An interpretation and description companion to the Dream Dictionary book. Click on a letter for words and their interpretation.

Dream Dictionary

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N


Ascending or descending; promotion or demotion; going higher into the things of God; portal of heavenly activity (as in Jacobs ladder had angels ascending and descending). Jacob’s Ladder – when he rested his head on the Rock, he had a dream and saw angels ascending and descending on a ladder that was in the heavens (spiritual realm) where Jesus stood watching him.; a means of moving higher or lower; extension ladder - a ladder whose length can be extended; ranking, degree, level. (Scripture: Genesis 28:10-19).


Fresh body of water (Word of God).


Jesus; God's people. Lost lambs will be retrieved. (Scriptures: Isaiah 5:29, Jeremiah 11:19, Luke 15:4, John 10:16).

Lamp / Lampstand

Light, illumination, revelation, understanding; God’s Word; anointing of the Holy Spirit; Seven Spirits of God (The Spirit of the Lord; Spirit of wisdom, understanding; counsel; strength; knowledge fear of the Lord, Isa. 11:1-2; seven golden lampstands, represent the church (seven churches), Rev. 1:20); Menorah, Lampstand in the Tabernacle and Temple, represent the life and ministry of Christ (The Anointed One), also represents nine fruit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control & faithfulness – character) and nine gifts (word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning of spirits, prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, faith, working of miracles & gifts of healing) - power produced from the character) of Christ’s Spirit flowing through the believer (the church). (Scriptures: Psalm 119:105, Isaiah 11:1-2, Revelation 1:20, Ephesians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10).


A man who owns and leases property; landowner; God; Jesus Christ. Negative: Satan, the devil (the strongman of the house). (Scriptures: Psalm 24:1, Luke 12:42-48, Matthew 12:28-29).


So mad you can’t speak. Fear of speaking up. Resentment of authority.


Rejoicing; medicine to your bones. Negative: Ridicule scorn and contempt; mocking (course jesting); unbelief. (Scriptures: Proverbs 17:22, Ephesians 5:4, Genesis 18:12).


Cleansing; washing your garments (identity) in the Word of God. (Scripture: Malachi 3:2).


The Word of God; legalism; love; the law of faith; law of the mind written on our hearts; the law of the Spirit of Life; Liberty; the law of sin and death; civil legal system.


Positive: Jesus Christ, our advocate; mediator; Someone giving counsel; Holy Spirit as Counselor or Advocate; Christ as Advocate; intercession. Negative: Satan, the accuser of the brethren; legalism. Someone who is legalistic; one who attempts to trap you with your words; hypocritical believer who knows the Word, but not the Spirit.


Weight; heaviness of the heart.


Contract granting use or occupation; union; binding agreement.


Trying to control or restrain. Example: If you have something on a leash, like an animal (beastly nature and character), this may mean that you are trying to control either yourself or someone else who is manifesting this character. We have to give control to God and reckon the old nature crucified with Christ. (Scripture: Romans 6:6).

Leaven (see, Yeast)

Positive: influence (Luke 13:20-21) leaven spreads (for good or bad). Negative: yeast, sin. (Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 5:6-8, Mark 8:15, Galatians 5:9).


Spiritual Weakness (of man); God’s strength or ability demonstrated through man’s weakness; rejected. (Scriptures: Judges 3:20-21, 20:16, Matthew 25:33).

Left Side of Body

Represents receptivity, taking in, feminine energy, women, the mother.

Left Turn

Spiritual change.


Carry us forward in life. Support and strength of the body


Sour; a poor sport.


Big cat; swiftness, sometimes associated with vengeance, predator, danger. Has many spots (character flaws), blends in to their surroundings (camouflages). Stealth.

(See Homosexuality)

Female homosexuality; same like spirit; deviant spirit; communing with the soul; defilement; literal lesbian. (Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:9).


Word of God; written instruction; written communication; reference to Bible Epistle; orders; authoritative word; invitation.


To rise or float in the air, esp. as a result of a supernatural power; In the Spirit.

Liberty Bell

Proclamation of freedom or salvation; the Gospel; Jubilee.


Seeking knowledge of God; heavenly wisdom or riches (upstairs library); study; reference or research; history. Negative: Seeking worldly or religious knowledge.

License (driver)

Permission to; authorization; a legal document giving official permission to do something; official document; Authority and identity in spiritual movement; empower; accredit; commission; enable. Negative: Lack of due restraint; excessive freedom; an excuse or justification to do something wrong; licentiousness.

License Plate
(See License)

Permission; authorization; identity

Life Raft

A raft for emergency use at sea; in danger and needing urgent action and care; ark (Christ); needing deliverance, salvation; lost.


An expert swimmer trained and employed to watch over other swimmers, also called a Lifesaver; Jesus Christ; Holy Spirit; Apostolic – five-fold ministry (Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, Ephesians 4:11- 13).

Light (see, Lamp)

Christ or God; revelation or illumination; understanding God’s ways; A righteous heart; life; a guide to the right way; God’s Word as a guide; God’s glory; manifest, expose; fellowship (walking in light) Negative: Not walking or moving in the Spirit or in truth or a lack of understanding (no lights on); Without Christ or lost (no lights on). (Scriptures: Psalm 119:105, John 3:19, 5:35, Proverbs 6:23, 1 Corinthians 4:5, 6:14, Ephesians 5:8, Matthew 5:14 & 16).

