An interpretation and description companion to the Dream Dictionary book. Click on a letter for words and their interpretation.
Dream Dictionary
Recreational Vehicle; vacation; entertainment, escapism; family unit vehicle; motor home, used for traveling (wondering about or taking a journey).
(See Hare)
Unclean spirit; fertility. They live in underground burrows; gregarious – social animals, seeking and enjoying the company of others; to move-in or form groups of the same kind – same like spirits. Also, rabbits are a symbol of Easter – a pagan tradition.
Mischief; night raider; rascal; thief, bandit; deceitful.
Course of Spiritual Life – running to be victorious and to complete the race (our completion in Christ as Overcomers); Race of Faith; steady or rapid onward movement. (Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:6-8).
Racing Driver
Competitive spirit; ambition.
Receiver, Transmitter; receiving and transmitting (broadcasting) the Word of God; Prophet / teacher ministry.
Radio Tower
(See Radio)
It is a transmitting antenna (receiving and sending) that increase the range of radio transmission; Prophet / teacher ministry that is given an increased range (Worldwide, globular) ministry of spreading the Word of God into the nations.
Old garment, old nature/man; Self- righteousness, unrighteousness – filth/defilement of the heart; treachery (betrayal of trust, faithlessness), deceit, pillage. (Scriptures: Isaiah 64:6, Zechariah 3:4-7).
Railroad Track
Set path for ministry; means of passage for powerful ministry.
Rain is symbolic of the word, being fruitful, source of fertility, remnant. Symbolic of the outpouring of God’s Spirit and Word through His Five-fold ministry (Apostles, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers), so that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God, to bring forth abundance and fruitfulness of the reproducing power of God. Negative: No Rain – causes draught; judgment to cause the people to repent and cry out to God for His Rain to heal their land (bringing restoration and reconciliation).
Former rain came in fall, autumn showers, early rain, (ORION means coming forth as Light, The Glorious Prince, He Who Triumphs) sprinkling and was the first rains, symbolic of the first part of our walk in Christ, it prepares the soil for seed. Pentecost (Acts 2) when God first poured out His Spirit (Romans 8:23, Ephesians 1:13-14- equip of church) It means to flow as water, an arrow (Isaish 49:2, He has made me a select arrow who will show His glory), to shoot, to point out, to teacher of righteousness, preparing the soil of the heart.
Latter rain came in spring, March and April. (PLEIADES) It means to bring maturity, to gather, to glean, and ripens the grain and brings the crop to harvest, full maturity.
The former and latter rains are connected with the Feast of Tabernacles, Feast of Completeness, Feast of His appearing, His fullness. (Scriptures: James 5:7, 17-18, Hosea 6:3, Levitcus 23:3-4, Isaiah 55:10, Deuteronomy 11:14).
(See Rain)
Rainbow (see Arrows) is the reflection and dispersion of light through rain. Promise of completeness, Seven Spirits, fullness, pour forth, to show, make known ones’ thoughts, manifest and light; covenant promise. A sign of the Promise to the earth that all its inhabitants will be governed in righteousness by His elect who God has chosen and whom shall rest in and with the Spirit of God. Rainbow also means arrow- to pierce or the shaft of an arrow or spear. Arrow is simply the lightning flash (illumination, revelation, understanding) of the thoughts of God. (Scripture: Genesis 9:11-17).
Sacrifice, male sheep or goat; strength, symbolic of strong man, leader or chief. Negative: to force passage or acceptance of; to present forcefully or aggressively.
To dominate and overpower; forced theft; purity stolen; lust; To treat improperly; abuse or spoil; violate someone with your words or actions.
Irritation over delays. Immature way to get attention.
Feeds on garbage or impurities; unclean spirit, invader; gnawer; a despicable person, especially one who betrays or informs upon associates.
Venomous pit viper; Viper - a malignant, spiteful, or treacherous person. In the Bible the Pharisees were called a brood of vipers. (Scriptures: Acts 28:3, Psalm 140:3, Proverb 23:32, Isaiah 14:29, 30:6).
