An interpretation and description companion to the Dream Dictionary book. Click on a letter for words and their interpretation.

Dream Dictionary

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N


Method or system; reliance on man; representative of the strength of man; man- made assistance; looking to the world; employing a method of greater efficiency and less effort. A person who acts in a rigid, mechanical, or unconscious manner.


Receiving a letter (communication; message); sending a letter (communication; message); receiving or sending the Word of God.


First used to distinguish the mainland from the offshore islands. It has been considered a compliment to Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I of England. She was said to have owned the province of Mayne in France. Known as: “The Pine Tree State”, “Vacationland”. Motto: "I lead", "I guide", or "I direct". Capitol: Augusta (“great, magnificent”).

Make Up

To apply cosmetics (beauty preparations – preparation of the Bride – transformation of character). Negative: Trying to cover-up character flaws; trying to make-up for some kind of deficiency; projection (give false impression); hypocrisy; superficial or spiritually shallow. (Scripture: Esther 2:9,12).


Out of balance with nature and with life.


Country palaces


God’s miraculous provision; something coming directly from God; glory of God; bread of life.


Mature Christian; heavenly/spiritual home; your current spiritual dwelling; church; the household of faith / Christ / God.


Seeking direction from the Lord; guidance from the Holy Spirit; to plan, detail or arrange.

•"Put on the map" - To make well-known, prominent, or famous.
•"Wipe off the map" - to destroy completely; annihilate.


[To gleam] A metamorphic (metamorphosis, transformation, glorification) rock consisting primarily of calcite and dolomite. Marble is formed by the action of heat (fire) and pressure (tribulation) on limestone (Adamic nature). This represents transformation of character and nature through trials and tribulation – the fire of God. Although it is usually white (righteousness) to gray in color, it often has irregularly colored marks due to impurities (character flaws – mixture of living in your flesh and in the Spirit – not consistent in Spirit). It takes a high polish and is used for building and sculpture. Marble foundation, can represent living on a stable, firm foundation – the Rock Jesus Christ. Negative: cold, hard, or unresponsive.


Mars' month; March was the original beginning of the year, and the time for the resumption of war. Mars is the Roman god of war.


Impression; character; identification; ownership.

Market Place
(See Grocery Store)

Corporate or commercial world; commercial church (profiteering); the world (outside of Christ); Babylon; trading; gathering place; public place; to buy household supplies (Willing to pay the price (spend the time) to studying the Word of God to provide for God’s household - family).


Union or joined; partnership; soul tie; two being made one; Christ & His Church; becoming a Bride, coming into union with Christ, the Bridegroom; covenant relationship.


Without substance (not solid); sweet and pleasurable; men pleasing messages.


In honor of Henrietta Maria (queen of Charles I of England). Known as: “Old Line State”, “Free State”, “Little America”, “America in Miniature”. Motto: “Manly deeds, Womanly Words”. The Latin text encircling the seal: Scuto bonæ voluntatis tuæ coronasti nos (With favor Wilt Thou Compass Us as with a Shield) Psalms 5:12. Capitol: Annapolis. 


Symbol of an organization or team; sign; identity. Negative: Mascot came into English as a borrowing of the French word mascotte, meaning "mascot, charm. From the Provençal word mascoto, "piece of witchcraft, charm, amulet," a diminutive of masco, "witch." A mascot was believed to bring “good luck”. [talisman, sorceress].


From Massachusetts tribe of Native Americans, meaning “at or about the great hill” Known as: “The Bay State”. Motto: “By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty”. Capitol: Boston.


Maia's month; Maia (meaning "the great one") is the Italic goddess of spring, the daughter of Faunus, and wife of Vulcan.


Assimilating the Word; feeding on Christ; fellowship, communion; intimate sharing; provision; favor; healing; covenant. (Scripture: Revelation 3:20).


Setting a standard (the standard of God’s Word and His character (standard of righteousness and holiness), to live holy and mature lives in Christ); precision; judgment; reciprocity (as you measure out it will be measured back to you). An evaluation or a basis of comparison (we must compare our lives to Christ’s life – He is the measure or standard that we must live by that we might come unto maturity – the full measure of the stature of Christ (Ephesians 4:13)).

• Precise measurement: Rightly dividing the Word of God (diligent study).
• Same measurement: Balance; harmony; dividing.
• Different measures: Moral dishonesty.
• Immeasurable: God; God’s love; the Holy spirit; multitudes; multiplication; heaven; blessing; miracles; abundant/ce/ly; eternity.
• Increasing and diminishing measure: increasing – blessing; decreasing – judgment.
• Measuring self against others: comparing; jealousy; competitive.


