or negative, immaturity depending on the age. (Scriptures: Romans 8:14, 19, 23, Hebrews 2:10).
Unexpressed anger that settles in. Full of distress; sorrowful, hurt; angry; offended; A source of pain or irritation. Symbolic of living out of your soul or carnal nature rather than living by the Spirit and God’s Word.
(See Sadness)
Outward expression of characteristic feelings (emotions) of sadness, grief, regret, associated with loss, bereavement, sympathy for another's suffering, for an injury done, etc.; godly sorrow (for hurting the heart of God) that produces repentance or negative: worldly sorrow (self-pity) that causes us to live in our emotions (1st Adam, carnal, fleshly realm, which is a death realm of self-pity). (Scripture: 2 Corinthians 7:10).
Soul (See Belly, Stomach)
Mind, will, emotions. When Adam sinned, his soul was no longer married to - the Spirit of God, but now governed and controlled by his body – his flesh – his desires (lusts), which separated him from God. Lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the Pride of Life.
Soup (See Boiling, Steam, Simmer, Stew)
Simple teaching of the Word; added power (soup up); food made by simmering (to cook gently or just below the boiling (anger) point; To develop in a slow or unexcited way – this can be positive or negative depending on the context); comfort (soothing) food (i.e., chicken soup). Negative: a chaotic or unfortunate situation; dense fog (resembling soup in appearance or consistency); cook by simmering (to be in a state of mild agitation or turmoil; to be about to break out in rage or excitement.
• "In the soup" - Having difficulties; in trouble.
• "Soup up" - to modify (something) so as to increase its capacity to perform or satisfy, especially to add horsepower or greater speed potential to (an engine or a vehicle).
(See Acid, Vinegar)
Bitter to the taste (senses); bad-tempered; morose (sullenly melancholy); peevish (ill- natured, irritable, annoyed); unpleasant disposition; to make or become disagreeable or disillusioned.
Natural sin; world; temptation; trial; flesh; corruption; deception. (Scriptures: Joshua 10:40, Job 37:9).
South Carolina
In honor of Charles I of England. Known as: “The Palmetto State”. Mottos: “While I Breathe, I Hope”, “Prepared in Mind and Resources”. Capital: Columbia.
South Dakota
From the Sioux tribe, meaning “allies”. Known as: “The Mount Rushmore State”, Motto: “Under God the People Rule”. Capital: Pierre.
Sow (See Seed, Seed Sower)
Imparting (speaking or preaching) the Word of God; what is sown to the flesh will reap flesh, what is sown to the Spirit will reap Spirit.
Space Suit
A protective pressure suit designed to permit the wearer relatively free movement in space. Freedom in the Spirit; Living in the Spirit; Armor of God.
(See Shovel, Plough)
[Sword, Blade] Breaking up your fallow ground (humbling (repenting) the stubborn, hard heart, to receive the Word of God and rain of the Holy Spirit to bring spiritual growth and victory); cutting tool or implement (the Word of God); digging deep (seeking the Lord and applying His Word to your heart).
• "Call a spade a spade" - to speak plainly and forthrightly.
• "In spades" - in the extreme; to the utmost; without restraint.
Small value but precious; watched by the Lord.
God’s piercing Word; implement; weapon
Accelerating to destiny; carried in the Spirit; indicates power; indicative of powerful ministry; without restraint; without delay; to move quickly; to succeed or prosper; to further, promote, or expedite.
• "At speed" - at high speed.
• "At full or top speed" - at the greatest speed possible; to the maximum of one's capabilities.
• "Up to speed" - operating at maximum speed; producing something or performing at an acceptable rate or level; fully informed.
Speed Boat
Powerful ministry; powerful movement in the Spirit.
Fragrant anointing; fragrant prayer; desire; anointing oil (ministry in the Holy Spirit); praise (adoration) & worship – fragrant (pleasing) aroma to God.
Arachne - Principality over all Spider spirits. Spirit of control and manipulation. It is also a spirit of pride, bragging and boasting of the work of one’s hands. It causes a deep depression in the one it controls when it appears as if another's work is equal to or better than their own.