Raven (See Crow)
Evil, Satan; To exult over an accomplishment or piece of good fortune; boast one’s superiority.
Sharp-edged cutting instrument. This can be positive: destroying the flesh through the power of the Word of God and truth, or negative: destroying one through sharp, cutting, judgmental, critical words, etc.
• "On the razor's edge" - in a precarious position.
Negative: Unable to Read – lack of spiritual understanding or discernment.
Rearview Mirror
(See Mirror)
Back up, reverse. Negative: Past; looking back – so you cannot move forward (Living in the past, keeps you from moving forward to your destiny in Christ). (Scriptures: Genesis 19:26, Philippians 3:13-14.
Red Horse
Persecution; anger; danger; opposition. (Scripture: Revelation 6:4).
Red, Scarlet (See Scarlet Worm)
Positive: blood; suffering; sacrifice wisdom; anointing; power. Negative: anger, war.
Judge, to decide in fairness; a person to whom something is referred for decision or settlement. God; Jesus; Apostolic governmental ministry.
Purify character; to become free of impurities (iniquities, impure character traits). (Scripture: Malachi 3:2-3).
Preserving and storing food (the Word of God). Negative: Feeding the flesh. Represents retaining and preserving the Word of God in our hearts for teaching and preaching the Word of God.
(Kidneys, loins or lower back) symbol of the motives of the heart; seat of the feelings, affections and passions.
Guilt, sin, fear; doubting the Word of God and trusting in Him; unwillingness to be obedient to the Word or the Holy Spirit.
Remote Control
Laziness; wanting to be in control from a distance (wanting to control situation that you are not involved in).
Preplanned appointment (keeping your appointments with God).
Repeated Dream
Urgency required; confirmation of message from God; God attempting to get your attention. (Scripture: Genesis 41:32).
Repeated Words
Important need of attention, particularly if your name is repeated – this is a call to turn aside and listen to God. (Scripture: 1 Samuel 3:1-8).
Unapproved, i.e., rejected, castaway, reprobate, despise, refuse, to spurn. – Not standing the test.
Pond or lake for storage and regulation of water; a receptacle for storing water; A large or extra supply; a reserve; Work of God; flow of the Holy Spirit.
Faith in the finished work of Christ; release of burdens; peace; mental and emotional calm; secure; refreshment; trust; no longer laboring; true spiritual union with God. Negative: Inactivity; laziness.
Restoration; communion and fellowship with Christ; communion and fellowship with other believers or with familiar spirits; a place of service (ministering the Word of God); church body ministering the Word of God.
Restaurant kitchen
Restoration; teaching ministry; greater influence or impact; preparing to serve people the Word.
an act of revealing or disclosing, enlightening disclosure of something not previously known or realized; the speech act of making something evident communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency.
Rhode Island
From the Greek Island of Rhodes. Known as: “The Ocean State”, “Little Rhody”, Motto: “Hope”, Capital: Providence.
Heavenly Riches, true treasures (Word of God, Revelation of God and Jesus Christ). Negative: Mammon, worldly riches; false security.
Intercessor; declaration of the Word of God; weapon either positive or negative. Negative: Destructive Words to hurt someone.
Correct; proper; just; natural - authority, power; the strength of man (flesh) or the power of God revealed through man; accepted, place of favor. preeminence; authority; conforming to justice and morality; favorable, desirable or convenient; to put in order or set right, restore. (Scriptures: Matthew 5:29-30, Genesis 48:18, Exodus 15:6, Matthew 25:33, 1 Peter 3:22).
Right Hand
Strong, authoritative; in the Word is signified power, and thus by right hand eminent power, consequently when the hand or the right hand is said of Jehovah, it denotes Divine power or omnipotence.
Right Side of Body
Giving out, letting go, masculine energy, men, the father.
Right Turn
Natural change.
• Ring on the finger - Engagement ring – pledge, betrothal of the Holy Spirit in preparation to being married to Christ (“placed His seal on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a pledge of what is to come” 2 Corinthians 1:22).
• Wedding band – heart and mind in covenant (union and marriage) relationship with Christ; Signet Ring of position, authority and power; identity and seal.
