Dream Dictionary

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New ministry or responsibility that has recently been birthed; new beginning; new idea; dependent, helpless; innocent; sin.


Religious confusion and mixture. Religion independent of God. (Scriptures: Genesis 10:8-10, Daniel 5:1-31, Revelation 11:8, 17:1-19:5, Isaiah 1:10,21, Jeremiah 51:7, Matthew 23:35).

*Babylon, the prototype of pagan idolatry, was an ancient walled city between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and was the capital of the Babylonian Empire. “Babylon” is from the Hebrew Babel (Strong’s #894) and means “confusion.” “Babel” has also been translated as “gate of Bel, court of Baal, chaos, vanity, nothingness.” Although its origins are unknown, Genesis 10:10 mentions Babel as part of the empire of Nimrod (*Information taken from Kelley Varner’s Understanding Types, Shadows, and Names).


Past (as in backyard or back door). Previous event or experience (good or evil); that which is behind (for example, past sins or the sins of forefathers); unaware, unsuspecting; hidden; memory. (Scriptures: Genesis 22:13, Joshua 8:4, Philippians 3:13).

Back Door

Past; doubt/unbelief; undercover (hidden) entry/exit; not coming in the recognized way; backsliding; low profile entry/exit; desertion; secret sin.

Back Issues

Represents governmental structure; the support of life.

Back Problems:
• Rounded shoulders: Carrying the burdens of life. Helpless and hopeless.
• Lower Back Pain: Fear of money or lack of financial support.
• Mid-Back Pain: Guilt. Stuck in all that stuff back there. “Get off my back!”
• Upper Back Pain: Lack of emotional support. Feeling unloved. Holding back love.
• Back Curvature: The inability to flow with the support of life. Fear, trying to hold on to old ideas. Not trusting life. Lack of integrity. No courage of convictions.

Back Yard

That which is private; concerning you or your own family; past issues; hidden.

(See Baggage)

Carrying baggage; burden on your heart.


Past; backslidden; turned away from God; not ready/preparation needed; retreat; need for introspection; not knowing where you are going.



Bad Breath

Anger and revenge thoughts. Experiences backing up.


Positive: Was a protective covering for Moses’ Tabernacle in the wilderness, as well as for the pieces of furniture when the Israelites were on the march. The skin of the Badger was chosen for its durability and protection against desert storms. Symbolic of the covering protection of Christ; the unattractive humiliation of His humanity. (Scriptures: Exodus 25:5, 26:14, Numbers 4:6-15, 25, Isaiah 52:14, 53:2-3.)

Negative: To ask or nag (someone) about something in an annoying and persistent way; pester; harass; frustrate; torment.

(See Backpack)

Carrying oppression or issues, things that encumber one's freedom; impediments; Emotions or thoughts that stem from painful or unpleasant past experiences and that affect one's outlook or behavior.


Temptation, enticed, beguile, allure, deceive, trap, subtlety, treachery, crafty; seduce. (Scriptures: James 1:14, 2 Corinthians 4:2).


Preparing the Work of God by application (applying it) of heat (fire & light, purification – illumination), (transform and make suitable for consumption by heating); Word of God being developed in you; to harden – make strong (as pottery – we are earthen vessels). Negative: Something of your own making; concocting or scheming something.

Balance, Loss of

Scattered thinking. Not centered.


Prophetic vision, see in a higher position. (Scripture: Numbers 22:41).


Fear; tension; anxiety; stress; trying to control everything.


Catching Ball – receiving the word of God, reception.
Gulf Ball – on a course of executing God’s purpose.
Hitting Ball – Execution of the word, effective and authoritative speaking.
Kicking Ball – Passing on the message; going for goal; going against God.
Passing Ball – passing on the knowledge and wisdom of God.
Spinning Ball – lying; deceptive words.
Scoring – winning souls.
Throwing Ball – Speaking; passing on to others; casting away.
Transparent Ball – Honesty and integrity. Negative: Words without substance (no heart or spirit).