Buryale - goddess of spiders, she ensnares people and slowly poisons them. In short, this spider spirit not only controls people but poisons their minds to who are their true friends and even poisons their minds to truth. This is a controlling spirit that brings division between friends and family. Buryale is one of three Gorgons; her sisters are Medusa serpent goddess and Stheino – wasp goddess. She works well with either.
(See Spider Web)
Occult attack; witchcraft; Predatory arachnid with eight legs, two poison fangs, two feelers, and usually two silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body, they spin silk to make cocoons for eggs or traps for prey. Hypocrisy; When a spider attacks a fly it plunges its two fangs into its victim, and through them (being tubular) injects poison. The spider’s web is an emblem of frailty and futility. (Scriptures: Job 8:14 ‘the hypocrite’s trust shall be a spider’s web,’ namely frail and transitory, notwithstanding its ingenuity. Isaiah 59:5, ‘they weave the spider’s web…their webs shall not become garments.’ Proverb 11:18).
Serpentine Spirit:
1) Arachne - Principality over all Spider spirits. Spirit of control and manipulation. It is also a spirit of pride, bragging and boasting of the work of one’s hands. It causes a deep depression in the one it controls when it appears as if another's work is equal to or better than their own.
a) This is a very patient spirit and will work for days, weeks, months, and even years to build a strong hold in someone or in an organization. This spirit will sacrifice minor subjects in order to ally suspicions of a major stronghold. It always tries to work itself into a position of trust and authority near the head of any organization.
b) Buryale - goddess of spiders, she ensnares people and slowly poisons them. In short, this spider spirit not only controls people but poisons their minds to who are their true friends and even poisons their minds to truth. This is a controlling spirit that brings division between friends and family. *Note: Buryale is one of three Gorgons; her sisters are Medusa serpent goddess and Stheino – wasp goddess. She works well with either.
Spider Web
Place of demonic attack; ensnaring, a trap.
Backbone - strength of character; courage or willpower; determination; strength of endurance; structure – arrangement, divine order.
Positive: anointing; the Word of God. Negative: Shame or contempt; dishonor; rejection. (Scriptures: Deuteronomy 25:9, Isaiah 50:6, Mark 7:33).
Obsessions. Being obsessed about things.
Something that gets under your flesh and is irritating you; fleshly Christian that gets under your skin.
Thirsting for God (thirsty heart); cleansing; soaking up the Spirit and the Word of God or the world (depending on the context and type of water).
Implement or tool used in preparing, serving or eating food (represents preparing, applying and ministering the Word of God).
Sports Store
Symbolic of the Church, a place of equipping the saints (i.e. running the race of faith; willing to pay the price for help in training and discipline in the Spirit. (Scriptures: Hebrews 12:1, Ephesians 4:11-12).
Moral blemish; defilement; character flaws; works of the flesh.
To expose to the Light (Truth). Negative: Desire to be seen, ambition; performance (wanting to show off your accomplishments); wanting to be in the spotlight (wanting to be the center of attention).
Spout (See Pipe)
To spew or spout off, means to speak out abruptly in an angrily way, usually when you feel you are under pressure. To discharge or project under pressure. To speak in a wordy or pompous (boastful) manner. To utter (a stream of words) on a subject, often at length. To speak continuously and tediously.
• "To spout something out" - To blurt something out; to speak out suddenly, revealing some important piece of information.
Anger and resistance. Not wanting to move in a certain direction in life.
Spring (Season)
Awakening out of death; Resurrection; renewal; fruitfulness; harvest time of barley (Overcomers).
Spring Up
Fountain of Living Water (flowing of the Word and Spirit of God); Spiritual awakening, quickening; a new thing; growth. This can be negative or positive depending on what is springing up. Negative: weeds; root of bitterness. (Scriptures: Matthew 13:5 & 7, Hebrews 12:15).
To begin to grow, develop; To emerge and develop rapidly; a bud, a shoot, to produce. (Scriptures: Numbers 17:8, Isaiah 55:10, Jeremiah 33:15).
Prophet; seeing in the Spirit; gathering intelligence about the enemy. Negative: Secretly watching and gathering information about someone to use against them; sneaky. (Scripture: 2 Kings 6:8-12).
