An interpretation and description companion to the Dream Dictionary book. Click on a letter for words and their interpretation.
Dream Dictionary
Stores bile produced by the liver. “In the gall of bitterness.”
Bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness. Hard thoughts. Condemning. Pride.
Game of chance; Playing with your eternal destiny; flesh dominating the spirit (putting temporary fulfillment above eternity); addiction; stronghold; greed; deception.
Activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime; competitive activity where players contend with each other; A period of competition or challenge; Evasive or manipulative behavior for one’s advantage; A calculated strategy or approach; a scheme.
Fear; intimidation; spiritual warfare; anger and violence; unclean spirits; principality power or strongman (gang leader).
Positive: [shelter] To put or store in a garage. To put under shelter [to protect]. Parked or retired ministry; No movement in the Spirit; An establishment where cars are repaired, serviced, restored or stored – needing healing, adjustment and restoration in the Spirit.
Worthless, useless, or unwanted matter; removal of discarded matter; refuse, trash, filth; sin; transgression; the flesh; works of the flesh.
Garbage Disposal
Kitchen appliance, getting rid of the garbage (worthless, useless, or unwanted matter; refuse; nonsense; inferior; vile; waste material; that which defiles the heart); discarded animal (beastly nature) and vegetable matter.
The atmosphere of God; a delightful place; a place of intimacy with God; protected place.
(See clothing)
Fuel (something consumed to produce energy); the Word of God and praying in the Holy Spirit to produce the energy (power – miracles, transformation) of God.
Gas (Belly)
Gripping. Fear. Undigested ideas.
Prolonged uncertainty. A feeling of doom.
Place judgement (judicial) and decisions were made; spiritual authority; entrance point for good or evil; access; fortification. (Scriptures: Genesis 22:17, Matthew 16:18, Isaiah 28:6).
Represent the masculine and feminine principles. Worry about not being good enough.
In honor of George II of England. Known as: “Peach State”, “Empire State of the South”. Motto: “Wisdom, Justice, Moderation”. Capitol: Atlanta (named after location of last stop of Western & Atlantic Railroad. Atlantic Ocean – sea of Atlas – Greek god of astronomy and navigation).
Gnawer (living in your humanity, the soulish emotions and feelings, dwelling on things that gnaw at or bother you); They inhabit grassland, shrubland and desert – areas that speak of living in our flesh rather than being led by the mind of Christ and His Spirit. Gerbils live in patriarchal groups. Having dominant female sisters. Only dominate females reproduce with dominate males. “Claw warrior” or claws or nails, “clawed femur.” This represents a domineering, controlling spirit. (Philippians 4:4-8).
German Shepherd
Is known to work as a police and military dog. It is a security dog that protects and detects problems using its senses (our senses are a counterfeit substitute for the discernment of the Holy Spirit. We are to walk by faith and not by sight (1 Corinthians 5:7) and we are not to judge according to our sight or what we ear, but by the Spirit (Isaiah 11:3).
Positive: godly men (as in “a giant of the faith”); strong; conquer; Negative: demons; defilement (as in the Philistine Giant Goliath).
A special ability, or power; talent, freely given without cost. Jesus gave gifts to men (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers for the equipping of the saint to come to full maturity). God’s grace of eternal life through his undeserved love. Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Different kinds of Tongues; interpretation of Tongues; Prophecy; Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge; Discerning of Spirits; Faith; Working of Miracles; Gifts of Healing) for the edifying of the Body of Christ. These gifts are undeserved and are given freely by the power of the Holy Spirit to building up the Body of Christ to the full measure of the stature of Christ. (Scriptures: Ephesians 4:8-13, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10).
Long, stiff necked. Has spots (character flaws); ruminate (chew the cud – dwell on things negative). (Scripture: Acts 7:51).
Gladiator; sword. Also called Sword Lily.
Gland Problems
Represent holding stations. Self-staring activity. Holding yourself back.
Word of God; transparent and pure; glassful – vessel, the amount contained in a drinking glass; looking glass – mirror, reflection, the Word of God; eyeglasses - lenses for aiding or correcting defective vision (also the Word of God).
Glass of Water
Glass – transparent vessel (human vessels) containing water (the Word of God); receiving revelation from God’s Word; partaker of the Holy Spirit (if drinking); eternal life; unselfish deed (giving glass of water).
Stony unforgiveness. Pressure from longstanding hurts. Overwhelmed by it all.
To sparkle brilliantly; glisten; to reflect light in bright flashes; to shine. Negative: Glamour; self-glory - brilliant or showy, often superficial attractiveness.
Warm and loving help; warmth; protection; A close-fitting glove used to improve the grip.
• "Hand in glove" - informal in an intimate relationship or close association.
• "Handle with kid gloves" - to treat with extreme care.
• "With the gloves off" - (of a dispute, argument, etc.) conducted mercilessly and in earnest, with no reservations.
To adhere; To cause to be focused on or directed at something; used to join things together; soul-tie; stronghold.
