An interpretation and description companion to the Dream Dictionary book. Click on a letter for words and their interpretation.

Dream Dictionary

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N

Nail Gun
(See Nails (builder’s))

Implement or tool used to drive nails, by air pressure, into wood or other material, to join, fix or establish. (Scripture: Judges 4:21).

Nails (builder’s)

Sharpness; to join together; fasten, fix or secure in place; pinpoint or locate; capture, arrest, apprehend, ensnare, entrap; to fix or focus (one's eyes, attention, etc.) on an object; to expose. (Scriptures: Judges 4:21, Isaiah 22:23-24, 54:2, Colossians 2:14).

• "Nailed it or nailed" - To perform successfully.
• "Nail down" - To discover or establish conclusively; to win; specify or fix.
• "Hard as nails" - without sentiment or feelings.
• "On the nail" – immediately, promptly, without delay, punctually.
• "Hit the nail on the head" - to do or say something correct or telling.
• "Nail in someone's or something's coffin" - something that hastens the demise or failure of a person or thing.


Nakedness – shame of sin; mortality; without covering; exposed; vulnerable; seductive; crafty, subtle, cunning. Living in the old nature, rather than being cover or clothed in the new nature of Jesus Christ. (Scriptures: Revelation 3:18, Lamentations 1:8-9, 4:21-22, Genesis 2:25, 3:10, 11, 21, 2 Corinthians 5:2-4, Ephesians 4:22-24).


Denotes character and nature. Rev. 22:4 His name shall be in their foreheads. Gen17:5 Abraham was given a new name. Rev. 2:13, 17; 3:12 will write upon him the name of my God... Rev. 14:1 Father's name written in their foreheads. A change of name denotes a change of character from the old sinful nature to the new man in Jesus Christ. Names speak of a type of character, i.e. Jacob’s name (trickster, supplanter, schemer) changed to Israel (God rules); Saul changed to Paul; Simon changed to Peter, Abram to Abraham; Sari to Sarah; Hadassah to Esther, etc.


Can’t cope. Extreme fear. Wanting to get away from it all. Not wanting to be here.


Fear. Rejecting an idea or experience.


From an Oto Indian word meaning “flat water”. Known as: “Cornhusker State”, Motto: “Equality Before the Law”. Capital: Lincoln.


Represents flexibility. The ability to see what’s back there. Refusing to see other sides of a question. Stubbornness, inflexibility. Unbending stubbornness.


A person who shows mercy and lovingkindness towards a fellow human; one whom we should show mercy to; someone you are close to; joined / union, close associate, friend, companion (can be negative or positive depending on the context of the dream). Consider the meaning of the person’s name or their character (what they are known for). Same like spirit (positive or negative). Negative: familiar spirit. (Scriptures: Mark 12:31, Amos 3:3, Luke 10:29-37).


Overreaction to disappointment and failure.


Represent communication. Receptive reporters.

Nervous Breakdown

Self-centeredness. Jamming the channels of communication.


Fear, anxiety, struggle, rushing. Not trusting the process of life.


Evangelism for either kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness; ministry. Negative: trap; something that entraps, snares; bondage; A complex, interconnected group or system (network); trapped in the internet.


Punishment for guilt. Anguish over communication.


Spanish: “snowcapped”, “snow-covered”. Known as: “Silver State”, “Sagebrush State”, “Battle Born State”. Motto: “All for Our Country”. Capital: Carson City.


Regenerate (born again); fresh (fresh wine- skins); just found, discovered, or learned; unfamiliar, never experienced (coming out of the familiar or what makes you comfortable – coming out of your comfort zone); different from the former or the old; changed for the better; rejuvenated.

New Hampshire

From the English county of Hampshire. Known as: “The Granite State”. Motto: “Live Free or Die”. Capital: Concord.

New House

New nature; new beginning; new character; new (renewed) mind and way of thinking – the mind of the Spirit and Christ. (Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17).

New Jersey

From the Channel Isle of Jersey. Known as: “The Garden State”. Motto: “Liberty and Prosperity”. Capital: Trenton.

New Mexico

From Mexico, “place of Mexitli,” an Aztec god or leader. Known as: “Land of Enchantment”. Motto: “It Grows as it Goes”, Capital: Santa Fe (“Holy Faith”).

New York

In honor of the Duke of York. Known as: “The Empire State” Motto: “Ever Upward”. Capital: Albany.

News / Newspaper

The Gospel (good news); God’s Word; what God is doing; information about current events or upcoming events; something resent; something about to make headlines; exposure; sudden exposure (breaking news); information about recent events or happenings. Negative: gossip; knowledge; information and knowledge of the world and men’s opinions. When we dwell on the news of the world’s opinions of man, it brings fear, and opens doors to seduction and perversion.