The Word of God – deeper truths of God. (Scriptures: Matthew 24:45, John 6:27, 53-58, 1 Corinthians 3:2, Hebrews 5:12, 14).

Different types of meat:
• Chicken – Cooked or baked means love.
• Beef – Solid food, deeper truths for mature believers.
• Fish – can have different meanings depending on what type of fish it is.
• Hamburger meat – processed meat.
• Lamb – we are to eat the whole Passover Lamb. Jesus Christ is the Lamb that was slain on Passover.
• Pork – unclean, doctrines of men and demons.
• Prime rib, filet mignon, etc. – expensive, prime cuts of meat (i.e., you are spending more of your time to prepare and eat the best part of the Word of God.).
• Roasts – represent when you may have to meditate on the Word of God and let it be developed (cooked longer) in you.
• Shell Fish – (etc. lobster, shrimp, clams, etc.) bottom feeders, can mean you are eating (assimilating, taking in) the things of the world (bottom feeding).


Something meant for the spiritually mature; depth in God’s word.

(See Machine)

God; Holy Spirit; Jesus Christ; a person who repairs machinery (Repairs and prepares God’s people for ministry); a worker skilled in the use of tools and equipment; Apostolic ministry. Negative: Performed or performing in an impersonal or machinelike manner; automatic; lacking spontaneity (free flow of the Holy Spirit); manual labor – dead works, works of the flesh and not the Spirit.


Healing; the blood of Jesus Christ; the Word of God; Holy Spirit, joy; anointing oil; balm of Gilead; leaves from the Tree of Life (Jesus Christ). Negative: Witchcraft (pharmakeia (NT:5331) from where we get the word pharmaceutical - medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. magic, sorcery, witchcraft. From NT:5332 pharmakeus, NT:5332(a drug, i.e., spell-giving potion); a druggist ("pharmacist") or poisoner, i.e. (by extension) a magician). (Scripture: Galatians 5:20 KJV).


To amplify the voice; to intensify and direct the voice; make widely known.

Menopause Problems

Fear of no longer being wanted. Fear of aging. Self-rejection. Not feeling good enough.

Menstrual Problems

Rejection of one’s femininity. Guilt, fear. Belief that the genitals are sinful or dirty.

Mentally Disabled Person

Living in the thoughts of the Carnal mind.

Merkabah (Chariot)

Chariot in Hebrew is Merkabah which means, Union of spirit and body surrounded by light. Mer means light; Ka means spirit; Ba means body. Means, the spirit and body consumed in the light; the construction (pattern, model, resemblance, likeness) of the chariot, that is, the gold cherubim which means, a place to ride, a seat; living chariot of the theophany of God, chariot of Jehovah, four living beings that spread out their wings, (like the voice of God when He speaks) Ezekiel 10:5, chariot of fire. (Scriptures: Psalm 77:17-18, 104:2-5, 2 Kings 2:11, 1 Chronicles 28:18-19).


Out of order spiritually and or physically.

(See type of metal)

Describe the various stages of degeneration of a people from gold (1 Corinthians 3:12) to lower quality base metals - brass, tin, iron, and lead (Ezekiel22:18-22).

(See Butterfly)

To be changed or transformed. Losing one’s original nature. Change completely the nature or appearance. Change in outward structure or looks. (Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:51-52).


They gnaw – things that gnaw at us. Something small that brings destruction; devourer, curse, plague, timid – cowardly, fearful (lacks faith).


From Indian word “Michigana” meaning “great or large lake”. Known as: “"The Great Lake(s) State", "The Wolverine State", "The Mitten State", "Water (Winter) Wonderland" Motto: "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you". Capitol: Lansing.


Amplifying the message; speaking platform; device for converting sound waves into electrical energy; influence; ministry; authority. Negative: amplifying your voice; wanting to be heard.


An optical instrument having a magnifying lens or a combination of lenses for inspecting objects too small to be seen distinctly by the unaided eye. Searching out the hidden mysteries and truths of God in His Word and by His Spirit. Negative: making something bigger than what it is; scrutinizing (This can be positive or negative - to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail). (Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:9-10).

Microwave Oven

To prepare food by application of heat; preparation of the Word of God. Negative: Convenience – making it convenience for you (Suited or favorable to one's comfort, purpose, or needs, rather than being a living sacrifice and denying yourself for God and others.) Impatience; quick work; convenient; sudden.


