Dream Dictionary
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“An excellent person or thing”; opens up at day break; center represents the eye (“day’s eye”), the petals represent rays of light; “oxeye daisy” – ox represents a servant, burden-bearer.
Worship/praise; warfare through worship and praise to destroy demonic strongholds; joyful celebration. Negative: sensuous/fleshly; performance. Also consider the music to which you are dancing, this may help you identify its meaning.
Without light or spiritual understanding of the Word of God and your true identity in Christ; ignorance or rebellion to the ways and words of God; absence of God’s presence; spiritual blindness; kingdom of Satan; in sin; ungodliness; worldliness; lost; judgment; secret/mystery; lying; hatred.
Heart piercing words – the lies of the evil one, accusation; need for the shield of faith. (Scripture: Ephesians 6:16).
May be a reference to familiar spirit (same like spirit); natural daughter; fellow believer – daughter of faith/daughter of God; may refer to a work, church, ministry or city planted by God or another; female descendant.
Light; glory and honor; time to do the work of God; guidance; In the presence of God; In Christ; a day may equal a year(s).
Measurement of time; children of light; New day (hope).
Dead End
Leading nowhere; wrong direction; disobedience; bad decision.
Lack of spiritual hearing; hardened heart; without spiritual understanding; unbelief; lack of faith; deaf and dumb spirit. Rejection, stubbornness, and isolation. Refusing to hear (deaf) and being obedient (living by faith). What don’t you want to hear? “Don’t bother me.” Deafness to God’s Spirit causes a dumb spirit, which is a stupid, foolish spirit lacking the power to speak (declare the truth of the Word of God). Lack of communication. (Scriptures: Luke 1:20, Matthew 9:20-25).
Unforgiveness; offense taken; sin; bondage. Positive: forgiveness of debt; redemption; Jubilee. (Scriptures: Matthew 18:21-35, Matthew 6:12, Deuteronomy 15:1, Leviticus 25:8-16).
Corruption (corrupt; moral perversion; depravity); death, mortality of the first Adam nature and character (fleshly desires, emotions, knowledge). Living according to your flesh rather than according to the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. (Scripture: Romans 8:6-7).
The tenth month. (See the meaning of the number 10.)
Speak, show forth, to inscribe, celebrate, to tell. (Scriptures: Psalm 96:3, 97:6, 118:17,
Isaiah 44:7-8).
Graceful, swift; sure-footed, agile; timid; someone who thirsts after God; Strong spiritual walk and reaching new heights.
Intended or appropriate for defending; protective; Constantly protecting oneself from criticism, exposure of one’s shortcomings, or other real or perceived threats to the ego. A means of defense, an attitude or position of defense. On the defensive – prepared to withstand or counter aggression or attack. Attempting to justify. Adjective -1. PROTECTIVE, defending, opposing, safeguarding, watchful, on the defensive, on guard. 2. OVERSENSITIVE, uptight (informal).
From the Delaware River and Bay, named in turn for Sir Thomas West, Baron De La Warr. Known as “The First State,” “The Small Wonder,” “Blue Hen State,” “The Diamond State.” Motto: “Liberty and Independence.” Capital: Dover.
Salvation through Jesus Christ (the Word) and His Spirit; released from bondage, prison, sickness, addictions, hatred, anger, bitterness, resentment, oppression, fear, etc.
Evil spirit; unclean spirit (thoughts); fear; physical affliction; sickness; perversion; self- destruction; spirit of death; oppression; torment.
Dentist is someone concerned with the diagnosis (discern the problem), prevention, and treatment (sound teaching) of diseases of the teeth (what you devour, either the Word of God or the things of the world), gums, and related structures of the mouth (what you declare, either life or death). It includes the repair (restoration and healing) or replacement (exchanging the old nature with the new nature of Christ) of decaying (corrupt) teeth. Care of teeth and gums – your ability to process and devour or chew (meditating on the Word of God). God the Father, Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit. Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers – someone who is trained and has authority to practice dentistry.
Anger you feel you do not have a right to have. Hopelessness.
Humble; bringing from heaven to earth (as in Jacob’s Ladder). Negative: death; dropping away spiritually; coming from an ascended place to a lower place.
Testing place; place where heart is revealed; place of dependence on the Word; place of humbling; preparation for entering into the Promise Land (glorification, transformation, promises of God as our provision, protection and pleasure); trials; place of Spirit strengthening; preparation for ministry (John the Baptist (Spirit of Elijah) to be a voice in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord.); without public profile; barrenness.