Light House
(See Light)

A tall structure topped by a powerful light used as a beacon (a source of guidance and inspiration) and warning of danger; Jesus Christ, the Church; Five-fold Ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13).


God’s voice; moving or occurring with remarkable speed or suddenness; A flash of light caused by a brilliant, electrical discharge in the atmosphere; illumination; revelation; understanding; powerful Word from God that strikes the mark; the Glory of God; judgment; destruction.


(Isa. 34:5) arrow snake; Lilith-Diana lead astray the spirit of knowledge a description of the Lord’s day of vengeance; witchcraft; Lilith is depicted as a slayer of infants and women in pregnancy and childbirth (causes spiritual miscarriages or abortions); Lilith spirit produces self-reliance; demands equality; storm goddess; mystic spirit; unfulfilled wishes; self-defeating patterns; unhealthy behavior to light; spirit of the night; accusations; disagreeable nature; harlot-worship idols; darting on its prey; goddess of higher intelligence.


Trumpet shaped flowers; resurrection.


High profile; official, governmental use; luxurious car usually driven by a chauffeur; glamour.


Symbolizes the robe of righteousness (white linen); purity and holiness (white linen); Priestly garment; garment of salvation; valued and expensive garments. Symbol of righteousness and purity; does not cause sweat; symbol of rest.


Jesus “Lion of the tribe of Judah”; royalty, kingship, bravery; confidence. Negative: Satan seeking to destroy; of cruel and powerful enemies; of persecutors; of imaginary fears of the slothful. (Scriptures: Isaiah 5:9, Jeremiah 49:19, Psalm 22:13, 2 Timothy 4:17, 1 Peter 5:8, Proverb 22:13, 26:13).


Voice/mouth/words; praise; wisdom. Negative: Flattery; deceit; lying lips; seduction; snare; destruction; contention; perverse; hatred; fool; unrighteous (poisoned lips); saying something you regret.


Seat of anger and primitive emotions. Chronic complaining. Justifying fault-finding to deceive yourself. Feeling bad. Vital organ; secretes bile; stores fat and sugar as reserved energy source; filters out toxins; heart (fig. of temper, disposition, character); interior purification, heavy burden (Lamentations 2:11); disagreeable, unpleasant toxic character.

Living Room

Where you live in your mind and heart; a gathering place for the family (also church family); a place of rest; Messy, cluttered or out of order living room represents your thoughts (carnal, fleshly), needs God’s divine spiritual order (thinking righteously, removing the things that clutter your mind and distract you from living in the Spirit).

(See Chameleon)

crocodile alligator; chameleon; salamander; smaller species; apathy; rocky spider; pride; gossip; legalese; judgment; camouflage; blinds; analysis everything; Sorid - god of mind control; hide their true personality; deceptive.

• “Lounge Lizard” - A man who idles about in the lounges of hotels and bars in search of women who would support him.


[spider, locust, grasshopper] Pair of large pincers; not easy to approach, bottom feeder; dwell in rocks, sand, and muddy bottoms of sea; eaten as a delicacy.


Anger. A desire to control. A refusal to express feelings.


Destructive enemies, armed men; devour every green thing, then swarm; devouring affection, the truth of the heart of God; Eat, destroy, that which gives life; Dormancy- lack; sleep.


Migrating in immense swarms that devour vegetation and crops. In the East it ravages as to produce famine. It is one of the flying creeping creatures that were allowed as food by the law of Moses. Moses in Exodus refers Pharaoh to the visitation of the locust. (Scriptures: Leviticus 11:21, Exodus 10:5-6,15).

Loggerhead turtle

Loggerhead – a blockhead; a dolt; a thick-headed or stupid person. “At loggerheads” – engaged in a dispute. Turtle lives in the sea and has a protective shall.


Symbol of strength in action; reproductive part of the body. Procreative power.

Looking Back

Regret; not fully committed; disobedience/rejection of God; Held by the world; desirous for past pleasure; look at the past; not thankful for the present. (Scripture: Luke 9:62).


Break up, destroy, dissolve, melt, shatter, break, burst, tear; set free. (Scripture: Matthew 18:18).


Lack of discernment, understanding or wisdom; without spiritual guidance; lack of the Spirit; lack of Word; don’t know your identity in Christ; fear; anxiety; confusion; ignorance; legalism; without Christ.


In honor of Louis XIV of France. (Louise means: “Famous Warrior”). Known as: “Bayou State”, “Child of the Mississippi”, “Creole State”, “Pelican State” (official), “Sportsman's Paradise”, Justice, Confidence”. Capitol: Baton Rouge (“red stick”). “Sugar State”, “The Boot”. Motto: “Union, Justice, Confidence”. Capitol: Baton Rouge (“red stick”).


A small, medicated candy intended to be dissolved slowly in the mouth to lubricate and so the irritated tissues of the throat. Heraldic device. Heraldic – indicative of or announcing something to come, communicatory, communicative.

Lump in the Throat

Fear. Not trusting the process of life.


The ability to take in life. Depression. Grief. Not feeling worthy of living life fully.


A giving up. Better to die than stand up for one’s self. Anger and punishment.

Lymph Problems

A warning that the mind needs to be recentered on the essentials of life. Love and joy.