Time of transition from one realm to another; deliverance; the beginning of a new era. Negative: the darkest hour.

Migraine Headaches

Dislike of being driven. Resisting the flow of life. Sexual fears.


God’s Word for young believers; foundational Bible teaching; immature Christian; good nourishment; elementary teaching.


To chop or cut into pieces, to grind, hash. As in mincing words, to soften or moderate, especially for the sake of convention, courtesy or politeness, tone down, weaken, soften.


From a Dakota Indian word meaning “sky-tinted water”, Known as: “Land of 10,000 Lakes”, “North Star State”; “The Gopher State”; “Agate State”; “State of Hockey”. Motto: “The Star of the North”. Capital: St. Paul.


Seeing into the Word of God; reflection – what image are you reflecting; in-part realm (“seeing in a mirror dimly”); a person’s heart. Can be either positive or negative: seeing what identity you are manifesting, either in the flesh or the Spirit. Negative: vanity; focused on self; deception as in “smoke and mirrors.” (Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 13:12, 2 Corinthians 3:18, James 1:23).


Lost promise; aborting the promise of God; promise robbed; death of a new ministry; judgment; curse; injustice as in “a miscarriage of justice”; lacking spiritual strength. Fear of the future. Inappropriate timing.


Weapon that is fired, thrown, dropped, or otherwise projected at a target; a projectile; words; sermon; attack; judgment.

Missing the Bus

Missing opportunity; late, not on time, due to being unprepared, lax (negligent), or distracted, etc.; failing to meet requirements.


From an Indian word meaning “Father of Waters”, “Great River”. Known as: "The Magnolia State", "The Hospitality State". Capitol: Jackson. Motto: “By Valor and Arms”. Seal: says, “In God We Trust”.


Named after the Missouri Indian tribe. “Missouri” means “town of the large canoes.” Known as: “Show Me State”, “Cave State”, and “Mother of the West”. Motto: “Let the good of the people be the supreme law”. Capital: Jefferson City.

Mold (form)

Measure, pattern, shape or form, by which something else is shaped or formed; distinctive nature, character or type; to guide or determine the growth or development of; influence; to work into a required shape or form, as being shaped and formed into the image of Christ or the world (see world). (Scriptures: Romans 8:29, 12:2).

Mold (Fungi)

Associated with decay (corruption of the flesh and not Spirit); mildew (toxic thoughts of the carnal mind); spoilage. (Scriptures: Galatians 6:8, 2 Peter 1:2-4, 2:19-20, Ephesians 4:22-23).


Spiritual blindness.


Diana (Artemis) (helper) as the moon; goddess of countryside, hunters, crossroads; childbirth.


A medium that can be exchanged for goods and services; one’s salary, pay; deposits of the glory of God (gold coins – Divine nature of God); provision; making a sacrifice or offering; spiritual investment. Gain or loss of favor; power; wealth; spiritual riches; authority. Negative: Root of evil; trading in church (merchandizing); Greed; covetous, greed; deceitfulness; possible betrayal; worldly power; bribe; idol; strength of man. (Scriptures: 1 Timothy 6:10, John 2:14-16, Proverbs 1:19, 15:27, Acts 24:25-26, Matthew 6:24, 13:22, Mark 14:11, Psalm 26:10, Titus 1:11).

• "Put (one's) money where (one's) mouth is" - To live up to one's words; act according to one's own advice.
• "On the money" - Exact; precise.
• "In the money" - Rich; affluent.


Foolishness; clinging; mischief; dishonesty; addiction and persistent, recurring burdensome problem (monkey on one’s back); mocking; Making you look like a fool; not serious (as in monkeying around).


Anger at not receiving love and appreciation. No longer caring for the self.


From the Spanish word meaning “mountain.” Known as: “Big Sky Country”, “The Treasure State”, "Land of the Shining Mountains”, "The Last Best Place". Motto: “Gold and Silver”. Capital: Helena (“bright, shining light”).


Something erected as a memorial; Reminder, remembrance; An outstanding enduring achievement; An exceptional example; An object, such as a post or stone, fixed in the ground so as to mark a boundary or position. Negative: An inscribed marker placed at a grave; a tombstone (demoniac who lived among the tombs (burial place, to recollect, remembrance – consciousness of sins and past guilt and shame – symbolic of living in tormenting or condemning thoughts of our past, rather than living in the victory of the cross of Jesus Christ.). (Scripture: Mark 5:3).