God; Jesus Christ; one that produces designs; bearing the name, signature, or identifying pattern of a specific designer; conceived or created by a designer; one who devises or executes a design; specialist; architect; producer; planner; artificer; creator. Negative: a person who devises plots or schemes; intriguer.
Schooling or learning; teaching; studying the Word and preparation for ministry; service counter (ministry – waiting on customers).
Schooling or learning; teaching; studying the Word and preparation for ministry; service counter (ministry – waiting on customers).
Sweet course (last course) of the meal; inheritance/promise/blessing. Negative: dainties; indulgence (self-gratification).
Ruin; kill; judgment.
Longing for what might have been. A great need to control. Deep sorrow. No sweetness left.
• Colorless
• The hardest naturally occurring substance.
• The impurities add color, red being very rare.
• Africa is the largest producer, diamonds are mostly mined in South Africa.
Meaning: Stability, brilliancy, virtuous and right standing with God. (Scriptures: Jeremiah 17:1, Exodus 28:18, 39:11, Ezekiel 3:9, 28:13, Zechariah 7:12).
Diana (Goddess)
Roman goddess. Greek equivalent is Artemis. Diana means, “godly, divine, heavenly”. One of her titles is Diana Lucifera ("light-bearer") - this is an angel of light spirit. Goddess of the hunt and moon, child birth, crossroads and the underworld. Temple of Diana was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. People from all over the world would go to Ephesus to worship her. Every form of immorality was centered in the temple worship, for "sacred sex" was one of the prominent features of the cult of Diana. She was also the goddess of fertility and sex. Scripture: Acts 19:25-40).
Fear. Rejection. Running off at the mouth, issuing defiled, filthy words; unable to control your carnal words that defile others, your office (position of authority and responsibility in Christ) or yourself. Example: When you get diarrhea on your clothing, someone or something. Diarrhea usually caused from an upset stomach (ingesting something that disagrees or upsets us in our soulish, emotions and thoughts.) and is toxins (i.e. toxic words or thoughts) that need to come out of our bodies.
Diary (Personal)
Date with destiny; memory; daily written record of experiences and observations; memorable moment; personal secret. This can either be positive or negative depending on what you are keeping a record of, whether a record of wrongs or blessings.
Digging (See Shovel and Excavating)
Uncovering truth; digging a well (searching or digging in the Word of God); seeking or searching for something.
Lacking spiritual insight; lacking sharpness or clarity; emitting only a small amount of light (truth), faint.
Dining Room/Eating (See Restaurant, Table)
A room where meals are eaten; spiritual nourishment; partaking of spiritual food; Represents a place of intimate fellowship and communion with God by reading His Word (meat, bread, food) and praying in the Holy Spirit.
Old stronghold, demonic, evil spirit, devil, danger from the past (generational stronghold); out of date (old) Large predator; fierce (violent); untamable.
Dirt (see, Earth, Dust)
Fleshly desires, thoughts and emotions, dust realm of the first Adam’s carnal nature and character; earthly-worldly-sinful minded.
Dirt Road
Doing your own thing (uncleanness); Heading towards uncleanness; off of God’s highway; a path of unwholesome talk; scandal; accusation; wilderness journey (trials, proving, testing, purifying, learning to depend on God and hear His voice); path to promised land (through trials and testing we will enter into the promises of God’s Word and the life of Christ, to rule and reign with Christ).
A disciple is one who is disciplined. To learn, be appraised; to increase one’s knowledge; to hear, be informed; to learn by use and practice; to be in the habit of, accustomed to. To be a disciple of one; to follow his precepts and instructions; to make a disciple; to teach, instruct.
To disregard or doubt (something) as being exaggerated or untrustworthy; to underestimate the significance or effectiveness of, minimize; wanting or getting something at a reduced price (Could mean not willing to pay the full price to follow Jesus Christ.).
A container for serving food (ministering God’s Word, Truth).
A machine for washing (cleansing and purifying) dishes (implements for serving or ministering the Word of God).
Shutting off from someone; feeling unworthy; fearful; unsociable.
Enemy hindrance; trap; place of refuse; man-made water-course; depression; to abandon or discard; to descend from a higher place to a lower; pit.