Newspapers - Delivering

Preaching the Good News of the Gospel and Kingdom of God; making something public; distributing the Word of God. Negative: listening to the world and opinion of man; gossiping.


Walking at night – walking in ignorance (lack of understanding and wisdom), lies, deception, death; without light or truth; You might be driving at night or walking at night, so you put on your headlights, or carry with you a torch light (flashlight) means you are applying the Word of God (Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path). (Scriptures: Exodus 14:20, 1 Thessalonians 5:5).


Spiritual darkness, ignorance (without understanding); wrath; judgment.

Nightclub (also, see Bars)

Entertainment through seduction and perversion that feeds your fleshly desires; Identification with the world (gathering of people with a common purpose); an establishment that is open late at night – the kingdom of darkness (sin, ignorance and death); church body operating in entertainment of the flesh.

Nit / Lice (Louse)

Parasite – that which feeds off of blood (the soulish emotions); nit-picking (fault finding); being judgmental; things that bug us and bring irritation because we are living out of our soulish realm of feelings, emotions, thoughts and desires (the minute things that get in our hair – our thoughts and cause agitation). Louse – to spoil or ruin, a contemptible person, an unpleasant or mean person.


Resentment and frustration and hurt ego over career.


A sound, especially one that is loud or disturbing; distraction; a disturbance; A complaint or protest; rumor or gossip; to talk a great deal or complain; clamor; confusion.


Spiritual judgment; Judgment comes from the north. (Scriptures: Jeremiah 1:14, 4:6, 6:1, Isaiah 41:25). Heaven or heavenly; spiritual warfare (as in “taking your inheritance”); toward the throne of God and true worship symbol of power and authority. (Scriptures: Deuteronomy 2:3, Proverbs 25:23, Jeremiah 1:13-14).

North Carolina

In honor of Charles I of England. Known as: “The Old North State”; “Tar Heel State” Motto: "To be, rather than to seem" (official); “First in Flight: First in Freedom”. Capital: Raleigh.

North Dakota

From the Sioux tribe, meaning “allies”. Known as: “Peace Garden State”, “Roughrider State”, “Flickertail State”. Motto: “Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable” Capital: Bismarck.


Represents self-recognition. Nose Bleeds: A need for recognition. Feeling unnoticed. Crying for love. Runny Nose: Asking for help. Inner crying. Stuffy Nose: Not recognizing the self-worth. Symbol of breath; discernment; also, symbol of prying (being nosey), to search or inquire meddlesomely. When you put your nose up to someone you are acting superior or the idiom: “down (one's) nose” showing disapproval, contempt, or arrogance.


The nineth month. (Also see under the meaning of the number nine.)


See Naked.

Number 1

Beginning, God, Unity.

• Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning was God, the one true God.
• 1 John 5:7 - The Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost are one.
• Ephesians 4:6, 1 Peter 2:9 - There is one God and one holy nation.

Number 2

Witness, Division.

• Matthew 18:16 - In the mouth of two or three witnesses.

Number 3

Complete, Divine Fullness, Perfection.

All God's creation is complete in three:
• Father, Son, Holy Spirit
• Spirit, Soul, and Body
• Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
• Animal, Vegetable, Mineral

Number 4

Creation, The Earth, Material Creation.

• The four elements: earth, air, fire, water
• The four directions: north, south, east, west
• The four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
• The four divisions of the day: Morning, Noon, Evening, Midnight

Number 5

Grace, Favor.

• The favor of God's grace
• God informed Paul - His grace was sufficient

Number 6

Man, Humanity, Man’s Wisdom and Labor.

• The earth was prepared for man in six days
• Man was created on the sixth day
• The number 666 is the completeness of man, the best man can do without God

Number 7

Completion, Spiritual Perfection and Revelation, Sabbath Rest.

The book of Revelations beautifully reveals the Number Seven:
• Seven churches
• Seven Spirits of God
• Seven golden candlesticks
• Seven stars
• Seven lamps
• Seven seals
• Seven eyes
• Seven horns
• Seven angels
• Seven trumpets
• Seven heads
• Seven crowns
• Seven plagues
• Seven gold vials
• Seven mountains
• Seven kings
• Seven lamps

Number 8

New Beginnings, Resurrection, New birth, New Creation.

• Jesus' transfiguration was on the eighth day
• Circumcision was to be on the eighth day
• Eight souls were saved in the flood

Number 9

Judgment, God’s Visitation.

• The number nine consists of 3 x 3 It is the completeness of completeness
• Nine is also one short of coming into God's divine order
• Nine gifts and nine fruits of the Spirit

Number 10

Perfection of Divine Order; Law.