[Shadow tail] “To squirrel away” means, to hoard or treasure up; hide or store. Someone who is a Hoarder. This is living out of fear of not having enough to sustain you. It is dependency upon money, mammon, and what you have, rather than faith and dependency on God’s provision. This keeps us from being a giver into the kingdom of God. Also, a gnawer (living in your humanity, the soulish emotions and feelings, dwelling on things that gnaw at or bother you).
Sri Lanka
Bright fertile land
Symbol of authority and power to rule; strength or support; corrective tool of discipline or judgment; care and comfort.
Stage (Theater)
In the public eye; success; ambition; vain-glory; performance.
To damage one's moral character or good reputation by being associated with something disgraceful; sin, character flaw; taint, tarnish, spoil.
Stairs (See Ladder, Steps, Stepping)
Steps for climbing up (ascending) and down (descending). Ascending to a higher place (dimension, upper room) in the Spirit and descending to implement the Spirit’s instruction or message (i.e., Jacob’s Ladder). (Scripture: Genesis 28:10-19).
Stakes (Tent Pegs)
Expansion (strengthening or moving stakes) in spiritual growth or ministry; to fasten, secure. (Scripture: Isaiah 54:2).
Stalled Vehicle
No movement in the Spirit; to come to a standstill spiritually; No spiritual power; doing things your way not God’s way; trial, test; emotional issues overriding obedience.
To imprint or impress with a mark, design, or seal; to identify, characterize, or reveal; An official mark, design, or seal that indicates ownership, approval, completion or genuineness; An identifying or characterizing mark or impression; characteristic nature or quality.
Maintaining an upright position; remaining stable; standing in the power of God’s might; standing in the finished work of Christ; standing of God’s Word, not being moved in your emotions or doubts. (Scriptures: Ephesians 6:13, 2 Chronicles 20:17).
Jesus Christ (Bright and Morning Star); symbol of Abraham's heavenly seed; Spiritual Israel; ministers of the gospel; light bearers; luminaries; believers; angels (messengers to the church); To award or mark with a star for excellence or outstanding job; to shine as a star (to be light in the darkness), be brilliant, illuminate. Negative: Outstanding or famous, especially in performing something (as in wanting to be a star – ambitious spirit); prideful men. (Scriptures: Genesis 15:5-6, Philippians 2:15, Revelation 1:20, 22:16).
Statue of Liberty
“Liberty Enlightening the World”; freedom; spiritual deliverance.
To take without right or permission; robbery; deception; cheating; enemy (carnal nature; Satan, the devil).
Power; energy; speed; Negative: Vapor (fleeting and passing); to become very angry, fume.
• "Let off steam" - to release pent-up energy or emotions.
• "Under one's own steam" - without the assistance of others.
Powerful; a hard, unflinching character; very firm and strong; to render insensible, inflexible, unyielding, determined, etc. (this can be positive or negative depending on the context of the dream). Negative: Man’s strength; the quality of hardness, especially with regard to a person's character or attitudes; to make hard and unfeeling.
In control; leading; God or the Holy Spirit; Who is steering? This will give you the answer to what or who is in control of your movement (your walk, ministry, life in Christ. If you feel peace or fear). Negative: Wanting to be in control when we should let go and let God have control.
A rest for the foot to ascend or descend, stairs (stairway – way of access, upward or downward), ladder; way of life, course or path; traverse (a passing across, over, or through); tread; one of a series of actions, processes, or measures taken to achieve a goal; Negative: to treat someone with arrogant indifference (to step all over). (Scripture: Luke 10:19).
• "In step" - In conformity with one's environment as in conformity with God’s plans and character.
• "Out of step" - Not in conformity with one's environment as in not in conformity with God’s plans and character. Not living in conformity to the Spirit of God.
• "Step on it" – go faster, hurry.
• "Step by step" – by degrees.
Fear and resistance to the process of life or not needing to go through the parenting experience.
Stew (See Boiling, Soup, Simmer)
[Hot vapor, steam]; to cook by simmering or slow boiling; to be troubled or agitated; a difficult or worrying situation; steam (make angry).
• "Stew in one's own juice" - to suffer unaided (without the delivering power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word) the consequences of one's actions.
