An interpretation and description companion to the Dream Dictionary book. Click on a letter for words and their interpretation.

Dream Dictionary

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N


Guilt. Guilt always seeks punishment.

Painting (Noun)

Representation; image; illustration; the likeness of something or someone; a conception; idol; lacking spiritual dimension.

Painting (Verb)

Interior painting speaks of inner renewal or refurbishment; refreshing of the Spirit; Exterior painting may refer to an outward show or hypocrisy or in the positive sense it can speak of renovation in the Spirit; cover- up or whitewashing; Painting a picture can represent explaining the Word of God or a situation (as in, “A picture can paint a thousand words”), illustration, representation.


Islamic country

Palm (Tree)

Symbol of victory in Christ, pillar, cloud, authority, anointing, judgment, suffer. Palm branches are a symbol of victory (Rev 7:9). The palm is especially the sign of martyrdom, as this was considered in the light of victory. It is described as "flourishing" (Ps 92:12), tall (Song 7:7), "upright" (Jer 10:5). Place of rest, refreshing, shelter, covering from the heat of the day. The Lord an oasis in the desert. Deborah judges in Israel and sat under the palm tree near Jerusalem on Mt. Zion. (Her message was: What has the Lord said? Hear It and Say It. Do It and Be It). Palm tree was a type of the Tree of Life. Symbolic of the authority, anointing, judgment, supply and provision. Jesus was first recognized and welcomed by his people as King of Kings over Israel with the waving of Palm Branches. A source of food, fruit that would remain in season and out. Sweet dates act as a purgative (to purge), purifies our innermost being.

Many people have used the palm fronds to build their dwelling places, roofs, walls and mats they rest and sleep on. Used for shelter for a covering from the elements. In the Temple they were on the walls standing next to the cherubim and on the pillars of the Temple. Palm trees are symbolic of the victory over death through the resurrection.


Destructive power.


Rural fish


Represents the sweetness of life.


Rejection. Anger and frustration because life seems to have lost its sweetness.


Heart full of resources (the Word of God).

Pants (Underwear)

Righteousness or self-righteousness; covering the procreative parts.


Documents; record; certificate; deeds; account or debt; plans.


The idea of doing so for the purpose of comparison. A placing besides, a comparison, a similitude, an illustration of one subject by another. An obscure or enigmatical saying…not clear to the understanding. Fictitious narrative invented for the purpose of conveying truth in a less offensive or more engaging form than that of direct assertion.


Paralyzing thoughts. Getting stuck. Terror leading to escape from a situation or person.


One who is trained (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers) to assist the physician/healer Jesus Christ.


Giving power to others, letting them take over and life off of you.


Guardians; trainers; leadership or management; spiritual parents; Jesus and the church; the Father and Holy Spirit; literal parents.

Park (See Garden)

Resting place; garden. Negative: Wooded area (humanity); recreation; loitering; vacation.

Parked Auto

No movement in the Spirit.

Parkinson’s Disease

Fear and an intense desire to control everything and everyone.


To repeat or imitate, especially without understanding; gossip Has ability to mimic sound. Noisy, brilliantly colored. A person who without thought or understanding repeats the words of another.

Mimic – Imitative, inclined to imitate or to ape. Having the practice or habit of imitating. A buffoon who attempts to excite laughter or derision by acting or speaking in the manner of another.

Mocking – division; mocking or contempt. Contempt manifested by laughter; scorn.


Celebration. Negative: Wanton, lascivious living.


Letting God take over and drive or direct your movement (your life or ministry) by the Holy Spirit.


Unleavened dough.


A course of action or conduct; the way of life; course of direction; path (straight and narrow) of the righteous, or path (crooked) of the wicked.


Jesus Christ (Pattern Son) – is our example and shows us the pattern to live by that pleases our Father God; something repeated or frequently done; to make, mold, or design by following a pattern; standard way of living; model; structure; precept; habit (good or bad).


A vain person. To strut about like a peacock; exhibit oneself vainly.


Informal: a very small amount of money,  a trifling sum. Having little or no importance, insignificant.


• Hard, glistening object produced within the soft tissue of a living shelled mollusk.
• If an irritant such as a grain of sand becomes trapped within its shell, the oyster gradually covers it with layers of nacre, which form the precious pearl inside.

Meaning: God's truth, God's people formed through suffering, to endure, and a costly experience. Greek term for pearl is "Margaret" which means lovely gem. (Scriptures: Jobe 28:18, Matthew 7:6, 13:45, 46, 1 Timothy 2:9, Revelation 17:4, 18:12, 21:21).


Long life; pear trees have long life; enduring much without complaining.


Lonely person; unclean animal - to vomit up, to spew out.

Pen / Pencil

Writing or drawing instrument; tongue; used to describe; record; illustrate; An instrument for writing regarded as a means of expression; Phrase, pencil in - to schedule tentatively. (Scripture: Psalm 45:1).


In honor of Adm. Sir William Penn, father of William Penn. It means “Penn's Woodland.” Known as: “Keystone State”, “Quaker State”. Motto: “Virtue, Liberty and Independence”. Capital: Harrisburg.