• “On the Ball” - Alert, competent, or efficient; Relating to qualities, such as competence, skill,  or knowledge, that are necessary for success.
• “Keep the ball rolling” - to maintain the progress of a project, plan, etc.
• “Play ball” - Go into action, to cooperate.
• “Have the ball at one's feet” - have the opportunity to execute something.
• “Start the ball rolling” - to open or initiate (an action, discussion, movement, etc.).
• “The ball is in your court” - you are to take the initiative to make the next move.


Full of grace (graceful); love; precision of movement; conveying a story or theme.

Band Aid

When you put a bandage on a wound it means you are not dealing with the issues of the hurts and offenses in your life and heart.


Intimate communion; feasting on the word of God. Negative: fleshly indulgence; gluttony.

Bar (Nightclub)

The world; being intoxicated, a gathering place for lovers of darkness.

Barbed Wire

Prisoner; captive; bondage or stronghold. Barb – sharp, cutting remark.


A structure set up across a route of access to obstruct the passage of an enemy; Something that serves as an obstacle; a barrier; a structure or object that impedes free movement; to prevent access; block off.


Hidden; forgotten; hidden issues; foundation; basics.


Witchcraft; unstable; flighty; fear; active at dusk; feed off of insects (things that bug you); poor eyesight – navigate by sound waves (living according to your “feelings”). Vampire bats, feed on blood (the soulish realm of emotions, desires (lusts) and negative thoughts).

• “Have bats in (one's) belfry” - To behave in an eccentric, bizarre manner.


Cleansing; purification; applying the Word; daily confession; Baptism (immersion in water). Symbolic of the Laver in the Tabernacle. Laver is symbolic of the Word of God where we wash our hands (works, deeds) and our feet (walk, daily living) to be renewed/regenerated in the Spirit.

Bathroom (See Toilet, Urination, Dung)

Spiritual cleansing; conviction/repentance; prayer of repentance; confession of sins to another person. Bathroom in full view - humbling season; others are aware of cleansing; transparency. Preparation; grooming; . Negative: secret lust/sin; old issue (an old bathroom represents the old nature/mind that needs cleansing, refreshing, refurbishing, and renovation).


Laver of the Tabernacle and the Temple of God, represents the word of God to prepare and cleanse the priests to minister to God and His people; washing in and being cleansed by the Word of God; cleansing your heart and mind, getting rid of the filth.


Holy Spirit (power source); power; reserve power; life.

Battery Charge

Fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit (power, ability).


Spiritual warfare; attack; conflict. Living in finished work of Christ; Battle is not yours but God’s. (Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:5).


Warships that are equipped with powerful armor of God. Powerful Apostolic (contend with imaginations, inclinations, speculations) governmental ministry. (Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 10:4).


Boundary of the kingdom of heaven (where souls are won and lost). Negative: Limit; boundary; recreation; earth; no foundation in the Word of God (standing on the sand); battleground.

Beach ball

Words said in jest/fun – throwing words that have no power or influence.


Judgment; ferocious nature; an evil spirit that wants something you have; economic loss (as in “a bear market”); cunning, cruel men; a large, clumsy, rude or ill-mannered person. Difficult to work with. Also symbolic of the world (fierce, crushing cruelty of the world). Symbol of Russia; religious spirit. (Scriptures: Proverb 28:18, Isaiah 59:11, 1 Samuel 17:34-37,
2 Kings 2:24).


Full manhood or spiritual maturity Untrimmed beard – law/legalism; a person who is undisciplined.


The beastly, animalistic, untamed, undisciplined, fleshly nature of man (666 is symbolic of the mark of the beast. It represents the number of man being ruled by his carnality). Worldly kingdoms, cruel, devouring. (Scriptures: Romans 1:23, Ecclesiastes 3:18, Daniel 4:16, 1 Corinthians 15:32-34).


Greek word horaios (NT #5611) describes "that which is seasonable, produced at the right time," as of the prime of life, or the time when anything is at its loveliest and best (from hora, "a season," Of the Jerusalem gate called "Beautiful," Acts 3:2,10; of the feet of those that bring glad tidings, Romans 10:15 – Vine's.


Industrious; busy; diligent; clever, ingenious; banding up (saving) the Word/Spirit.


Agreement; alignment with; rest; intimacy; in the Spirit (waterbed); heart; association (bunk bed); thoughts, meditation (good or bad). Negative: laziness; adultery; asleep; sexual issue; suffering; sickness.