Boldly stepping out in faith (confidence in the Spirit); going deeper into the things of God. Negative: To drop sharply and rapidly; plummet; To rush headlong and vanish into something. You must also consider what you are diving into. This will give you a clearer answer.
Flighty, scattered thinking. A refusal to look.
Jesus; authority; Holy Spirit balm (healing); sick; need to seek God for healing and deliverance. Negative: going to man to be healed or delivered (which can be witchcraft).
Jesus Christ – the Great Physician; The Lord – Jehovah Rapha, Healer, Holy Spirit. To prescribe (God’s statutes, precepts - to establish rules, laws, or directions – Divine order, structure) for a disease or disorder; Doctor’s examination – going through testing or trial. Negative: trying to fix something in your ability, to repair or mend, especially in a makeshift manner; to make different in order to deceive, tamper with, or falsify.
(See Breed of Dog)
Positive: loyalty, friendship, or faithfulness, tenacious. Negative: A person regarded as contemptible, to track or trail persistently – “to hound” (harass someone); lazy; a despicable man or youth; unbelievers; religious hypocrites; False Apostles are called “dogs” on account of impurity & love of gain. Covetous ministers unrestrained, excessive, undisciplined, spoiled. Wonton nature – to waste or squander extravagant; mock humility.
Characteristics of:
• Licking blood – 1 Kings 21:19 & 22:38.
• Licking sores – Luke 16:21.
• Returns to eat his own vomit – Proverb 26:11; 2 Peter 2:22.
• Dumb & sleeping – greedy; inefficient watchmen; mischief makers; those who mutilate the flesh; falsehood (untruth, error, deception, cheating) – Revelation 22:15; Philippians 3:2.
• One who is uncircumcised; wanton nature; backsliding in former carnality – Isaiah 66:3- 4.
• False Apostles on account of impurity and love of gain; covetous ministers – Isaiah 56:11.
Bible Dictionary: In ancient Israel, the dog was not “man’s best friend.” To be called a dog was most offensive and insulting.
Strongs’ Concordance: Dog, NT (2965), kuon, a man of impure mind, an impudent man, Matthew 7:6. “A wicked person” who might have complete contempt for what is holy. OT (3611) – Keleb- “to yelp, or else to attack; a dog; hence (by euphemism) a male prostitute.”
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6).
(See Idol)
In the Greek means an idol; a small image in the human form, for the amusement of little girls; child’s toy (immaturity).
[womb] Marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises; representing either the Lord Himself, the individual Christian, such as swiftness, brilliancy, conjugal affection. Most often in combination with the anchor symbol [Christ on the Cross]. Their speed together with their productivity and believed to be successful in their endeavors. Symbolic to us to imitate their kindness and their skills in giving aid to others.
Donkey/Wild Ass
Positive: Gentle strength, burden bearer; patience, endurance. Negative: Man's unregenerate state; stubborn, obstinate, self-willed; running wild; false teachers. Ass – domesticated donkey; a vain, self-important, silly or aggressively stupid person.
Christ; opportunity; access; portal; mouth; entrance; heart; the unstoppable work of God; going through transition; gateway into the Spirit realm. Negative: temptation (door ajar or at the door); imposition (door pushed open); destruction (broad door).
Gentleness; Holy Spirit; A gentle, innocent person; a person who advocates peace, conciliation or negotiation in preference to confrontation or armed conflict.
Going away from God; backsliding; moving from an ascended level to a lower level; humility, depression.
Symbolic of the Carnal mind of man being taken over by the nature of the dragon that influences the beastly nature of man to manifest his evil & corrupt purposes that oppose God. Manifesting in man in spirit, soul & body as 666 – the number of man being consumed in the nature of the dragon, also known as Satan, devil. Represented by the marine or land monster; sea-serpent, sea monster, Leviathan; A fiercely vigilant or intractable person; Something very formidable or dangerous; a fierce, combative person. Similar creatures: Basilisk, Sirrush, Cockatrice; Historically, the dragon was associated with the Emperor of China and used as a symbol to represent imperial power. (Scriptures: Revelation 12:3,9,13, 16-17, 13:1-2,4,11, 16:13, 20:2, Isaiah 27:1, 51:9, Ezekiel 29:3, 32:2).