Decade - 10 years
• Era - One hundred years 10 x 10
• Millennium - One thousand years 10 x 10 x 10
• Noah was the 10th generation
• The Ten Commandments
• One tenth = The Tithe
• Ten plagues in Egypt
• The ten virgins

Number 11

Imperfection; Disorder, confusion.

• After Judas' betrayal, there were only 11 apostles.
• Before the Holy Spirit could come on the Day of Pentecost, the twelfth apostle had to be appointed.

Number 12

Perfection of Government of God, Divine Authority.

• The twelve patriarchs
• The twelve apostles
• The twelve foundations of the Holy City
• Twelve persons anointed of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

Number 13

Satan, Rebellion, Depravity.

• All the names of Satan are divisible by thirteen
• Israel rebelled against God thirteen times in the wilderness

Number 14

Release, Deliverance and Salvation.

• Israel was delivered the fourteenth day of the first month
• Matthew records 14 generations from Abraham to David
• 14 generations from David to the carrying away into Babylon
• 14 generations from the carrying away into Babylon to Christ, the Anointed One who is our deliverer

Number 15

New Direction, Completion of God's Grace, Kingdom.

• The Completion of God's Grace, 3 x 5.
• The fifteenth day of the first month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the symbol of the sinless body.
• The fifteenth day of the seventh month is the Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast of Tabernacles marks the end of the sixth day of man and the beginning of the seventh day of the Kingdom.

Number 16


• There are sixteen titles for Jehovah in the Bible
• In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 there are sixteen attributes of love

Number 17


• In Romans, chapter eight, there are seventeen things listed which cannot separate us from the love of God.
• In Hebrews, chapter twelve, there are seventeen differences in the Old Covenant compared with the New Covenant.

Number 18

Bondage, Oppression.

• In Judges, Israel was held in bondage for eighteen years, first by Eglon and then by Ammon.
• Jesus healed the woman who had been bound by Satan for eighteen years.
• 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 - The best carnal man can accomplish.

Number 19


• There are nineteen people listed in Hebrews, chapter eleven, the faith chapter.

Number 20

Redemption, Time of Waiting.

• The Israelite men were chosen to go to war at the age of twenty.
• At the age of twenty, the children of Israel were to make an offering for their souls.
• Jacob waited twenty years for his wives and possessions.

Number 21

Trouble, Distress.

• The number 21 in Hebrew is made of two letters: kaph-aleph. These signify giving strength as well as the strength of God's grace to cover sin during our time of spiritual growth.

Number 22

Sons of Light, Sonship.

• There are twenty-two bowls of oil which hold the oil for the candlestick.
• There were twenty-two thousand priests to serve the tabernacle.
• There are twenty-two sections of light in the 119th chapter of Psalms.
• There are seven divisions of 22 verses in the book of Lamentations.
• The number 22 in Hebrew is made of two letters: kaph-beth. These signify the open palm in the act of giving something to the house or household.

Number 23

Death & Resurrection Life.

• There are 23 things listed in the book of Romans chapter one, verses 28:32 which makes one worthy of death.
• The number 23 in Hebrew is made of two letters: kaph-gimel. These signify the open palm in the act of lifting up—in this case, lifting up from death.

Number 24

Priesthood, Higher Form of Government.

• There are 24 elders around God's throne.
• There were 24 courses of the priesthood in the tabernacle.
• The number 24 in Hebrew is made of two letters: kaph-daleth. These signify the open palm in the act of opening a door, signifying an open hand showing and offering to us the door of priesthood and access into the Sanctuary of God.

Number 25

Forgiveness of Sins, Blessings.

• The number 25 in Hebrew is made of two letters, kaph and hey. Kaph is an open palm, the act of giving or covering. Hey means inspiration, or the breath of God, and generally has to do with the Holy Spirit. Thus, 25 has to do with laying on of hands to bless people with the Holy Spirit.

Number 26

Gospel of Christ, Power of Salvation.

• The number 26 in Hebrew is made of two letters: kaph-vav. These signify an open hand with a nail. The Power of Salvation is pictured by Jesus' hands being nailed to the cross.

Number 27

Preaching the Gospel, Ministry of Salvation.

• The number 27 in Hebrew is made of two letters: kaph-zayin. These signify the open palm in the ministry of spiritual warfare.

Number 28

Eternal Life, Leading of the Holy Spirit.

The number 28 in Hebrew is made of two letters: kaph-chet. These signify the open palm covering the inner chamber of the heart.

Number 29


Number 30

Spiritual Maturity, blood of Christ, Dedication.