Intimacy; rest; privacy; peace; covenant (as in marriage); union; inner circle (confide in); the place of heart communion.


Fear of parent, usually the father or fear in general.


Specialized for stinging and piercing. Bee – A social gathering to carry out some communal task or to hold competitions. (Scriptures: Deuteronomy 1:44, Judges 14:8, Psalm 118:12, Isaiah 7:18).

• "A bee in (one’s) bonnet" - An impulsive, often eccentric turn of mind; a notion. An obsession. Bees are highly regarded for their usefulness as pollinators and producers of honey, their social nature and their diligence. The bee’s industry, fruitfulness and sweetness suggest the similitude. Deborah means, “a swarm of bees”, “orderly arrangement”. A judge and prophetess in Judges Chapter 4. Therefore, the bee (from its systematic instincts) can represent a prophetic word that brings an orderly arrangement by the one who receives it.

Belch / burp

To expel gas (erupting words) noisily from the stomach (soulish emotions) through the mouth (voice—what we say or speak); to say curses, insults, etc., violently or bitterly; To erupt or explode; to eject violently; offense; digesting words coming with the wrong spirit; bringing up the past. Fear, gulping life too quickly.


Warning; proclamation of glory and freedom; liberty attention getter.

Bell’s Palsy

Extreme control over anger. Unwillingness to express feelings.

(See Stomach, Soul)

Represents the soul, the seat of man’s inner self (heart), and his intellectual and emotional life. The heart as the seat of thought, the seat of one's physical appetites, sensual pleasures, and worldly satisfactions. Appetite is the feeling of craving something; the desire for food caused by hunger. To be given up to the pleasures of the palate, to gluttony; stomach (as the soul). The belly is also believed to be the seat of carnal affections—the seat of emotions such as love and hate. Inclination; liking; anger; violence of temper; sullenness; resentment; willful obstinacy; stubbornness; pride; haughtiness. To remember with anger; to bear without open resentment or opposition. (Scriptures: John 7:38, Romans 16:18, Philippians 3:19, 1 Corinthians 6:13, Revelation 10:9-10). 

Feeling, choice. Gut feeling; womb (the place where the fetus is conceived and nourished until birth).

• "I have no stomach for arguments" – desire, appetite, or inclination.
• "I can’t stomach his bragging" – to tolerate; bear.


Truth; the Word; prophet (Elijah wore a belt about his loins (procreative power); to support or equip with the Word of God. A belt worn as a symbol of rank or awarded as a prize (i.e., martial arts, military, wrestling or boxing, etc.). Seat-belt – safety, security. (Scriptures: Ephesians 6:14, 2 Kings 1:8).

•"Below the belt" - not according to the rules; unfairly.
•"Tighten (one's) belt" - to begin to exercise thrift and frugality.
•"Under (one's) belt" - in one's possession or experience.


Rest; team; a seat, occupied by an official, especially a judge. Negative: sidelined, as in, to remove from or keep from participating in a game (team effort). (Scripture: Ephesians 2:6).


Word of God; Truth; Jesus Christ; Christian walk; What you believe to be truth; instruction to walk by the Spirit; Two-edged Sword of God; Sword of the Spirit; promises of God; love letter from God our Father. (Scriptures: Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17, Psalm 119:11, Joshua 1:8).


Self-propelled ministry (doing things in your own strength); inferior ministry; denying or without the power of the Holy Spirit; self-employed (not moving in the Spirit of God).


Revealing; in the flesh; carnal; enticing temptation.

Bind (See Bound)

Tie, bound, knit, unite; to support; to bandage; to constipate; to beg, to petition; to fasten with chains, restrain; to forbid, prohibit, declare to be illicit (unlawful); a difficult, restrictive or unresolvable situation; to place under obligation. (Scriptures: Matthew 16:19, 18:18-19).


Distant; spiritual vision; seeing heaven or seeing from heaven; prophet; foreseeing; focusing; faith (not seen with the naked eye).


Positive: symbol of heavenly beings; Holy Spirit as a dove; eagle as prophetic insight; songbirds. Depending on the nature of the bird. Negative: a symbol of evil, foul, deceitful spirits. (Scriptures: Jeremiah 5:27, Matthew 3:16, 13:4, 19, Genesis 40:17-19, Leviticus 14:7, Psalm 55:6).