• Ring in the nose – bondage, lacking discernment.
• Ring in the ear – servant, hearing, idolatry.
Also, different styles of rings can have added meaning according to the style name and what type of metal is used to make it (i.e., gold – God’s divine nature; silver – redemption; iron – unbendable; brass or copper – judgment, etc.). (Scriptures: Genesis 24:22, 41:42, Ezekiel 16:12, Haggai 2:23, Luke 15:22, Proverbs 11:22, 2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 1:14).
Allowing others to get under your skin. Not feeling good enough or clean enough.
Perfect or mature; ready; harvest time.
Holy Spirit; move of the Holy Spirit through His church or an individual; Word of God; river of life; death to self (river crossing; baptism); moving into the Promised Land (promises of God; crossing the river); healing; peace. (Scriptures: John 7:38, Deuteronomy 27:3, Joshua 3:1-17).
River bank
Place of prayer; fruitfulness and prosperity (tree planted by the river Ps. 1:3). About to enter in the Spirit. Negative: Out of the Spirit; not entering in the Spirit. (Scriptures: Acts 16:13, Psalm 1:3, 2 Kings 5:10-14).
Riverbed (Dry)
Making a path to cross over from death to life (Joshua 5:1). Negative: Grieving the Holy Spirit; lack of the Holy Spirit; judgment
Infestation; unclean spirits; hidden sin.
Path or course, way of life; decision (middle of road or intersection); what lies ahead for you.
Road Work
Construction or repair; building a path for others; training and conditioning for athletes (overcomers) by running considerable distances (endurance) along a road.
Course, way or path; journey; street (public way); a route (a fixed course or territory; a means of reaching a goal; a prescribed course to travel to reach a specific destination); highway; freeway; superhighway; thoroughfare (passage, a way through or access).
• "Down the road" – at a future time
Obstacle; warning (something blocking your destiny in Christ); delay (waiting on the timing of God); Any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective.
Purified in the fire; roasting meat – preparing the Word of God (i.e., chicken, beef, fish, or unclean meat - pork, shellfish). Negative: To ridicule or criticize harshly.
Our fleshly desires; coming into agreement with the liar, hisser – Satan, instead of the Word and Spirit of God.
(See Clothing)
Depending on the type or colors indicates its meaning: White – is righteousness; rainbow (many, multiple) colors – Seven Spirits of God (Is. 11:2); black – sin, darkness, error, ignorance, iniquities, death; etc. Also see category Colors. Taking off robe – can mean humbling oneself. Negative: “Filthy” robe can mean the wearer is unrighteous, living in the old unregenerate nature, impure, not washed daily in the Word of God, etc. (Isaiah 64:6, Zechariah 4:3).
Programmed person; religious (works mechanically) man – no freedom in the Spirit; without the Spirit or without real heart.
God; Christ Jesus; God’s Word or revelation (rhema Word); Christ as an offense or stumbling stone; stable and sure foundation; place of refuge; strength; salvation. (Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 3:11, 10:4, Matthew 7:24-27, Ephesians 2:19-22, 1 Peter 2:4-8).
Powerful ministry; To move swiftly and powerfully; to soar and rise rapidly.
Teach, discipline; judgement; authority or rule; Word of God as dividing the soul from the spirit; Jesus Christ; the Overcomers – Man Child (Christ and His Overcomers, Ecclesia Church) protection. (Scriptures: Revelation 2:27, 12:5).
Roller Blades / Skates
Glide, move smoothly and effortlessly; figure skate – dance gracefully on skates; on a roll (when preaching). Negative: Self-propelled; out of control; to do something, esp. one's work, in a lax or superficial way.
• "Skate on thin ice" - to place oneself in a dangerous or delicate situation.
• "Get one's skates on" - to hurry.
• "Skate over/around the issue" - to avoid dealing completely with or talking about something because it is embarrassing or hard to deal with; to fail to pay enough attention to it.
Roller Coaster
Living in carnal emotions of ups and downs, allowing circumstances to control you, rather than the stability of the Word of God, being led by the Holy Spirit; trials.