• Joseph was 30 when he stood before Pharaoh.
• David was 30 when he began to reign in Hebron.
• John the Baptist began preaching repentance at the age of 30.
• Jesus began His ministry at the age of 30.
• The number 30 in Hebrew was written as the letter lamed, which is literally an ox goad or staff. Thus, it was a symbol of authority, leadership, or rulership.

Number 31

Offspring (descendant/s)

Number 32


Number 33


• Jesus was 33 when He went to the cross.
• He was 33 when He arose from the dead, giving us the promise of eternal life.

Number 34

Naming of a Son

Number 35


Number 36


Number 37

Jesus, as The Word of God.

Number 38


Number 39

Disease, Infirmity, Weakness.

Number 40

Trials, Probation, Testing.

• Israel was tested for 40 years in the wilderness.
• Jesus was tempted for 40 days in the wilderness.
• Jonah preached judgment to Nineveh for 40 days.
• In the book of Judges, Israel was given 40 years of rest under Othniel, Barak, and Gideon.

Number 42

Completion of a Journey, Man’s opposition to God, Antichrist.

• Israel had 42 campsites from Egypt to their promise land
• There are 42 generation from Abraham to Christ
• 42 boys mocked the ascension of Elijah to Elisha (2 Kings 2:24).

Number 45


Number 46

Herod’s Temple, Man without the Holy Spirit.

Number 49


Number 50

Holy Spirit; Freedom, Pentecost, Jubilee.

• The word Pentecost means 50.
• The Holy Spirit was given 50 days after Jesus' resurrection.
• 50 is the year of jubilee.

Number 51

Divine Revelation; Peace

Number 52

Building Wall Around Jerusalem

Number 55


Number 60

Pride and Arrogance.

• The image Nebuchadnezzar set up was 60 cubits high

Number 65

Apostasy (total rejection of one's faith).

Number 66

Idol Worship

• The confusion of man (11 x 6) who makes an idol out of self.

Number 70

Restoration of All Things, Universality.

• After the flood, the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japheth were 70.
• At the time of Joseph, Jacob had 70 descendants in Egypt.
• Israel was restored to their promise land 70 years after the Babylonian captivity.
• Daniel's 70 weeks completed the time when the Most Holy will be anointed.

Number 76

Cleansing or Blotting Out

Number 100

God’s Election of Grace, Children of Promise

Number 119

The Call to Resurrection (yet falling short).

Number 120

Complete Dispensation of Time, Probationary Period Awaiting the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Moses lived three complete generations of time 3 x 40 = 120.
• Forty years under the law of Egypt
• Forty years under grace, after he killed the Egyptian
• Forty years led by the Spirit of God

Number 144

God's Perfect Government, The First Resurrection Saints.

• 12 x 12 (144) - signifies God's ultimate creation of government.

Number 153

Fruit Bearing, Gathering the Sons of God.

• Jesus' disciples caught one 153 fish when they fished on the right side of the boat.

Number 200


• 200 pennyweight of bread was insufficient to feed the multitudes.

Number 210

Time of Jacob’s Trouble

Number 220


Number 276

The Flesh, Satan, Babylon

Number 390

No King in Israel

Number 414

Cursed Time

Number 434

Judged Time

Number 490

Blessed Time

Number 600

Warfare in the World.

• Pharaoh pursued Israel with 600 chariots.
• The Danites sent 600 men of war to take Josiah.
• Goliath's spear weighed 600 shekels of iron.

Number 666

Man's Best, Man’s Authority Over God’s Creation.

• Mark of the Beast, is the number of man (Revelation 13:18). Mark on the forehead and the hand represent the beastly nature in man’s thoughts (forehead) and his works (hand) (Revelation 14:9-10).
• 6,6,6 (3 x 6 = 18) is the best man can do without God, which only brings God's people into bondage.
• 666 is the number of the beast, the great anti-Christ.
• 666 speaks of the culmination of human pride in independence of God.

Number 888

Fullness of Christ’s Body

Number 1,000

Glory of God, Completeness

Number 49,000

Creation’s Jubilee

Number 144,000

God's Perfect Government.

• God's Kingdom rulership, with His first fruit company


See individual numbers.


Withholding love and consideration. Going dead mentally.


Purity. Negative: Legalism; religious works (form of godliness that denies God’s power); self-righteous.


Holy Spirit; gentle nurturer of young Christians; ministers who affectionately impart the Word of God; servant. Negative: nursing your wounds (hurts – living in your flesh and soul) rather than standing on the Word of God and the victory we have in Christ.


Crazy, insane, extremely enthusiastic, used to express contempt, disappointment or refusal or defiance, disgust, disapproval, despair.