Birds (Swooping)

Divine protection. Negative: demonic harassment.


Birthing a new ministry/church; beginning of something new; bringing forward God’s promises through prayer; travailing prayer through intercession; being born again. Negative: lost hope or promise (stillborn). (Scripture: Galatians 4:19).


Bite; devour; destroy. Negative: Destructive (devouring) words; Back-biting or slander (bite on back); injurious words (i.e., when something bites you, it could mean there is retaliation in a hurtful way).

•"Bite off more than (one) can chew" - To decide or agree to do more than one can finally accomplish.
•"Bite (someone's) head off" - To respond to a comment in an angry or reproachful way.
•"Bite the bullet" - To face a painful situation bravely and stoically.
•"Bite the dust" - To fall dead, especially in combat; to be defeated; to come to an end.
•"Bite the hand that feeds (one)" - to repay generosity or kindness with ingratitude and injury.


Positive: mystery, death. Negative: famine; death; sin; darkness, ignorance; mourning, distress; hurt. (Scriptures: Jeremiah 8:21, Joel 2:6).

Black Cat


Black Horse

Famine; bad times; evil. (Scripture: Revelation 6:5).

Black Panther

High level witchcraft; demonic activity, works in darkness.

Bladder Problems

Anxiety; holding on to old ideas; fear of letting go; being “pissed off”.


Covering; authority; comfort, security. Negative: Smothering (wet blanket); covering-up, concealment.

(See Blood)

Joy running out; anger; issuing (manifesting) the soul (the seat of our emotions, intellect, desires, will). Living out of our flesh rather than living by God’s Spirit.

Purification; atonement; martyr. Negative: Losing spiritual life and vitality; hurting; suffering; wounded (living in feelings and emotions of the past or present); dying; issue of blood – issue of soul, senses, emotions, desires, thoughts, etc.; being a victim. (Scriptures: Leviticus 17:11; Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48).


Airship used for observation; High profiled ministry; very discerning powerful prophetic ministry.


Spiritually blind; without understanding; living in darkness or spiritually or spiritually ignorant; unbeliever; received a bribe (1 Samuel 12:3); Hardened heart (John 12:40); Lacking faith or love (2 Pete 1:9); Hatred (1 John 2:11).


Resistance; lack of emotional protection.

(See Bleeding)

Family (linage); atonement; redemption or redeemed; sacrifice. Negative: Life of the flesh; murder; guilty; sacrifice; soul. (Leviticus 17:11, Ezekiel 3:18, 33:8).

•"Blood on the hands" – to be guilty or responsible for something.

Blood Bank


Blood Pressure

High: Longstanding emotional problem not solved. Low: Lack of love as a child. Defeatism.

Blood Transfusion

Salvation/conversion; Spiritual life renewed; transformation – exchanging your life for the life of Christ.


Potential fruitfulness; chosen by God; abundance; joy and rejoicing; beauty; pride.


Positive: Holy Spirit; authority; revelation; communion, heavenly. Negative: depression; sorrow; anxiety.

Blues Music

Depression; cultural association with oppressed people.


Ineffective words; rude, outspoken, or tactless; dull. (Scriptures: Psalm 58:6, Isaiah 54:17 & 59:1, Ephesians 5:4, Ecclesiastes 10:10).


Secular leadership; religious council; elders.

Board Meeting

Council either God’s or man’s; accountability. Negative: Communing over business matter; running a business; business plans and agenda; ambition.


Ministry; Holy Spirit transport; church. Negative: recreation, pleasure.

•"In the same boat" - in the same situation as another or others.
•"Rock the boat" - to cause a disturbance in the existing situation.
•"Miss the boat" - to lose an opportunity.
•"Rowboat" - self-propelled (effort) ministry.

Body Odor

Offensive; causing a stink with offensive words or actions; works of the flesh (sweat). Fear; dislike of the self; fear of others.


Fervency, fervent in spirit; passion; ardent (displaying or characterized by strong enthusiasm or devotion). Negative: Anger, upset, seething. (Scripture: Romans 12:11).