Spiritual leadership or authority; covering and protection (authority structure); the highest part or summit of anything. Negative: When the roof leaks – negligence, indolence - habitual laziness, sloth. (Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:8).
• "Go through the roof" - To grow, intensify, or rise to an enormous, often unexpected degree; extremely angry.
• "Raise the roof" - to create a boisterous disturbance, to react or protest heatedly.
(See Chicken)
A person regarded as cocky and pugnacious. Pugnacious - Combative in nature; belligerent. Cock is an adult male chicken.
• "Cock of the walk" - An overbearing or domineering person.
Foundation, Jesus Christ, established in Christ and His Word; That which is the foundation of fruit; that which taps into God’s Word (rooted in God’s Word); the remnant. That which keeps something alive (negative or positive). Negative: Stronghold (iniquities (familiar character traits that oppose God) that run deep in our hearts); past ancestry/heritage; bitterness; love of money. (Scriptures: Jeremiah 17:8, Hebrews 12:15, Colossians 2:7, Isaiah 27:6, 1 Timothy 6:10).
Bound; influence by (being pulled); strength in unity (three cord strain); being tied up; if you are- tied to someone or something this could be positive or negative, may refer to a soul-tie; union; dependency.
“Bed of roses” - a situation of comfort or ease; ornamental, fragrant flowers. Red Rose – true love, I love you.
Corruption, death, wickedness; Rotten fruit – living in corruptible fleshly nature and deeds, as opposed to the fruit and nature of the Spirit; wealth of a rich man – worldly treasures; disease. (Scriptures: Galatians 5:19-25, James 5:1-3).
A road, course, or way for travel from one place to another. Course of instruction.
A set of customary or unchanging and often mechanically performed activities or procedures; habitual, regular.
Ministry or life of self-effort; need for the Holy Spirit; not changing or adapting.
Self-effort of doing things in your own strength; opposing the Holy Spirit (going against the wind); entertainment, escapism. (Scriptures: Mark 6:48, John 3:8).
Religious achievement (dead works); product of the world; that which defiles the heart; the thoughts that clutter the mind; that which needs to be thrown out – discarded out of our lives, heart and mind. (Scripture: Mark 7:15-23).
· Fiery, deep-red, transparent form of corundum.
· Rubies of the finest color come for the Mogok region in Burma.
· The violet-red (sometimes quite dark) comes principally from Thailand.
Meaning: Preciousness, of great value, costly glories, wisdom, and prized treasure. (Scriptures: 28:18, Proverb 3:15, 8:11, 20:15, Lamentations 4:7).
Foundation; purging, cleaning/cleansing (rug cleaning or vacuuming) your foundation (that which we stand upon, gives us strength, stability and what establishes us) in Christ by the Word and Spirit of God.
• "Keeping something sweep/kept under the rug" - To ignore, deny, or conceal from public view or knowledge something that is embarrassing, unappealing, or damaging to one's reputation.
Ruler (Measuring)
See Measure
Run Down House (Collapsing)
Laziness; sin; not looking after yourself; no self-control; negligence; not taking responsibility serious; corruption; living, dwelling in your carnal, worldly thoughts, instead of the Word of God and praying in the Holy Spirit for renewal of mind. (Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:18).
The race of faith; disciplined; be non- stoppable; to seek after; have an alliance with (to run with – can be negative or positive). Negative: fearful (running away); running from something you don’t want to deal with; meet (run towards); waiting upon the Lord (running and not growing weary – spiritual strength); searching (running to and fro). (Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-2).
Running Water
Living water (the Holy Spirit and the Word). (Scripture: John 7:38-39).
“Russian Land” or “Land of Rus”. The name Rus itself comes from the early medieval Rus' people, Swedish Viking merchants and warriors.
Decay; corruption; earthly treasures; without discipline (needing maintenance) – these all speak of our carnal nature. (Scriptures: Matthew 6:19-20, James 5:1-3).
RV (Recreational Vehicle)
Motor home; equipped for traveling and camping; Negative: used for recreation.