Healing; physician.

Peptic Ulcer

Fear. A belief that you are not good enough. Anxious to please.


Means, to fill with smoke, to fumigate. Symbolic of the burning Incense of worship, praise and prayer at the Golden Altar of Incense in the Tabernacle and Temple. Pleasing, fragrant aroma to God. Emitting a beautiful, sweet spirit (attitude).


Maize village


 A person especially loved or indulged; a favorite; An animal kept for enjoyment or companionship; Companion or friend; something you stroke and nurture; familiar (carnal, beastly nature character traits). Negative: An object of the affections.


Anger and frustration. Blaming others for the limitation and lack of joy in life.


Memories; identity; representation; to remember, nostalgic longing for the past, rather than living in the now.

Piano (See Music)

Stringed instrument of praise and worship; to performed subdued, softly, gracefully.


To steal money or other valuables out of one's pocket, purse, backpack, etc., while the person is unaware.

Pierced Ear

Desire to be a love-slave of Christ Jesus; sensitivity to master’s (God’s) voice. (Scripture: Exodus 21:5-6).


Ignorance; hypocrisy; religious unbelievers, unclean people; selfish, gluttonous; vicious, vengeful, demonic spirits.


Strong support, reliable, responsible leader; Christ; the church; the Holy Spirit; stability and firmness, God’s presence in the wilderness, pillar of fire (protection) by night, pillar of cloud (protection) by day. Negative: Corrosive person (salt).


Support for the head (mind); Christ (He on whom we rest and dream); resting on the sure promises of God; resting in faith, regardless of the circumstances. (Scripture: Genesis 28:11-18).

Pills (See Medicine)

Pill – a disagreeable or unpleasant person.

• "Hard/bitter pill to swallow" - something unpleasant or difficult but which is unavoidable or must be accepted.


Jesus Christ; Holy Spirit; Apostolic ministry; One who guides or directs a course of action for others. One who operates or is licensed (has authority in Christ) to operate an aircraft in flight.


Small outbursts of anger. Fleshly imperfections, character flaws.

Pin (Straight)

Pin – holds and fastens parts together; secure or support. A straight pin has a sharp point – talking “straight and to the point.” Straight - Direct and candid; following a direct or correct method or approach; systematic; showing or marked by honesty or fair-mindedness; orderly arranged.

• "Pin down" - To fix or establish clearly; to force (someone) to give firm opinions or precise information.

Pine Tree

Symbol of fragrance and beauty.


Positive: childlike, love of God, highest or best degree; embodiment of perfection; in perfect condition. Negative: childishness.

• "In the pink" – feeling on top of the world; in good health, condition, and spirits; feeling quite well; the very pinnacle of something excellent.
• "Tickled pink" – delighted, to give pleasure or gratify; concept is of enjoyment great enough to make the recipient glow with pleasure.

These definitions can be positive or negative, depending on your source of delight, pleasure or what makes you feel good – either Christ Jesus and Him alone or needing the things of this world to make you happy? We have to check our hearts and motives.

Pipe (water)
(See Spout)

Conduit to convey water (the Word of God and His Spirit).


Assault gun (being assaulted or assaulting people with words). A rowdy or rambunctious person, especially a child. “Hold a pistol to a person's head” - to threaten a person in order to force him to do what one wants.

Pit / fall

Trap; an unsuspected difficulty or danger; devastation and destruction. (Scripture: Lamentations 3:47).


Ferocious demonic spirit.

Pituitary Gland

Represents the control center.


Conglomeration - a number of different things, parts or items that are grouped together; collection. Could mean, studying or teaching a lot of different subject matters at one time.


See Seed, Seed Sower, Sow.


Superficial, not real or genuine; superficially attractive yet unoriginal or artificial; insincere, phony; hypocrite – saying it, but not living it; cheap.

(See Platter)

To arrange food on a plate as for serving – speaks of service or ministering the Word of God.

• "Have too much on my plate" – too many activities or responsibilities to cope with.


See Pulpit.


Implement to serve food –Platter is called a “charger” - To instruct or urge authoritatively.


Spiritually immature; A field (the world) or sphere of unrestricted pleasurable activity (living in worldly pleasure – the flesh).


Breaking up the fallow ground of a hard heart (brokenness and repentance) in preparation to receive the seed (the Word of God). (Scripture: Hosea 10:12).


One that installs and repairs pipes and plumbing; Lead worker; Jesus, Holy Spirit, God; A mediator of the Holy Spirit, one who administers the gifts of the Holy Spirit; Apostolic ministry.


Desperate. Tired of life. Emotional wounds that are not allowed to heal.

Poison Ivy

Allergy Feeling defenseless and open to attack.

Polar Bear

Religious spirit; white in negative sense is self- righteous; Polar means, directly opposite, as in tendency or character. Characterized by opposite extremes.


Spiritual authority; enforcing the law – can be positive – enforcing God’s laws of justice which brings restoration and healing or negative – enforcing man’s laws of legalism which brings spiritual bondage; detection and prevention of crime; authorized to maintain the peace, safety, and order; A group that admonishes, cautions, or reminds.


authority for good or evil; protector; spiritual authority. Negative: legalism.