Test; anger - inflammation; plague – judgment. Meaning “to burn”; an ulcer (a corrupting condition or influence; an open sore); To be in a state of agitation; seethe; to lose one’s temper. In the Hebrew it means, “botch” (to spoil by poor work; to perform poorly or ruin through clumsiness or ineptitude). (Scriptures: 2 King 20:7, Job 2:7, Leviticus 13:22-23, Exodus 9:9-11).


Assurance; sure words; immovable; lock; security; tie together or united; building.


Empowered by the Holy Spirit; Explosive- dynamic words spoken. Negative: Words of sudden detrimental impact; explosive or shocking words; sudden destructive event; words that burn (positive or negative); unresolved issue that will blow up in the future (time bomb).


Represent the structure of the universe. Bone marrow: represents deepest beliefs about the self. How you support and care for yourself. Breaks: Rebelling against authority.

Dead; without spiritual life; broken spirited; having sorrow of heart; hopelessness; envy; dry bones – no (spiritual) life. (Scriptures: Ezekiel 37:411, Proverbs 14:30, 15:13, 17:22).


Identification; one’s identity; character; record of one’s deeds; Word of God; A set of prescribed standards or rules on which decisions are based; something regarded as a source of knowledge or understanding (seeking man’s knowledge and wisdom or seeking understanding, wisdom, and revelation of God’s Word – the manifestation of the life of Christ). (Scriptures: Psalm 139:16, Revelation 20:12).


Mindset; knowledge, ideals, and beliefs. (Joshua 1:8, Colossians 3:2).


External or outward walk (what you do out of the home); work; military/warfare; preparation of the gospel. (Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 10:3, Ephesians 6:15).


Jesus; God; natural leadership; spiritual leadership; father; One who makes decisions or exercises authority, supervisor; One who has responsibility. Negative: To give orders to, especially in an arrogant or domineering manner, overbearing (bossy).


Human vessels of the Spirit; containers of the Holy Spirit, Spirit life – God’s character and nature; new bottles of the new man (new wine skins). Negative: old bottles (old wine skins - the old man); self-absorbed; bottled up – within (controlled by our thoughts, feelings, emotions & desires). (Scripture: Matthew 9:17).

Bound (see Bind)

To have authority to bind and loose; being bound to Christ or bound in the Spirit. Negative: Spiritually bound with words; under control; captive or confined; opposite of freedom; to be dead spiritually. Bound by religion, tradition, ceremonies; the world; an unclean spirit; by Satan; by iniquity (character traits of our forefathers) or by people pleasing. (Scriptures: Matthew 16:19, 18:18-19).

Bowels (See Intestines)

The inner man, inward thought, the heart; seat of pity or symbol of tender mercy; organ of procreation, womb (as cherishing the fetus); the belly (soul), place of emotions, distress, pity, compassion or love. (Scripture: Psalms 22:14)


Positive: gift box can represent spiritual gifts (gifts of the Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12 & 14; gifts of Christ, Five-fold Ministry, Ephesians 4:11). Negative: Not unpacked or not in use (something boxed up); An awkward or perplexing situation; a predicament; confined, limited, or restricted, in a difficult or restrictive situation (as in, “boxed in”).

Bra (girdle)

Righteousness; integrity of heart; support; truth. Negative: Brazen (no bra); insecurity (no bra); loose woman (no bra). (Scriptures: Ephesians 6:14, Revelation 1:13).


It is the primary center for the regulation and control of bodily activities, receiving and interpreting sensory impulses, and transmitting information to the muscles and body organs. It is also the seat of consciousness, thought (As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverb 23:7), memory, and emotion. Intellectual ability; mind; Intellectual power; intelligence.

Represents thinking, thoughts; the computer, the switchboard. Tumor: Incorrect computerized beliefs. Stubborn. Refusing to change old patterns.



Brass, Bronze, Copper

Symbol of sin; judgment of sin; disobedience (Jeremiah 6:28, Zechariah 6). Twin metals of revolution against God, and those who corrupt God’s word; Isaiah 1:25 base metals must be “purged” away. Ezekiel 22:18 - dross.


