An interpretation and description companion to the Dream Dictionary book. Click on a letter for words and their interpretation.

Dream Dictionary

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N


Longevity; stable (deeply rooted); hard and durable; strength.

Oak Tree

Strength; durability.


Promise; pledge; covenant; allegiance.

•"Take an oath" - to agree to a pledge of truthfulness or faithful performance.
•"Under oath" - Under a burden or responsibility to speak truthfully or perform an action faithfully.


The eighth month. (Also see the number eight meaning)


Octopus is a bottom dweller of the ocean. It does not have a structured spinal column- no sound governmental structure. They can slip out of tight places and move into another dimension. Produces blindness as he ejects a black ink, a dark cloud creating a way of escape of illusion, a camouflage as a decoy, to blind his attacker, his adversary.

8 Tentacles of Influence: Banking, Military, Politics, Education, Illegal drugs, Medicine (Pharma), Religion, Media.

• Symbol of mind control
• Beastly system—Illuminati, Cabal
• One mind-trans-humanism –society can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, by means of science and technology.
• Connect humans- by way of computer technology
• Symbol of Mormonism – started with Mormons, and also became symbol of Free-Masons.
• Pop Cultural-Hollywood-Music & Movies
• World domination-through Organization
• Evil organizations behind the scenes turning nations against each other Jezebel Spirit because of the tentacles.

Jezebel Spirit because of the tentacles.

Odor (bad)

Offensive; wrong spirit.


Business; Church Ministry Position (office); Five-fold Ministry of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher; A position of authority, duty, responsibility, service or trust given to a person; A duty or function assigned to or assumed by someone; administrative; executive. (Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-12).


From an Iroquoian word meaning “great river”. Known as: “The Buckeye State”; “Birthplace of Aviation”; “The Heart of It All”. Motto: “With God All Things Are Possible”. Capital: Columbus.

Oil (dirty)

Foul spirit; counterfeit anointing; unclean. (Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:1).

Oil (Olive)

The Anointing, Unction - Power of the Holy Spirit; healing power of the Holy Spirit (balm of Gilead); Spiritual strength; The Glory of God; Light. (Scriptures: James 5:14-16, Luke 10:34, 1 John 2:20 & 27, 2 Corinthians 1:21, Zechariah 4:11-12, 14).


From two Choctaw Indian words meaning “red people”. Known as: “Sooner State”, “Land of the Red Man”, “Native America”. Motto: “Work Conquers All”. Capital: Oklahoma City.

Old House

Dwelling or living in past thoughts or corrupt, carnal thoughts of the old nature apart from the mind of the Spirit and Christ; going back to the past.

Old Man

Maturity; past or history; patriarch; wisdom; God; stronghold. Negative: 1st Adam nature, physical, carnal nature vs. the new man (nature) in Christ Jesus; manifesting and living out of the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life.

Old Woman

Maturity; matriarch; wisdom; Holy Spirit; past or history. Negative: Soulish nature (living according to the emotions, feelings, thoughts, intellect, desires and will of the carnal nature) apart from the Spirit.

Olive Tree

Anointed person. (Scriptures: Zechariah 4:11-14, Revelation 11:3-4).




Open door – either opportunity or access into the heavenly, spiritual realm or negative: not secure, vulnerable to attack and access by the enemy. Open window – assess to the heavenly, spiritual realm of revelation and understanding or negative: not secure, vulnerable to attack or access by the enemy. Having a receptive heart; Hear (open ears) spiritual insight.

Open Heaven

Access to spiritual revelation or vision; abundance; Access to the blessings of God.


Opossums are usually classified as a pest species due to their habits of scavenging and living in attics or under houses. Opossum behavior – Possums are nomadic and opportunistic animals. They sometimes establish a home base, especially a female with young, and often live in human structures. They rummage around at night for food, and will eat pretty much anything, but prefer meat, and even rotting carcasses. They are not very fast, and will stand their ground when threatened, bearing their 50 sharp teeth. In dire circumstances, they will sometimes feign death, or “play possum.”

Opportunist - One who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve an end, often with no regard for principles or consequences.


Positive: perseverance. Negative: stubbornness.


Fruitfulness (bearing the fruit of the Holy Spirit). (Scriptures: Song of Solomon 4:13, Galatians 5:22-23).


Colorful and fragrant; name comes from the Ancient Greek ὄρχις (órkhis), literally meaning "testicle".


Unknown. However, it is generally accepted that the name, first used by Jonathan Carver in 1778, was taken from the writings of Maj. Robert Rogers, an English army officer. Known as: “Beaver State”. Motto: “She flies with her own wings”. Capital: Salem.


Anger and frustration at the very structure of life. Feeling unsupported.


Feeling there is no support left in life. Mental pressures and tightness. Muscles can’t stretch. Loss of mental mobility.

Outside / Outdoor

Open or exposed; Not intimate or not in fellowship (in contrast to inside); outside of Christ; no covering or protection; independent or separate.


Represent points of creation. Creativity.


Heart; place of judgment; baking or roasting - place for preparing the Word of God; refinement by the fire of God’s Word and His Spirit, through trials and testing.


See Debt.


Unclean bird, night creatures; evil spirits; night bird; man’s wisdom; inhabits the desolate waste. (Isaiah 34:14-15) arrow snake – goddess Lilith spirit – night monster; witchcraft. Demonic activity substitutes and counterfeits to kill your holy seed; to kill offspring – comes in as substitute, counterfeits to divert from being & hearing what God wants. Refuses to submit – wants equality, power of creating or making or producing in self. Power of performance. Goddess of knowledge & higher intelligence. Harlot substitutes – wants to promote – knowledge – intellect – counterfeits for real Spirit of God. Mystic – implies a secret meaning; operates in unfulfilled wishes. Self-defeating patterns.


Slow change; subsistence; sacrifice; service; beast of burden – burden-bearer, intercessor.