Paralyzing jealousy. A desire to stop someone.


Make to shine; to glorify; make reflective; To refine or remove flaws from; perfect or complete – Jesus through His Five-fold ministry of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers.

• "To polish off" - To finish or dispose of quickly and easily.
• "Polish up" - to improve; refine.


"Pome" = apple and "granate" = having many seeds. The skirt of the high priest's blue robe and ephod was adorned with the representation of pomegranates, alternating with golden bells (Exodus 28:33,34), as also were the "chapiters upon the two pillars" (1 Kings 7:20) which "stood before the house." The cheeks (KJV "temples," i.e., the upper part of the cheek near the temples) of the bride are "like a piece of pomegranate within her locks" (Song of Solomon 4:3).

Pomegranate Tree

Symbol of abundance and joyfulness.


A pool of still water often artificially created – stagnant – Stagnant not growing in the Word of God.


Sexual lust and perversion; lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes – sexual appetites which is of the world and separates us from God, by tempting, entices us to sin by being lured by our own lustful, evil desires. (Scriptures: 1 John 2:15-17, James 1:14-15).


Port of Beauty

Possess the Land

Occupy by driving out previous tenants and to possess the land in their place, to expel, cast out, consume, destroy, to take possession, seize.

Postage Stamp

A mark (character); evidence that postal charges have been paid (paying the price to deliver the message of God’s Word).

Postman / Deliveryman

One who carries and delivers the Word of God; preacher.

Pots and Pans

A person as a vessel for the Holy Spirit to fill and prepare the Word of God to be ministered (served).


God (Scripture: Jeremiah 18:6).


Earthen vessel (the church; God’s children; Apostolic- Five-fold ministry) for God to show forth His power and glory. (Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7).


Holy Spirit anointing; authority; miracle ability; deliverance.

Power Lines

Power of God’s Word; Flow of the Holy Spirit.

Precious Stones
(Search the types of gemstones)

Christ; Believers; foundations; adornment (positive – Bride of Christ; negative – Harlot Church – counterfeit religious works); the glory of God; something of value (the Word of God; Jesus Christ).


Expectancy; awaiting birth of a ministry; promise; consummating & conceiving (perceiving) the Word of God through intercession; birthing the Man-child – the woman (the church) consummating with the Word of God, travailing through intercession in the spiritual, heavenly realm to bring forth the Man-child, the Overcomers who will rule and reign with Christ in the earth. (Scriptures: Revelation 12:1-2, 5, Galatians 4:19).


Allowing confusion to reign. Giving power to outside


Jesus Christ; Believer; One who ministers to God and man; an intercessor, one who stands in the gap; Negative – religious, legalistic minister.


Place to develop our character in Christ, refinement, place of tribulation (Joseph & Paul were imprisoned) to produce godly character. Negative – the world; captivity and bondage; stronghold; place of confinement; addiction.

Prisoner (See Prison)

A lost soul; someone who is in bondage. Captive (either of Christ or Satan); oppression; addiction.


Call aloud, a voice thundering, to yell. An official public announcement; a formal public statement; declaration. (Scripture: 2 Chronicles 36:22).


Represents the masculine principle. Mental fears weaken the masculinity. Giving up. Sexual pressure and guilt. Belief in aging.

Prostitute / Prostitution

See Harlot.


Fear of being hurt. Deadening the senses of the self. Refusing to accept responsibility for our own feelings.

Puerto Rico

Affluent port


Preaching, teaching ministry; invitation to speak. Negative: a medium for expressing an opinion; wanting to be heard.


Positive: change of the seasons; harvest time; symbol of affection (as in “You are my little pumpkin”). Negative: witchcraft; deception; snare; witch; trick (as in Halloween “trick or treat”).


One whose behavior is determined by the will of others; under someone’s control used to perform unpleasant and dishonest acts; not real.


See Buy/ing.


Positive: royalty; wealth; prosperity; authority. Negative: false authority.


Closable bag used for carrying keys (authority, power), a wallet (identity), and other personal items; An available amount of money or resources, provision; treasure. (Scriptures: Haggai 1:6-9, 1 Samuel 17:40, Matthew 10:9-10, Colossians 2:3,9).


A question, problem, or contrivance designed for testing ingenuity. A problem difficult to solve or a situation difficult to resolve: challenge mentally. Negative: to cause (someone) to feel confused because they cannot understand or make sense of something.


Principality over divination (foretelling of future events), fortune-telling, soothsaying. It squeezes off the anointing, finances, and rhema. Attacks Five-fold ministry and intercessors. Divination, fortune-telling, and soothsaying operate through the senses instead of living by the Spirit of God. It loves to flatter. Flattery is insincere and self-serving. Our security is in God’s acceptance and approval that we are no longer susceptible to the flattery of false religious spirits. (Albino: deficiency in pigment, to cause to appear different from reality.) (Scripture: Acts 16:16 YLT).

Works with:
• Behemoth spirit- blocks off anything good in your life, the anointing, squeezes finances and rhema word.
• Horseleeches- draining spirit, drains you mentally, spiritually, and physically.