Break-through/forth. Negative: Wound; Repair needed (healing, restoration, etc.); Broken walls, leaks are breaches (insecurities of our flesh, whereby the enemy can come in and destroy). They are a result of broken promises/covenants either with God or man (husbands, wives, children, work, etc.). They are also a result of laziness. (Scriptures: Nehemiah 1:3-11, Ecclesiastes 10:18).


Jesus Christ (as in the “bread of life”); Word of God; source of nourishment; God’s provision; Moldy Bread (not being responsible to maintain the presence of God, old manna/revelation, not exercising faith, need for daily bread (Word of God)). (Scriptures: John 1:1, 6:51, Matthew 26:26).


Dine; principal meal; first meal of the day; best meal (feeding on the Word of God); also means to break-a-fast.


Represents mothering, nurturing, and nourishment. Cysts, Lumps: A refusal to nourish the self. Putting everyone else first. Over mothering. Overprotection. Overbearing attitudes.


Represents, Spirit; the ability to take in life. – Breathing Problems: Lake of Spirit; fear, not trusting the process of life. Getting stuck in childhood. Fear of taking in life fully.


Symbol of the work of men's hands; false worship.


Men attempting to make a name for themselves; man-made empires; rebellion against God; bondage of the world (Egypt); works based on men’s ability (works of the flesh); Human effort; Pride; man-made; self-works.


Christ’s church; covenant, relationship; being prepared to be a bride of Christ without spot or wrinkle (without character flaws); United, being in union with Christ; relationship, covenant; new beginning (taking a new name - name change denotes new character); Heavenly, New Jerusalem. (Scriptures: Ephesians 5:27, Revelation 21:1-2, 9-10)


The cross; Jesus Christ; the church; filling the gap; means to an end; life’s passage or journey; crossing over – transitions. Negative: man-made destiny; man-made efforts.


Control the tongue; to restrain, keep in check. (Scripture: James 1:26).


Inflamed family environment. Arguments and yelling.


The Word of God; resting place, a place of refreshing a defining moment, hiding place, river of living water. (Scripture: John 7:38).


Cleaning up; putting things in order; sweeps out the dirt.


Jesus Christ (Elder Brother); brother in Christ; close friend and companion; common bond (good or bad); fellow believer; guardian; natural brother (meaning of name, character traits, positive or negative). Negative: Familiar spirit of character traits.


Legalistic thinking, someone who negates the Word through religious tradition; religious adversary.


Positive: compassion; humility. Negative: Flesh; compromise; humanism; without Spirit; earthly or earthen (contrasted to heavenly; sin; the imperfections of the flesh; marred, unwanted.


The little bumps in life. Self-punishment.


Brushing the hair can represent straightening out your thoughts. The hair is symbolic of glory, covering, thoughts. Used for cleaning, scrubbing, polishing, grooming –putting in order.

"Brush aside/off" - To dismiss abruptly or curtly.
"Brush-up" - To refresh one's memory or renew one's skill regarding (something).


Resurrection life; new life; Aaron’s rod budded – resurrection life out of death.


Jesus Christ; the Holy Spirit; close associate, friend. Negative: A familiar spirit of character traits.


A clown, a jester. A person given to clowning and joking, amuses others by ridiculous or odd behavior, jokes, a fool, etc. Foolish talk, coarse jesting, crude talk. [From Latin: toad] Toad - The horned lizard. A person regarded as repulsive and loathsome, disgusting. A kind of reptile, like a large frog – unclean, lascivious, lustful spirit. (Scripture: Ephesians 5:4).


Annoyance, as in things that bug you.

(See Building)

To construct; develop, increase, or strengthen; help; to establish a basis (foundation) for. Building-up – five-fold ministry of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers. Negative: Build on sand – to provide with an unstable foundation. (Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-13).

(See Build)

Dwelling (i.e., What does your mind dwell on?); habitation, dwelling in Christ; building & equipping the body of Christ to grow up into the fullness of the stature of Christ perfection; Promote growth in Christ’s wisdom, understanding, grace, virtue, holiness, established in His love; build up on a foundation of Christ; rebuild; restore & edify. (Scriptures: Romans 14:19, 1 Corinthians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 5:1, 10:8, 13:10, Ephesians 2:21, 4:11-12, 16, & 29, Jude 1:20).


Hopeless terror. A frantic stuffing and purging of self-hatred.