Sinner; unbelief; stubborn; argumentative; no discernment; negative person; being blamed for something (as in “scapegoat”); positive – prosperity in some cultures; shaggy; sin, sinners. A lecherous man – lustful; erotically suggestive; inciting to lust. Also, related to the Greek god, Pan.
• "Get someone’s goat" - to anger, annoy, or frustrate a person.
God’s Divine nature; kingship; kingdom glory.
Positive: God (divine nature); Kingship; Kingdom glory; purity, holiness. Negative: idolatry; defilement; licentiousness.
A game played on a course (development, progress, direction of continuing movement); object to propel a small, hard ball (Word of God), using a club (implement), in as few strokes as possible – “finishing the course set before us, with our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” – Hebrews 12:1-2.
The need to dominate. Impatience, anger.
Christ; Apostolic governmental (Five-fold ministry Eph. 4:11); one who governs; To exercise a deciding or determining influence on; ruler; chief; judge; authority and power; manager, administrator.
fruitfulness; success in life; evidence of being connected to Christ (as in John 15).
Derived from two Hebrew words, chatsir, from a root meaning "greenness" (flourish) and deshe, from a root meaning "to sprout abundantly."; pasture, grazing land; God’s favor is like dew on the grass (Prov. 19:12); green pastures (tender grass) (Ps. 23:2; Mark 6:39) Negative: dead, dry grass - man of flesh; dead works, doctrines of men (wood, hay, and stubble; 1 Corinthians 3:12).
Destruction; drought, pestilence lives among the grass, feed on plants, and producing a ticking sound by rubbing the hind legs against the leathery forewings. See LOCUST A well-known insect which commits terrible devastation to vegetation in the countries which it visits. In the East, ravages as to produce famine. Moses in refers to Pharaoh of the visitation of the locusts. (Scripture: Exodus 10:5-6,15).
Grave / Grave Yard
Death; place to bury the dead; Tomb - a monument (a memorial, to remind, remembrance; to bear in mind, recollect) for commemorating the dead; serious and solemn; full of or suggesting danger; important; crucial. This is symbolic of living in the mind of the flesh or death, living in the memories of your past that torment you instead of living by the renewing power of God’s Word and His Spirit that bring freedom and victory and give you a new identity in Christ. (Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 5:17, Luke 8:27).
Positive: dignity, honor; age maturity; wisdom. Negative: Half-truths, weakness, compromise, “gray areas” – not easily understood, obscure, undefined, unclear, indeterminate.
Gray Hair
Stress. A belief in pressure and strain. Old or mature; wisdom; crown of glory (righteousness); deserving honor and respect. (Scriptures: Proverbs 16:31, 20:29, Leviticus 19:32).
Land of the Greeks. Also, can represent knowledge because the Greeks sought knowledge.
Positive: life, growth; prosperity; conscious. Negative: envy, jealousy, pride.
(See Hamburger)
To study or work laboriously; a laborious task, routine; sharpen, polish, sand, smooth, form, shape, or mold; to instill or teach by persistent repetition; To devote oneself to study or work (this can be negative or positive). Negative: To oppress or weaken gradually or persistently.
• "Grind out" - To produce mechanically or without inspiration.
• "Grind someone down" - oppress, suppress, harass, subdue, hound, persecute.
(See Travail)
Travail – birthing in the Spirit; to bring forth or to establish; intercession; groaning under great burden, to be overburdened or overladen; weight, to be weighed down (by) or suffer greatly (under) pressure; symbolizes heartache; oppression; complaint; wounded or vexed soul; a deep, mournful sound of pain or grief (heartache); bruised heart; pain; affliction, tribulation, distress, difficulty, trouble; to grumble or complain. (Scriptures: Romans 8:26, Galatians 4:19).
Grocery Store
Symbolic of the church and five-fold ministry equipping the saints through the provision of the Word of God. A store selling foodstuffs and various household supplies. Buying food (meat, produce (fruit), bread, milk, etc. – symbolic of God’s Word) to prepare meals. This can represent being willing to pay the price to spend time in God’s Word and His presence to prepare the Word to impart to God’s children that will cause them to grow-up in Christ.
Nursing those old hurts. Building resentments.
The feeling of being responsible for the act of an offense (either real or imagined); remorseful awareness of having done something wrong; self-reproach for supposed inadequacy or wrongdoing; condemnation; guilty conduct; sin. Not living in the Truth of the Word of God. Christ died to set me free from guilt and shame! (Scripture: Romans 8:1).
Instrument (expression) of worship and praise. Negative: performance, grand-standing, vain-glory.
Gum Problems
Inability to back up decisions. Indecisive about life.
Words; (defensive) weapon; accusation; threatening words.
Train - to experience vigorous training and control, with the implication of increased physical and/or moral strength - 'to train, to undergo discipline.' To exercise, to train the body or mind to discern good and evil. During competition and training, athletes were usually naked and covered with olive oil to keep off the dust. They trained in the gymnasium or covered colonnade – often coached by past victors. Exercise – training – alludes to the rigid self-control enforced by long training which the athlete must practice. This is the Apostolic calling of the Overcomers. The active use or application of the Word of God and prayer. (Scriptures: Hebrews 5:11-14, 12:11).