Rigid, stiff thinking.
(See Belly, Soul)
One of the principal organs of digestion; holds nourishment.; to bear or tolerate; desire, appetite or inclination. Figuratively, of the soul; the innermost part of a man; heart, as the seat of thought, feeling, and choice. Digestion means assimilation (to make similar; to incorporate or absorb into the mind) of ideas or information; understanding. Inability to assimilate the new. Dread. Fear of the new.
Throwing stones.
Loneliness; long-necked wading bird; bill clattering to communicate; faithful to an established nesting site.
Disturbance in the atmosphere; a tumultuous condition; commotion; to behave or shout angrily; rant and rave; agitation; rage.
• "Take by storm" - to captivate completely; to capture or overrun by a violent assault; to overwhelm and enthrall.
Straight Jacket
Feeling confined; being bound in your emotions and feelings, etc.
Foreign; not familiar; uncomfortable.
Someone unfamiliar; hard to identify the character of; not of the same mind and heart.
Goodness, excellence in nature & virtue; healing; sweet & very humble.
Flow water; the living Word of God; Holy Spirit.
Way of life.
Power; ability.
Giving up. Resistance. Rather die than change. Rejection of life.
Using physical, fleshly force or coercion against; controlling and manipulative through force; to use violent methods upon or assault to get your way; handle roughly; intimidate; domineer; browbeat; aggressive towards; tyrannical; bully, etc.
Insecurity. Lack of self-expression. Not being allowed to cry.
Stye (eye)
Looking at life through angry eyes. Angry at someone.
Suicidal thoughts
See life only in black and white. Refusal to see another way out.
Identity; can have different meanings depending on the color, the type or pattern of the fabric.
See Baggage.
The highest point or part; the top; the highest level or degree that can be attained; the highest level, as of government officials; a conference or meeting of high-level leaders, usually called to shape a program of action; to climb to the summit of (a mountain); peak; pinnacle; acme; apex; zenith; climax.
Jesus Christ; the star that is the source of light and heat; energy that is generated; the center of our solar system.
Jesus Christ; symbol of life, glory; brightness; light.
Apollo (Greek Apollo) - as the sun and light; has been recognized as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, poetry, and more. As the patron deity of Delphi (Apollo Pythios), Apollo is an oracular god—the prophetic deity of the Delphic Oracle. Symbols are Lyre, laurel wreath, python, raven, swan, bow and arrows. (Acts 16:16-18, slave woman with a python spirit). Positive: Resurrection Day (1st day of the week in Bible).
Yellow-rayed flower heads that produce edible seeds rich in oil.
a person who manages or supervises; an official responsible for assisting teachers in the preparation of syllabuses, in devising teaching methods (Apostolic ministry).
Fellowshipping with the Lord or other believers.
a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments (the Word of God); performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body done by a surgeon (Jesus, the Holy Spirit).
SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle)
“Light truck”, "powerful vehicle with four-wheel drive that can be driven over rough ground” or “off highway vehicle”; can be driven on highway or off road.
To inundate or burden; overwhelm; bog down; render helpless; stagnant waters (unregenerate, fleshly thoughts).
Man’s labor apart from the Spirit.
Cleaning and putting things in order.
If swimming in a river for example it would mean, living in the Holy Spirit and the Word of God (truth). Negative: If swimming in the ocean would mean, living in the world and the worldly systems of man (the desires of your flesh).
Swimming Pool
The Word of God and His Spirit; retaining the Word of God (if it is clear, pure water).
Trying to gain spiritual momentum and height (freedom) by self-effort; immature; doubting (going back and forth in your mind); change of mind.
Word of God, Christ fights with the sword of His mouth; put on the whole armor of God - the Sword of the Spirit. Symbolic of the weapon of our mouths (either positive or negative). Negative: Carnal weapon of our mouth; physical strength; Peter used a physical sword to cut off the ear (hearing) of the High Priest’s servant. (Scriptures: John 6:63, Revelation 1:16, 2:16, 19:15, Ephesians 6:17, John 18:10, Matthew 26:51-52, 2 Corinthians 10:4).
influences. Rejection of the feminine processes.