Bull (Bullock, Ox)

Positive: bullock – sacrifice; spiritual leadership; strength; labor; servanthood. Taurus – bringing judgment. Besides the principle of sacrifice, the bullock characterizes strength, humility, patience, and reproduction. (Proverb 14:4; Matthew 11:28-30; John 15:16) These traits are necessary for those who are called to minister unto the Lord in the priest’s office. (Exodus 29:1; Ezekiel 43:19; Revelation 1:6) One of the faces of the living beings – the cherub, spoken of in the books of Ezekiel and Revelation. The face of the ox turns into the face of the cherub (Ezekiel 1:10 & Ezekiel 10:14). True sons are accustomed to the yoke (Jeremiah 31:18; Hebrews 12:5-11). The Lord is expecting a great number of priests to sanctify themselves, to offer the sacrifices of righteousness (2 Chronicles 30:24; Psalm 51:19). Jesus Christ is the divine “bullock” offered through the eternal Spirit to consecrate the New Testament priesthood (Hebrews 9:13-14; 1 Peter 2:9). Jesus is the young bullock for a sin offering by whom we have now received the atonement (Leviticus 16:3; Romans 5:11). Negative: persecution; spiritual warfare; opposition; accusation, slander, threat; bully – to push, force; economic increase (i.e. “bull market” – Wall Street). Negative or Positive: An exceptionally large, strong, and aggressive person.

Slang meaning – Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language, insolent talk or behavior.

Ka – in Egyptian is both a religious concept of life- force/power and the word for bull.

Babylonian god – Marduk “solar calf” Biblical Merodach – equated with Zeus (Greek) and Jupiter (Roman).

Egyptian god Apis – sacred bull of Memphis worshipped by ancient Egyptians – symbol of Osiris, god of the Nile.


Determined, tenacious. Does not let go of something easily. Their noses are flat which denotes lacking discernment.


Very powerful ministry; Preparation ministry-laying new foundations; Destroying strongholds, hindrances & opposing forces, etc.). Negative: One who destroys righteous foundations; An over-bearing person, a bully, one who intimidates or coerces.


God’s Word: piercing words (positive or negative). Negative: words against you, wounds.

(See Backpack)

A heavy responsibility or duty; a source of great worry or stress; to cause difficulty or distress to; oppress; to load or overload; trial or tribulation. (Scripture: 1 Peter 5:7).


Anger. Burning up. Incensed.


Repressed anger. Wanting to hit someone.


Large ministry; church; vehicle to your destiny. Negative: commercial vehicle.

•"Missed the bus" - to miss an opportunity; be too late.
•"Throw someone under the bus" - to expose someone to an unpleasant fate, especially in order to save oneself.

Bus Station/Stop

Waiting for ministry; waiting for direction, awaiting the timing of God.


To grow; to decorate, protect, or support; represents humanity. Burning bush – God’s fire consuming Moses but not destroying him. (Scripture: Exodus 3:1-4).


God’s work; secular work; an occupation or trade; a concern. Concerned with what occupies your time, the works of the flesh or the works of the Spirit.

Business Card

New venture; new association; identity.


Chief male servant of a household; faithful servant, fruitful servant.


Fat (anointing); prosperity; smooth talker; charming words.


New creation; transformation, resurrection and Glorification (receiving our glorified bodies). Believer transformed, changed from a caterpillar (worm) into a butterfly as the Holy Spirit transforms us; overcome; glorified body (heavenly); living in the Spirit; no longer earth bound. Negative: A person who flits from church to church (spiritual butterfly – always learning but never coming to truth).


Freedom; flighty, fragile; temporary glory; transformation; glorification

(See Pushing)

Employing an emotional trigger; touching a sore spot; involving a response; ready to explode (anger).


Purchasing: Jesus Christ bought and paid for our salvation by His shed blood on the cross, exchanging His life for ours; to acquire by exchange or concession (being willing to pay the price to lay down our lives as a living sacrifice, exchanging our flesh life for Spirit life, or in the negative, exchanging our Spirit life for the flesh and the world (it will cost us)). (Scriptures: Colossians 1:14, Ephesians 1:7, 1 Corinthians 6:20 & 7:23, Matthew 13:44, Revelation 3:18).