The sediment (to settle, denotes laziness) in a liquid; that which is undesirable and useless; refuse, rubbish, waste, trash, anything thrown away; worthless. The fleshly carnal man is worthless. The Lord's wrath poured out in judgment. To drink the dregs is to swallow the bitter and undesirable, a fitting expression of judgment. (Scriptures: Isaiah 51:17, Pslam 75:8).
Putting on Christ, the new nature; preparation; new anointing for ministry. Changing garments means you desire a change, a transformation of character and nature.
A chest of drawers often supporting a mirror (Word of God, also see mirror under General Category) and typically used for holding clothes (identity) and personal items.
Drinking Fountain
Water fountain (the Word of God and His Spirit) with continuous flow of water found in public places; flow or move of the Holy Spirit; church ministry; Jesus, the Living Water; Eternal life; consuming the Word of God. (Scriptures: John 4:14, 7:37-39).
Depending on the name, character, title, or profession of the person driving, this will tell you what is controlling your spiritual movement, or what spirit (good or evil (bad); or familiar (character traits (iniquities) passed down from family members)) is controlling your movement. The type or make of vehicle being driven may also tell what type of movement is going on. Driving a bus can mean heading up a ministry. Negative: If you are driving, you are steering your own destiny, you are in control. Going in the wrong direction means you are operating in the wrong spirit (your flesh), confused, headed in the wrong direction and need the Holy Spirits guidance. If you are in the passenger seat and someone unknown is driving it can either mean the Holy Spirit is driving, or an unknown spirit.
Tribulation and testing; Lack of receiving the Word of God and praying in the Holy Spirit; financial struggle; lacking the love of God; judgment.
A feeling of suffocation (unable to breath (take in the Holy Spirit or the breath of God which is freedom); Overcome by worry, cares, despair, sorrow, etc.
• "Drown (one's) sorrow/sorrows" - To try to forget one's troubles by drinking alcohol.
Drug Dealer
Opportunist; predator; manipulation and control; witchcraft; dependence; familiar spirits (character traits (iniquities) passed down from family members).
Drug Taking
Escapism, not wanting to deal with issues of the heart (bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, anger, hurt, pain, trouble, fantasy, etc.), not wanting to take responsibility; rebellion; defiance of authority; unmanageable; offense; stronghold; addiction; counterfeit fulfillment; actual drug abuse; witchcraft; looking for instant pleasure (euphoric feeling) or quick fix.
Warfare, sounds of warfare in the heavenlies; worship; to summon as if by beating a drum.
• "Drum up" - To bring about by continuous, persistent effort; to devise; invent.
Dissipation (Wasteful expenditure or consumption. unrestrained indulgence in physical pleasures, wasteful, amusement, diversion; self-indulgence); unrestrained; escapism, not wanting to deal with issues of the heart (bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, anger, hurt, pain, trouble, fantasy, etc.), not wanting to take responsibility; rebellion; unmanageable; intoxicated with worldly pleasures; overcome by strong feeling and emotion. (Scripture: Ephesians 5:18).
Dry eyes
Angry eyes. Refusing to see with love. Would rather die than forgive. Being spiteful.
An appliance that removes moisture by heat. Represents the Holy Spirit.
Dead works of the flesh; refuse, waste, garbage; something foul or abhorrent; foul, offensive odor; filthy, defiling; defecate (to discharge toxins, filth from the bowels (heart, sympathy, place of emotions, distress or love)); When you defecate on someone it means your words are offensive and defiling.
Dung Beetle
(See Scarab)
Dung beetle are those beetles which feed partly or exclusively on feces. Any of numerous beetles that roll balls of dung on which they feed and in which they lay eggs. The black dung-beetle, regarded by the ancient Egyptians as divine. idol, god of the world.
(See Earthly)
Fleshly desires, thoughts and emotions, dust realm of the first Adam’s carnal nature and character; earthly-worldly-sinful minded (lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life) 1 John 2:15-17. God created man out of the dust; the serpent’s food is dust (the carnal, first Adam, sinful nature). (Scriptures: Genesis 2:7, 3:14, 1 Corinthians 15:47-49).
Sit; abide; inhabit; remain; sit thou at my right hand; means to assume a ruling position; settle down. Also, house, as a dwelling place. What do you dwell on? Sometimes the type of house or building that you live in can tell you what your mind is dwelling on. Either you are dwelling in the Spirit of Life and the spiritual blessings of God or you are dwelling in the death of the old carnal nature of unregenerate humanity.
Anger at the self. Hatred of the body or of women.