An interpretation and description companion to the Dream Dictionary book. Click on a letter for words and their interpretation.

Dream Dictionary

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N


A hard word of correction from the Lord. God's wrath on the wicked in the church. (Scriptures: Exodus 9:18, Psalm 18:12, Isaiah 28:17, Revelation 8:7, 11:19, 16:21, Ezekiel 13:11-13).


Symbol of glory; covering. Hair style: When you have a puffy hairdo (style) – puffed up, means, prideful; Different hairstyles can have a distinct name. Example: Bobbed (Bob means, bright fame) Haircut, etc. Cutting the hair – When someone is cutting hair or styling it, this means they are trying to bring correction (positive or negative); long hair – Nazarite vow (i.e. Samson was a Nazarite from birth (set apart for God). When his hair was cut off, he broke that vow – he broke the vow when he submitted to the harlot); washing hair – purifying or renew your mind in the Word of God. Negative: Processed (dyed) hair (reasoning of the mind – carnal; thoughts); unkept hair (undisciplined in mind or character). Hair cut off – shame; subjection; judgment; humbling; breaking a vow. The priest at consecration had to 'shave all their flesh' Num. 8:7 and the leper before he could be cleansed had to 'cut off all his hair, his beard, his eyebrows, even all his hair.' Lev. 14:8-9 - for in consecration or cleansing the flesh has to be put away. Besides marking strength, it shows wildness if it is excessive -like Nebuchadnezzar's hair, 'like eagle's feathers' indicating his bruteness.

• “To get in one’s hair” - to annoy persistently.
• “Tear one's hair (out)” - to manifest extreme anxiety, grief, or anger.

Hair, Frizzy

Frizzy – kinky – twisted thoughts – quibbling. Quibbling – carp, to find fault or criticize for petty reasons; cavil. Nag pettily.


That mountainous land

(See Grind)

Ground meat put between to pieces of bread. Positive: can represent, grind - To instill or teach by persistent repetition of the Word of God (meat and bread represent the Word of God – Jesus, John 1:1, 6:35); also breaking down the meat (the Word of God), so it is easier to chew on or meditate on. Negative: fast food item.


God’s Word; using the Word of God to bring thoughts captive and destroying carnal mind-sets and attitudes that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. (Sisera – destroying the strongman – the mind of the carnal man); Negative: works of the flesh; idolatry; symbol of Communism. (Scriptures: Jeremiah 23:29, Judges 4:29, 5:26, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5).


The name means, “oppressor.” They are rodents and considered a gnawer (living in your humanity, the soulish emotions and feelings, dwelling on things that gnaw at or bother you). These thoughts torment us, thus the name “oppressor”. Kept as pet. In the wild, they remain underground during the day to avoid being caught by predators. Hamsters have poor eyesight; they are nearsighted and colorblind. They live and move out of their senses. This represents living according to your physical senses rather than being led and directed by the Holy Spirit. (Scripture: Philippians 4:4-8).

Hand Glider

Ministry of the Spirit; waiting on God.


Speaks of great faith and anointing; acts of faith and healing; miracle; releasing the anointing for healing or deliverance (giving handkerchief); receiving the anointing for healing or deliverance (receiving handkerchief). Negative: Sweat rag (works of the flesh – man’s efforts apart from being dependent upon the Spirit of God). (Scriptures: Acts 19:12, Luke 19:20).


Barrier; support.


Hold and handle. Clutch and grip. Grasping and letting go. Caressing. Pinching. All ways of dealing with experiences. Extension of the Head, Jesus Christ in the earth. Hebrew alphabet, kaph, its value 20 means the enabling of the Spirit to manifest in the physical realm.

Tools of ministry and giving; strength; hands and arms are an extension of the shoulder, the government of God. Hand is symbolic of Five-fold ministry (government of God) (Ephesians 4:11), Apostle (thumb), Prophet (pointer finger), Evangelist (middle finger), Pastor (ring finger – covenant), Teacher (pinky finger), for the equipping of the saints, the body of Christ. Positive: Ministry of Spirit; Negative: works of the Flesh.

Hare (See Rabbit)

Fast, hasty, quick; Satan; evil host; uncleanness; To fright, or to excite, tease and harass, or worry.

Harlot / Prostitute

A tempting situation; appealing to your flesh; worldly desire; a demon; spirit of lust; spiritual apostasy; Prostitute, having an affair without commitment; can represent an adulterous church or individual believer that is not faithful to Jesus Christ; has many lovers (idolatrous) instead of being committed to one husband; affair with the worldly systems of men; seducing spirit (sexual immorality).


A mature, fully antlered, male deer; gentleness; timidity; sensitivity.


Feasts of the Lord (Passover – Barley Harvest; Pentecost – Wheat Harvest; Tabernacles – Grape Harvest); to reap – to gather in what has been sown – reaping benefits or consequences; Soul-winning; The final ingathering of souls.