Soul; a light reflector; symbol of judgment and darkness without God, lifeless.


Little irritation that steals spiritual life; little things that annoys you; spiritual parasite; unseen attack that saps the life out of you (or poisons you); tormenting spirit; they suck and live on blood (life – soulish emotions, desires, thoughts), can represent our living in the soulish realm, apart from the Spirit and the Word, that drains our spiritual life in Christ. When they swarm in the air, can mean airing or complaining about the things that bug or annoy you.


symbol of destruction; deception (as a moth drawn to the flame); corruption; decay; rotten; fleeting and brief existence (transient life – carnal life); building earthly treasures.


The Holy Spirit; the Church; natural mother; spiritual mother; Heavenly Jerusalem; nurturer, nourishment; maternal love and tenderness, tender love and care; producing offspring or ministry. symbolic of the church; Holy Spirit and God. Negative: familiar spirit of character traits. (Scripture: Ephesians 5:25, 31-32).


Legalism; legalistic church; living in legalism (bondage); illegitimate church.

Motion Sickness

Fear. Bondage. Feeling of being trapped.


Power; Holy Spirit. A device that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy, especially an internal-combustion engine that converts electric current into mechanical power. Causing, producing or imparting motion. Negative: Man-made power.

Motor Cycle

Powerful and responsive individual ministry. Negative: Independent ministry – not a part of corporate ministry – one-man show – the anointing is in the cluster (corporate ministry); vehicle leaves you exposed to the elements and danger.

Motor Scooter

Individual ministry; young ministry.


Spiritual high place; spiritual realm of the presence of God; meeting with God in the high places; refuge/hiding place; place of prayer and intimacy; place of worship; place of transformation; separation; Apostolic calling (walking up mountain with Jesus) Seeing God’s Glory (top of the mountain); overcoming the obstacle; kingdoms (good or bad). Negative: Pride and arrogance; obstacle; doubt; unbelief; stronghold.

Mountain Lion

Satan, enemy; predator seeking to destroy.


“Edge” as in “the edge of a sword,” Instrument/weapon; implement of speech; expression; heart; Word of faith; confession; silenced or mute (no mouth); life and death are spoken out of the mouth. Heart (out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks); word of faith; confession; weapon (positive or negative); voice or speech; communication. (Scripture: Matthew 12:34). Represents taking in of new ideas and nourishment. Set opinions. Closed mind. Incapacity to take in new ideas.


Images (imaginations); your life; The title or plot of a movie may reflect a past, present or future episode in your life or in the life of another; entertainment.

Movie Camera

Capturing the action; documenting the past; making history; ambition.


A bright arrival


Stuck; backsliding (going back to the world); humanity (living in the thoughts, desires, feelings of the carnal mind of death); without solid footing (no foundation in Christ); accusation (throwing mud at someone); Slanderous or defamatory charges or comments.

• "Drag someone's name in the mud" - to disgrace or defame someone.

Mulberry Tree

Symbol of a broken heart.


Glorious or clothed in glory; Multi-faceted; Coat of Many Colors (Rainbow, Seven Spirits of God, Is. 11:1-2). Negative: Having chameleon (see, chameleon under Animal category) like tendencies.

Multiple Sclerosis

Mental hardness, hard-heartedness, iron will, inflexibility.


Hatred; root of offense; anger, resentment and bitterness.

Muscle Building

Praying in the Holy Spirit; strengthening; growing in the Spirit. Negative: muscling in; flexing muscle (showing off your flesh or your strength in the natural), ambitious.


Resistance to new experiences. Muscles represent our ability to move in life.

Muscular Dystrophy

“It’s not worth growing up.”


Old; history; dead church; a church honoring tradition and worshipping its history.


Expression of worship; praise; celebration; victory; joy; creates an atmosphere for the prophetic, for healing, deliverance, miracles, etc. Used in warfare. Negative: worldly music and ambition; seductive.

Myrtle Tree

Symbol of God's blessing, purification, bride, truth, anointing, fruitful and oil.


Revealed and is made known in a manner and at a time appointed by God to those only who are illuminated by Spirit. How to be illuminated by Spirit you must position yourself to hear and see. (We must sit and hear in heavenly realm). (Scriptures: Mark 4:11, Luke 18:34, Romans 11:25, 16:25, 1 Corinthians 2:1, Ephesians 1:9, 3:3-9, 5:32, 6:19, Colossians 1:26, 4:3, 1 Thessalonians 2:7, Revelation 10:7, 17:5, 7).