Identity; role or responsibility; covering; authority; honor; dishonor; protection for the head.

• "At the drop of a hat" - At the slightest pretext or provocation.
• "Hat in hand" - In a humble manner; humbly.
• "Take (one's) hat off to" - To respect, admire, or congratulate.
• "Pass the hat" - to ask for contributions of money, as for charity.
• "Talk through one's hat" - to make unsupported, absurd statements.
• "Throw one's hat in or into the ring" - to declare one's candidacy for political office.
• "Under one's hat" - confidential; private; secret.
• "Wear two or several hats" - to function in more than one capacity; fill two, or more, positions.


Intense animosity or hostility; emotion, murder.


Uncertain. The islands may have been named by Hawaii Loa, their traditional discoverer. Or they may have been named after Hawaii or Hawaiki, the traditional home of the Polynesians. Known as: “The Aloha State”, “Paradise of the Pacific”, “The Islands of Aloha”. Motto: “The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness”. Capitol: Honolulu (sheltered harbor; calm port).


Symbolic of Apostolic; predator; sorcerer; evil spirit; a person who is for war.

Hay (See Grass)

Grass, clover, etc., cut and dried as fodder. Negative: Dead works, deed – liked to wood, hay, and stubble. (Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:12-13).

• "Make hay" - to avail oneself of an opportunity.

Hay Fever

Emotional congestion. Fear of the calendar. A belief in persecution. Guilt.


Thoughts, mind, intelligence; symbol of Christ's headship


Invalidating the self. Self-criticism. Fear.


Receiving in your heart; obedience; understanding.


Center of life; seat of emotions, appetites, passions, and courage; mind, will and soul; conscience; understanding. Represents the center of love and security. Heart Attack: Squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money or position. Feeling alone and scared. “I’m not good enough. I don’t do enough. I’ll never make it.” Heart Problems: longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. Hardening of the heart. Belief in strain and stress. Heart murmur – who are you murmuring, grumbling, and complaining about in your heart?


Fear. Fear. Fear. Clutching Fear.


The spiritual realm; a state of being in Christ (seated with Christ in heavenly places); sky; Throne (seat of authority and power) of God; abode of God. (Scriptures: Isaiah 66:1, Ephesians 1:3, 2:6, 6:12).


Depression; grief; weight; sorrow; burden; responsibility; glory.


Protective covering of spines; Hedgehogs occasionally perform a ritual called “anointing.” (This is self-anointing; this is not anointed by God – counterfeit anointing). It likes to eat rodents and reptiles as well as plants and fruits.


The power to crush


An aircraft that derives its lift from wings or blades that rotate about an approximately vertical central axis (the central axis is the stability of the life and Spirit of Jesus Christ) through power supplied by an engine (power supplied by the Holy Spirit from a life that is dedicated and holy unto the Lord); an aircraft capable of hovering (the Holy Spirit moved and hovered over the waters (Genesis 1:2);  vertical flight, and horizontal flight in any direction (compare this to the living beings before the Throne of God – the cherubim that had wheels within wheels and could move in all directions – where the Spirit wanted them to go. Ezek. 1:17-21). Symbolic of ministry propelled by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Salvation; hope; protect your mind; mind of Christ; spiritual warfare. (Scriptures: Isaiah 59:17, Ephesians 6:11 & 17, 1 Thessalonians 5:8, Matthew 9:20, 14:36).


Fringe, the edge; healing; wholeness. (Scriptures: Matthew 9:20, 14:36).

Hemlock Tree

Wormwood; injustice; symbol of calamity.


Fear of deadlines. Anger of the past. Afraid to let go. Feeling burdened.


One who gathers, protects.


Resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. Liver is the seat of anger and rage.


Ruptured relationships. Strain, burdens, incorrect creative expression.

Herpes (Genital)

Mass belief in sexual guilt and the need for punishment. Public shame. Belief in a punishing God. Rejection of the genitals.

Herpes Simplex

Bitter words left unspoken.


Guilt (awareness of sin); fear; shame; protection; ignoring an issue.


Originally, hieroglyphs were used to write different kinds of texts on different surfaces, but as hieratic developed, hieroglyphic script became confined to religious and monumental usage, mostly carved in stone. Upon seeing these temple and other religious inscriptions, the Greeks called the script hiera grammata, "the sacred letters," or ta hieroglyphica, "the sacred carved letters." Hieroglyphic script is largely pictorial in character. Most are recognizable pictures of natural or man-made objects, often symbolically color-painted. A character (from the Greek "engraved or stamped mark (on coins or seals), branding mark, symbol") may refer to any sign or symbol. Character mark of an individual.

High School

Spiritual training.


Direct path or course; freeway; expressway.


Enemy wanting to take control of you or a situation.


Carries the body in perfect balance. Major thrust in moving forward. Fear of going forward in major decisions. Nothing to move forward to.


Small, hidden fears. Mountains out of molehills.

Hodgkin’s Disease

Blame and a tremendous fear of not being good enough. A frantic race to prove one’s self until the blood has no substance left to support itself. The joy of life is forgotten in the race of acceptance.


A lack or a fault; breach.


A holy day, Religious Feast Day, festival; rest. Negative: Entertainment; escapism; leisure time.

Home / House

Dwelling (your mind) – What do you dwell on? House’s interior under renovation/decoration, symbolic of new start in Christ, having your mind, your thoughts undergoing a spiritual renewal by God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. What is going on in your house or someone else’s house? Is your house in need of straightening up (divine order)? It can represent the church – spiritual family.

Home Improvement Store

Building materials, hardware and equipment for home improvement projects, renovations and building. Represents spiritual renewal through the Word of God and praying in the Holy Spirit. (Scripture: Jude 1:20).


Communing with evil spirits; spirit of lust and perversion; effeminate (weak, without masculine procreative power of God, no reproduction); catamite (male who submits his body to unnatural, lewdness); prostitute (unfaithful to God, no commitment or covenant); literal homosexual (immorality, an abomination to God). (Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 6:9, Romans 1:26-27).


Bottomless abyss


Sweet; strength; wisdom; Spirit of God; the abiding anointing; the sweet Word of our Lord; the best of the land, abundance.


Blinded mind/veiled heart; covering or hiding something; covered.


Strength; power; influence; Christ, Horn of Salvation; Omnipotence or full of power (seven horns). Shofar (ram’s horn) – to warn and gather God’s people; declare Jubilee (freedom – every debt paid). (Scriptures: 1 Samuel 2:10, 2 Samuel 22:3, Lamentations 2:3, Psalms 18:2).

Hornet (See Wasp)

Painful; strong demonic attack; host of people; stinging.


Power, strength, conquest; spiritual warfare.


Draining spirits, the horseleeches drain you of anointing, strength, and vitality; They drain a person physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. (Scripture: Proverb 30:15-16).

Hose (Garden)
(See Fountain)

Conduit; to convey water under pressure; a means by which something is transmitted; fountain; the flow of the Spirit; outpouring of the Spirit.


A place that provides care for sick or injured people. The church is to be a spiritual hospital of deliverance and healing for hurting people, with Jesus Christ as the Great Physician and Healer.


The church; a place that provides (provision) lodging (place of refuge) and meals (The Word of God) for travelers; temporary place; a place to receive revelation – the prophetic word (Elisha and the Shunammite Woman, 2 Kings 4:8-10); hospitality; refreshing place for the sick and weary. (Scriptures: Isaiah 58:7, 1 Timothy 5:10, Titus 1:8, 1 Peter 4:8-9, Matthew 25:34-40, 42-46, Leviticus 19:33-34).


A dog. A contemptible & despicable person, a scoundrel. One who eagerly pursues something. To pursue relentlessly, tenaciously. To make repeated demands of or subject to persistent criticism. To pressure, annoy, persecute, harass, provoke, torment, hassle, goad.

(See Home, Building)

Dwelling, habitation – where you live in your mind, either in the “old house” – the carnal nature and characteristics of the first Adam or a “new house” of the renewed mind of the Last Adam, Jesus Christ, the life- giving Spirit, being a new creation in Christ. It can represent the church – spiritual family. It can also represent your past.


Jesus Christ; actual person; intimate companion; provider; friend; protector; in union with; covering. God; natural husband; a man married and in covenant with a woman; a protector, provider, and manager of his home and family. (Scriptures: Isaiah 54:5, 2 Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5:23-27, Revelation 19:7-9).


Fear. Feeling pressured and frantic.


Fear. Resisting change. Not trusting the process.


Overwhelmed by the burdens in life.


Symbolic of Applying the Blood of Jesus to our lives and His healing power – by His strips we are healed (Is. 53:5). It was cultivated as a remedy for bruises; European mint with aromatic and pungent leaves; used in perfume, and as a seasoning in cooking; bitter leaves; has healing properties; heals cuts and wounds; increase alertness; treats nervous exhaustion, anxiety, and depression. (Scriptures: Exodus 12:21-22, Psalm 51:7, John 19:29, Hebrews 9:19).

Hyundai Santa Fe

Santa Fe means, “Holy Faith” – a movement of faith in God.

Hyundai Sonata

Sonata means, [to sound] three or four independent movements varying in key, mood, and tempo. A musical composition for solo instrument or a small number of instruments typically in three or four movements in contrasting forms and keys. Form, symphony, concerto. This speaks of Moses’ Tabernacle, Solomon’s Temple, the Three Main Feasts. They all have three contrasting dimensions of a progressive movement of the Spirit to bring us to completion in Christ.